Show me your LGBT ocs!

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by  Daria charge

this has probably been done before but me..The Gays....................     

bonus: tell me a little about them outside of their LGBT identity!

I'll start: this is Daria!! she's bisexual and i'll probably make her trans (maybe nonbinary) too, tbh. She doesn't have a significant other, but she's not really looking. She works as a lifeguard and is part of my story, Punch Party. She's very cool and positive!

 Lwov wani

I think at least 80% of my OCs are LGBT+ but look at my oldest boy! I've had him for ages and for years the only thing I knew about him is that I wanted him to be trans and SUPER nice to everyone. Neither of those things changed, though now I've added that he's also aro ace and runs a little coffee shop!!! he's not the main character in my story but he's the one who brought the whole main group of friends together!! i made him based on my neopet, so that's how old he is HAHAHAH

 TBN Phazed_

Ash is transfemale! She's honestly the sweetest person ever and obviously has a few anxiety issues when it comes to people because of her care for her personal safety, so she's a bit secluded when it comes to picking out friends.

Samael sunshineem

This is Samael, he is bisexual although he is not out yet publicity.

He is a human demon hybrid, and feels like an outcast such in the downworld and in the human world. The only beings that madehim feel like home were his parents and his new best friend Goya (which is a bull terrier).

Jourdain lirodon

I originally made them for a duo/squad with another friend's trans OC! They wanted to be a baseball player at one point but ended up having to use their bat to beat up monsters instead.

Or well, that was the original lore I had in mind.

Cash Maduro Boyfriend

Here is my favorite little rainbow mess.
He’s loud and never cleans up after himself.


none of my ocs are cishet either!

Vagabond Fenbound

A large chunk of my characters are lgbt, so here's my main, Vagabond! She's ace/aro!

Jacklyn (Rin) UrbanBear

Lil lesbian bean