Gathering Materials for your Golems

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Edited 8 years, 16 days ago) by Miyodah

Since the gacha is just a process for us to gather materials and not exactly a "realistic" way for the Meister to gather materials in the GMA world I thought that it'll be interesting to make stories/adventures of how the meister obtained the materials for their golems. And maybe for others to help out each other. Especially material trading. 

So I wrote how my Meister gathered his materials for his Golems and was wondering if this would be a great way for us to create a story and give background to the process. Ex: How hard you/your meister worked, their feelings and passion during the process, or them experimenting. 
Third person or listing the process, etc. However you want to narrate should be fine.
It's not required but I thought this would be a interesting prompt. 
I'm interested in reading your stories ! 

Kame Miyodah

It's a work in progress for me cause I'm not used to character building so it takes me a lot of time to write a paragraph and I'm not motivated enough so if I have this here it might motivate me to write for my golems more. 

Collecting Gwen’s Ingredients

On one of Kame’s expedition, he stumbled upon a lush forest of pine trees bleeding rich golden liquid. Kame began collecting them into his vials thinking it was honey. As Kame was collecting the “honey” he noticed below, flowers glistening. They had droplets of amber on their petals that gleamed. “They’d make a nice light,” Kame thought to himself, so he began to pick at them and place it into his sack. Kame collected as much as he could until he felt a chill in the air signalling the sun’s departure. “I have to hurry on back now.” He got up and started his departure.

On his way, a friendly woodsman gave Kame some wood (oakwood & poplar) to burn on the road if it got dark and scary. Slowly, it approached sunset and Kame still had a ways to go till he can meet his bed.

Instead of heading home he went to the academy and settled at a bar. As he was digging into his bag, someone beside him noticed the amber in his vials...

AND WIP. My mind stopped thinking. 

Then here is a different way to organize my thoughts for Nuriel.


Azurite 2

Candle 3

Flight Crystal 2

Frost Vessel 1

Holly 2

Ice Shards 2

Northern Cross 2

Poinsettia 1

Snowdrop 1

Wool 3


  • Azurite: Wanting a beautiful tone of blue
  • Candle: For prayers
  • Flight Crystals: Kame dreaming that his first golem to fly to take him high into the sky.
  • Frost Vessel : A vessel
  • Holly: Holiday Spirit.
  • Ice Shards: Looking at the shards wanting to have sharp powerful features.
  • Northern Cross: sky relation
  • Poinsettia: Holiday Spirit.
  • Snowdrop: Rare plant to heighten stats
  • Wool: To hope vessel is warm inside at least


Nuriel was Kame’s first golem, Kame had high hopes of making his first golem the greatest!  Although it resulted in a tiner Golem than expected, at least it didn't result into a failure. Kame just started out so his energy levels are still unstable but thankfully Kame’s passion and dreams for a friend and a striking companion helped.

Kame knocked out once it was finished and Little new born Nuriel Bursted out. He was excited to meet his new meister but saw a feverish body and placed his body onto of Kame to cool him down.


THIS IS AN AMAZING THREAD and I am extremely interested in reading more stories too!

He was excited to meet his new meister but saw a feverish body and placed his body onto of Kame to cool him down.

omg is nuriel a floating ice pack

Citron Miyodah

Also yea Nuriel's body is very cold. It helps him survive in the coldest mountains he can sleep on top of everest if he wanted to. He feels nothing but Kame still worries to clothe the boy. And here is an update for my newly crafted Golem ! \o/ yay!

*~Creation of Citron~*

Lately maintaining the 2 golems takes a toll on Kame . So Kame decided to invest the new high tech Trons. An Animatron vessel, a death blow to his savings, was the first thing he got to make sure he was going to make it.

For several days he started to research information on what metals would be best suited for his ideal Tron and the basic metals (brass, iron, chromium, lodestone) since you can't build a Tron without metal!
He gathered platinum to strengthen his Tron, flamewood oils to grease that baby up and of course gears, without gears how would a Tron move?!  

And as he presented the items to the workshop they looked over the items and laughed. Kame was confused and worried, what did he miss?
And of course he missed it's core, the energy source that is the silicolyte which processes the solar rays keeping Citron feeling fresh as he works in the hot sun.
And thanks goodness he added Amber, leftovers from creating Gwen, into the batch since he heard Amber helps absorb the sun and it glows beautifully.

He controlled its durability but he couldn't control the Tron's personality, and so once again Kame got another hyper active Golem to his dismay.
At least this one can help him support him in his funds and heavylifting. 


oh man THIS IS A CUTE IDEA I want in on this!! I just wrote lil snippets... Palmer's gathering and trading never entirely works out, ah ha ha ha.


-> Asuen
"I'd be better off giving up," Palmer moaned, face-down on the bar counter. The barkeep was used to this sight. He continued polishing his glass as the Meister (he was a Meister, wasn't he? apparently, so he had heard) made other pitiful noises, grinding his forehead into the material of the counter. "Who knew it'd be feathers? If I knew it'd be feathers I couldn't get... I'd... I'd..."

"I think you've had enough to drink for tonight, Alcion," said the barkeep with a touch of sympathy (along with the exasperation, tears were going to ruin the varnish). "You should head back soon."

"Yeah," Palmer wibbled, pitifully, into the bar counter. Ahh. He really had too much. Now he was starting to get weepy. Still, he gamely lifted his face and rubbed tired-looking eyes and guzzled down the glass of water that the barkeep put out for him. Slightly sobered up, he shook his head a bit and rose unsteadily from his stool. "Thanks for the drinks. See you again." He placed his money on the counter and headed out.

The streets were quiet this time of night and the cool breeze served to wake Palmer up more. He shivered and pulled his collar closer to his throat, squinting against the dark and wondering if he ought to get glasses. With these kinds of thoughts in his head, he saw them. A person. In the bag at their side, he saw materials. He saw the glint of-- of--

"YOU THERE," he roared and pushed himself forward at a mad sprint. The person looked up with shock (a fellow Meister, yes) as Palmer skidded to a stop in front of them, chest heaving. "Those-- feathers-- Allow me to give you something for them! I need them!"

After he'd calmed down and after he'd convinced the other not to call the authorities or a golem, he had his feathers in hand.


-> Lewin
"Master, we're going to be caught."

That was Asuen's voice, over his head. Currently, Palmer could only describe their situation as "bad". They were crammed into the cargo hold of one of the ships heading out from the dock. Palmer huffed quietly, shouldering back against his tall golem. He got a soft, reserved "oof" for his trouble, and then he folded his arms over his chest.

"We'll not be caught, if you keep quiet. This is the only way," Palmer muttered back to him. Overhead, there were the sounds of people stomping about on deck. Certainly, Palmer could have contacted the school or perhaps a proper source, but he'd been too late by the time he heard where this ship was heading. That only left one course of action: stowing away.

"I'm not certain this was entirely necessary," Asuen said, exhaling.

"It was entirely necessary! You think I didn't comb that whole city lookin' for the stuff I need? 'Course I did," Palmer grumbled and dug in his pocket. He pulled out a sheet of what looked like scribbles but were, apparently, Palmer's drawings of the materials that he needed for the next golem he was trying to create. "But no-one, and I mean no-one, has these things back there. And feathers! Feathers, again!"

Apparently, he had gone through some kind of trauma. Asuen fluttered his wings self-consciously. "Palmer, your voice is loud," he sighed.

"Ah, right. Right, sorry. I got this."

About twenty minutes later, the ship's crew caught them and, for the rest of the voyage, they had to do every little cleaning task on board the ship. But hey. Palmer got his supplies.

-> Drummer Boy (the current state of affairs)
"What the hell is this supposed to be, old man?" Lewin squinted at the piece of paper he was currently gripping in one of his hands. "Er." He looked back down at his feet. He'd collected several items during their stop-over, however... try as he may, he wasn't sure if they were on Palmer's "shopping list".

He'd been slipping out early in the morning, because there was a ship leaving and he was damned if it was going to leave without him. However, to his shock, Palmer was out of bed and shoving something into his hand. "Take this," he had said, "I need these materials. See if you can find 'em where you're headed. I've been having a damn hard time finding 'em here."

Apparently, not even other Meisters had spares they were willing to trade.


How was he supposed to read these nondescript symbols?! Lewin stared down at the paper again, tried turning it clockwise, then clockwise again, until he'd made a full 180° with it and it still made no more sense than before. Palmer had written what he was looking for on the sheet as well, sure, but Lewin was admittedly not wholly familiar with these materials. If it were Asuen, then...

The thought brought on a surge of irritation and Lewin huffed, sweeping the materials before him into a bag. Hmpf. These would be good enough!


"...No matter how you look at it, these ain't the materials I had on the list."

So said Palmer, when Lewin got back with his bounty. Pah! His Meister was so ungrateful!


-> an aside: Deji Woods Excursion 

Palmer had a habit for rushing into danger. It couldn't be helped. Things were starting to wear on him with months of work. So he headed straight into the forest without forethought, and with a worried Asuen shadowing him. When the spider showed up, well, that was just fantastic.

Thank goodness for Asuen, who crushed it. He'd rose into the air at an alarming speed, then came crashing down onto the spider with his full weight, his wings tucked tightly against his body. Palmer didn't even know spider monsters could make those sounds, especially when they were being crushed. Huh. You learn something every single day, huh?

After a few minutes of Asuen telling him, in a soft but fervent voice to be careful from now on, please they headed on with spider silk in hand. And they came to the nest. Where Palmer promptly about-faced (grabbing some more spider silk because he was not coming out of this with nothing) and headed right back the other way, because forget that.

God. He hated spiders.