🍃LeafJelly's Code Rules 🍮

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago (Edited 7 months, 1 day ago) by LeafJelly

I'm Leaf (they/them). I'm an artist and I make codes for fun. If you like my codes please consider tipping
Please respect the work that goes into making my codes for free. They take as much time and creativity as my own art does.

Usage Rules

  1. DO NOT remove my code credits.
  2. DO NOT redistribute purchased codes to anyone, not even privately. Each pay to use code/code bundle is intended for one user. Redistrubuting purchased codes underminds the time and work I put into making the code.
  3. Turn off WYSIWYG before using my HTML codes and while editing! If you don't, it'll get messed up. You can find this in your display settings.
  4. You can modify and frankestein my codes with credit to all the source codes, and only if the other coders allow it.
  5. You may not redistribute frankesteined codes under your own name, claiming it as your own work. Privately sharing frakensteined codes with a small group of friends is okay.
  6. You're allowed to heavily modify my codes, as long as credit to me stays on the page.
  7. All of my free and publically avaliable codes are only for personal use. My codes may not be used for profit or commerical usage.
    1. This includes using any of my codes as a business that accepts any real currencies in exchange for items.
    2. If you'd like to use one of my codes for commerial use/a buisness/a closed species, please contact me direct to discuss the details. My codes are made using my own time, making a profit off of my codes by using it for buisness takes advantage of my work.
  8. My codes may not be used off their intended platforms without permission. Codes made for Toyhouse may only be used on Toyhouse unless you were giving permisssion. .
    1. Codes made on a specific closed species' website may only be used on the website for that closed species'

General Info

Not required, but I would love it if you did these:

  1. Favorite my code if you're using it.
  2. Comment where you're using it if you want to show me! I'd love to see how people use my codes.
  3. Feel free to ask for help on this bulletin regarding my codes. I may not always be able to help though.
  4. Let me know if something is broken so I can fix it!
    1. Less people than you think let me know. I often find out a code is totally broken months after releasing it!
  5. Feel free to comment if you want to suggest a theme for me to code to.
  6. All of my codes are mobile friendly.
 Lil skrunkly ChanteRyuutai

Using Simple Sky on the profile of this lil fella! Very nice codes! Thank you for your work!!!


Hello! I have a question! Can these codes be used outside of Toyhouse? Artfight in this case. Do they work? Do you allow it? Thank you in advance! Amazing work!


MacitheMaci Hi!! These can be used outside of toyhouse with credit, but these wouldn't work on artfight because their website profiles don't use html! 


updated the layout to be way less crappier and fixed the rules so they're up to date now


Okay okay... I first came to your profile for the Simple Sky code. I was going to use it for one of my Pokémon OC's and I also edited a version for my friend. (Not finished yet, when I do finish if u want I can show u)

I went to see your other codes...


My jaw is on the floor with the way you use icons to decorate the pages...

Especially the Patch collector is so hecking complex!!!! shame I dont have any oc that fits the aesthetic bc I think I would like the challenge to edit all those colors


WhiteMask Omg tysm that means a lot to me!! Those are my first two earliest codes i ever made :O!!


hello!!!can I use one of your codes on neocities?im working on a big user profile and plan on adding it to my neocities! also sorry for bothering you again I just love your codes😭


rainbowflours Sure! Just be sure to credit me with a link somewhere on your profile ^^


LeafJelly tysm!


Haiii!!!! I would absolutely LOOOVEEEE a profile/user code similar to free galactic and/or free compact space !!!! Theyre supper cute!! /nf all ur codes r so freakin cool btw !!


BARKZIM :D I'll definitely make some kinda space user code! I love making space theme stuff