Free character profiles!

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 6 months ago) by GalaxieAuLait

I decided to make some HTML character profiles, and initially they started out as just things to keep me busy and things for me and my friends to use, but I thought maybe it would be nice to put them out for other people to use, so here I am! They're all compatible with WYSIWYG, by copying the code and pasting it in the interface provided by the source code button. And since they're HTML, you can use them regardless of your status as premium/regular user.

HTML 1 - Files


This one is a pretty simple code as it was the first one I made and I was simply testing my boundaries with certain bits of code. It has some of the same basic features as the next two, and can be styled somewhat similarly, despite the fact that the next two are a bit more complex graphics-wise.

You can find it here!

HTML 2 - 5 Years Of Salt


This code has a few more areas in the personality and 'basic info' areas! There's also a spot for a quote, a small aesthetic picture, and a picture of the character that's higher up than the other. I think this one is a bit smoother as well. You can change the color by changing the hex codes in the source code!

You can get the code here!

HTML 3 - I Want To Believe


My one of my best codes by far, I find it both the most aesthetically pleasing plus it has the most information areas! It has pretty much everything that 5 Years Of Salt does, in a smoother format, plus a bit more. You can change the backgrounds of the boxes by changing the URL of the images used in the source code!

You can get the code here!

HTML 4 - Harp Sound


This one, in my opinion, seems like sort of a hybrid of the first three, plus a spot for tropes (which can be found here) and quite a few more images than before (excluding the 9-box aesthetic in I Want To Believe) and is more personality-based than the others. It's also a bit cleaner in appearance in my opinion, everything is balanced better. Plus the sample quote is a pun. You can't beat that.

You can get the code here!

[NEW] HTML 5 - Pier


This is a code I worked on in my spare time during school, I'm really proud of this one! It has a bit of everything from all the prior codes except for the trading/worth info, but I think the gradient makes up for it. It's by far my best work at the moment in my opinion! It has space for some art and aesthetic images, and both social and physical stats and skills! There's also a spot for affiliations with organizations or countries your oc might have alongside the relationship table. 

You can get the code here!

[NEW] HTML 6 - A Noble Cause


I was a bit stuck on this one, I felt like I should add more but oh well. I hope you guys enjoy this one just as much as the others!

You can get the code here!

You don't have to tell me if you're gonna use these, but I'd like to see what you do with the codes if you use them.

- Works In Progress - 

A small section for the codes I'm in the middle of creating, usually should be up after a day or two! It's a nice way to check up on my work if you're that interested in seeing it.

HTML 7 - Two Sisters - A code themed after polarity/duality. I'm not sure about how I'm gonna go about it exactly.

HTML 8 - Cacti - Not sure what I'm doing with this one, honestly, I had no goal in mind. I'm just throwing things at the wall and seeing what works.


oh this? this is beautiful. but real talk, i'm gonna be using these for my sonas and possibly every other character, thank you so much!


im currently using the pier code but im having some trouble editing it, im trying to remove the extra test parts but when i try to remove it the box seems to break??

idk how to rlly explain but i do have screenshots of what im meaning, idk if they will help on what im meaning


@demoneyes how did you go about removing the rows? The only reason I can think of is if you went into the code and removed the </table> tag at the end of the table, though I've tested it and the remove row function in the WYSIWYG editor works fine to me, though if it still doesn't work, you could complete the profile, pm it to me, and I could see if I could fix it.


@GalaxyFlowers i just fixed it somehow, but before i was only removing these parts,

 so idk if removing just those had any affect to it


@demoneyes that's a bit weird, but I'm glad you were able to resolve the problem. I'll try and figure out how exactly that happened in case someone has the same problem, thank you for informing me of the problem!


These are absolutely amazing! Also, I love the humor you include in some of them!  

Definitely using!


Hello there ! I was wondering if i could get a code similar to this :


@karamachu of course! Do you have anything specific you'd like to be on it?


Not really! I just really love the layout, though, is it possible for the buttons to be a different color ? Like golds, whites, cremes , pastel pink?


@karamachu of course! I'll see what I can do for you, I hope you like the finished product when it's done! It shouldn't take too long, since it's late where I am you could probably expect a nice, custom code tomorrow or Monday.


Thank you so much, there’s no rush, take all the time you need T v T 


Yo! I'm working on using Harp Sound for my OC Landrael, I'll edit this with a link when I finish ^^

DONE! Thanks so much for making this, it was a lot of fun to fill out ^^