Show me your LGBT ocs!

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by  Daria charge

this has probably been done before but me..The Gays....................     

bonus: tell me a little about them outside of their LGBT identity!

I'll start: this is Daria!! she's bisexual and i'll probably make her trans (maybe nonbinary) too, tbh. She doesn't have a significant other, but she's not really looking. She works as a lifeguard and is part of my story, Punch Party. She's very cool and positive!

alexandra Jamz_CreativeCorner

I’m in the process of rewriting her story and info. Might as well start over😭. She’s bi and greyromatic. Planning on making her a teachers aid with a few jobs on the side. Even though she experience the lack of romance she is very sexual.
(non-electric-eel I never saw or heard of that identity, I thought it was just asexual and aromatic. Didn’t know it was a spectrum. Now I know😂)

(Sorry to whoever I accidentally ping)

 *[nn] Bidoofs

Juniper is a lesbian who has feelings for her best friend Chamomile. Unfortunately Chamomile disappeared before Juniper could confess to her, and everyone is pretty sure she's dead. Juniper refuses to believe this, however, and goes off in a journey to find her.

Isaac Seila PalewindGaming

This is Isaac. He's gay and has a boyfriend in one of my many D&D campaigns, my friend's drow, Ilos.


Here’s my fursona, he’s a trans man pre-t and pre-surgeries Willow he lives off the grid near some mountains in a cottage where he likes to live peacefully and practice his witchcraft, he‘s not the smartest but he is very loyal and enjoys the presence of others :))

Harper WolfenCaticus

Harper here is my pansexual cheetah bab! She has a girlfriend named Dragonfruit and is mildly obsessed with classic rock. I love her   


here's the one with the longest bio :'D 

Genderfluid, Asexual, Panromantic newt! They didn't find anyone yet but i think i might make him someone... he loves asian food and culture in general!

Rio Brook_your_ankles

Heres my boi! He'span and he is single now but he has an ex (that I need to create---) But he's a person with horse attributes and hes a hottie,,,,

Sorri I am not t good with talking about my ocs but He's really playful and loves having a fun time with his friends, he doesn't like to get serious but when he has to he is able to even though its his least favorite thing to do


Pretty much all my ocs are lgbt in some way because it's my toyhouse and I mAKE THE RULES. 

I wanna specifically throw Summer in here tho because they are one of my few characters that are nonbinary and I think they're neat!!   

Douglas Crawford evergreen

he's bisexual! 

 Trevor McGlorgkhaul Patchinko2Go

He is bi! And his boyfriend, Virgil, who doesn’t have a Toyhouse, is gay! They’re basically the “My last two brain cells” meme when they’re together, though Virgil is the more logical of the two. They both have some weird prophecy-related stuff going on, though it isn’t tied to their relationship.

 Trevor McGlorgkhaul Patchinko2Go

He is bi! And his boyfriend, Virgil, who doesn’t have a Toyhouse, is gay! They’re basically the “My last two brain cells” meme when they’re together, though Virgil is the more logical of the two. They both have some weird prophecy-related stuff going on, though it isn’t tied to their relationship.