Yum Or Yuck {Oc Game}

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Runaway

{OC} Yum or Yuck

(if this is not allowed delete it ;.;

Hey there, i thought it may be time to add another game!

Other Oc games

Five Facts


Counting Game


 For sale/trade thread


This game is simple, here is an example!

(Oc 1) Strawberry ice cream?

(Oc 2) Yum
          Grape soda?

You get the idea ^-=-^

As for rules
You must reply ic.
No replying to your own oc unless its been 24 hours without a reply.
Try to post new items.
You may say why the item is yuck or yum. Keep it short.
You may explain that you would only eat it a certain way. ( in soup or on a salad for examples.)

Lets get started shall we?



Watermelon Jolly Ranchers, yum or yuck?

Wolfe Lyon electricgoldfish

Yuuuum. 8D

Nigiri sushi?

 Louie Vector

Depends on what's on the sushi, you left me with a broad sprectrum of choice. In general, I'd have to go with "yum". But my personal preference for toppings would be anago.


Lemon sorbet, yum or yuck?


Sober SALE/TRADE Runaway



How about baked mac n cheese, yum or yuck?

Gobbler (Garret) RandomStorytale

Hell yes! (YUM) Especially with bacon! Erm. Cinnamon Graham Crackers, Yuck or Yum?

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Yuck! Sweets taste funny but they're nice to look at!

Spinach Omolette?

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 Alexa Belithzar nothingwitty

i will drink it if it means an indirect kiss! yum! 


turkish delight!! yum or yuck?!

Little Victor RandomStorytale

*pushes up glasses*

If I remember correctly that was the dish that the White Queen gave Edmund in Narnia? I haven't tried it so unfortunatley I'll have to decline. ((In other words, Yuck-RandomStorytale)

As for the person below me I must ask, Rice Pudding or as its popular known as Tapioca. Yum or Yuck?

 Louie Vector

But they are completely seperate dishes. Rice pudding is made from rice. Tapioca has it's own kind of pudding. Since I like both, I'd have to go with "yum". My preference is the pudding made from tapioca.


Hm, what about roasted kangaroo? Yum or Yuck?

 ☽ Shu ☾ nesstchi

Uhm, I'll have to say 'yuck' to that one... kangaroo isn't exactly on my 'to eat' list.

How about sauerkraut? Yum or Yuck?

Andrew Harper Pokeshadow

I've had it one time because a friend knows i'm not good with sour foods, or just strong flavours like that in general, never again... yuck all the way

Thoughts on Calamari and squid in general? It's probably one of my favourite seafoods when it's done right, especially fried or with this great Bento box I used to get from a suchi place back where I used to live

Istra Isoprene

Squid is interesting... things like that have a pretty unique texture, and I can appreciate that. I like a lot of seafood in general, really. And a lot of meat in general. And a lot of food in general... and a lot of not-food in general...

So... how about gummy bears? If you don't like them, I'll eat them for you. I'll probably eat them anyway, actually.