Other Cities and Territories

Posted 4 years, 5 months ago (Edited 3 years, 7 months ago) by VioletVulpini

A thread to detail and keep track of various, unaligned territories in Dind.



The most well-known huldra village in Dind (not that any of them are very well-known, at all.) A carefree, close-knit community that are open to travelers but will judge the character of those who venture in. Those that are respectful are treated with warmth and kindness, and those that are not, well. They may find misfortune. Children of Huldervik are raised by the whole community together, and are not made aware of which are their biological parents. They are also known for not dressing modestly, which leads to some believing Huldrevik (and indeed, some would say all Huldra) are animalistic, or lesser people. Also, swimming and watersports is a big part of huldra culture, as they are settled on the edge of a lake and around a mini cove. The formation of the cove itself has puzzled travellers, as there is no significant rock face around it for it to have formed that way. The residents of Huldrevik claim there once was an asteroid there, but according to stories passed down, it disappeared inexplicably one night.


Hero Stay Place: 

A growing, very very new town settled in no-man's land. They are governed by their founders, who refer to themselves as LSA (Local Society Association.) To be approved to settle in HSP, the LSA must be convinced that an individual befits the title of "hero," as their mission in founding the town was to give travelling heroes a safe home to return to and store their things. Some citizens are permanent and remain in HSP to protect the territory, but the majority will frequently leave on long journeys and only pop in every once in a while to recharge. Chaos reigns far more than one may expect, if one were not familiar with the personalities of the founders. The burgeoning culture of the village is a melting pot of many different countries, which can be easily observed by their architecture. 



A very obscure cult-village hidden on the edge of the continent. The village could possibly be traced way back to the Zillos cult in Heptas, despite the population of Oni village having a significant human or human-mix presence. Supposedly a sect broke off when one of the members claimed to be possessed by the soul of the dragon god, using strange horn-like growths on their head as evidence. The would-be cult moved to a secluded part of a massive forest and resolved to cut themselves off from the world, but the self-proclaimed vessel of god died soon after their new village was established. Left without guidance, the bereft people decided that it would be wrong to put a new leader in place, so they decided that all decisions would be made as a community. They began depicting the dragon god in human form, with horns and large features and strange colors, and decorated their bodies in a similar fashion to honor it. Their culture is deeply rooted in expression through movement of the body. They divide work into classes, warriors, artists, guardians, and elders. 

-Warriors: These are the guys that wear the masks. They act as guards around the village and often hunters. Most importantly, they're the ones that go outside the forest when need be. Not that anyone's left it in the last couple generations. The masks become the Warrior's identity, and as such they are expected to wear them whenever in the presence of another. The masks are, for all intents and purposes, their faces.
-Artists: These are the people who work with their hands to create things like masks, weapons, and shoes. They are seen in somewhat the same light as priests would be in more religious societies, and they often act as referee during fights. Their hands tend to be ridiculously calloused.
-Guardians: Some adults chose to focus on raising and training the younger generation. They may be seen as being on the lower end of the social hierarchy.
-Elders: Those who are too old to move as precisely and don't end up as Guardians are able to rest and spend the rest of their days doing the simpler chores like washing equipment or preparing food. Though, most will stubbornly continue their strenuous job or leave to the outside world to spend their precious few years exploring. These are not an idle people.

-It's rude to dance around topics or lie to try protect someone's feelings. It communicates that you think they aren't strong enough to handle it, that they're weak. Truth and openness is valued greatly in their culture.
-Children are raised by the whole village, and don't know who their birth parents are-- much like in Huldervik. The adults are expected to treat all the younger members as their own children and the children are thus allowed relative freedom in the village-- so long as an adult is present, they're under parent supervision, basically.
-COMBAT. The culture is built heavily around the art of combat. The body is a manifestation of the soul, and how one moves belies who they truly are underneath. During conflicts, opposing parties will often fight (after a lengthy discussion that has not resulted in an understanding.) By going all out against one another, each party is meant to see the other for who they really are, and understand one another on a deeper level. These fights are to the death, but rarely result in a death, as usually one or both parties will come to a conclusion and surrender. Fights are also part of celebrations, though usually these are done with wooden or non-lethal weapons. Fighting without reason is seen as irreverent.
-Just as the body, weapons are also seen as a manifestation of the soul. One's body should be drawn to a certain type, work best with it, and it is an extension of self. Once one has found their weapon, they are expected to train with that weapon exclusively. When one passes away they are buried with their weapon.
-People there tend to be on average 7'0"
-Community-centric. The needs of the whole outweigh the needs of the individual, and the individual has a duty to serve the greater good of the community. Likewise, the community ought to make decisions together. Though, as the village has remained cut off from the world for a very long time, most conflicts are internal.
-People tend to develop either very specific obsessions or very loud personalities, due to lack of stimuli. This does not seem to be something the people are very conscious of.
-Very good climbers. Can navigate cliff faces and trees with ease.
-Selfishness or disobedience are seen as the root of all sins.



Once a sect of anti-traditionalist elves that separated from Elf Country, the group known as Mafia is now considered an organized crime syndicate, functioning mainly as highwaymen who steal and plunder. Among No Man’s Land, they’re infamously dangerous. If you see someone with a Mafia tattoo, you leave. As Mafia’s roots are in anti-elf traditions, they used to actively befriend those from other countries, and they’re a very mixed population. Most members will have High Elf roots, but there have been members with roots from Humans, Kitsunes, Fauns, Orcs, and so on. They’re also a nomadic people, traveling the wilds from one end to the other. There are rumors that they’ve tamed a very strange and rare dragon, and this is how they travel, however accounts vary wildly. There is simultaneously an emphasis on loyalty, and a complete disinterest between members. They are family and strangers all at once. 


Important Historical Figures: 


-Inigo Lumin



