Five Facts About Your Oc

Posted 8 years, 8 months ago (Edited 5 years, 6 months ago) by Craven Runaway

//This always helps me get to know my own ocs! //

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You must reply ic.
No replying to your own oc unless its been 24 hours without a reply.


Tell us five facts about yourself and do feel free to explain a bit.



Zacchaeus QueenCrossroad

My friends call me Zeus.  I just say that because that nickname is kind of odd because my name sounds nothing like it.

I'm addicted to espresso and cigarettes.  I am not French, but people often make the joke.  I am also seriously aggressive when I do not have these items in copious amounts.

I honestly can't stand playing video games.  I just can't.  I'm not good at them, I find them boring.  I've tried, too.  Believe me, I've tried.

I love motorcycles.  I don't hardly drive cars.  I get anxious if I have to drive a car.  Don't ask me why; I got no fuckin' clue.  I also like taking motorcycles apart.  Been doing it since I was a kid.

I love the smell of leather.  My parents were bikers so I smelled a lot of leather growing up.  It's kind of comforting, I guess.

Fizzy QueenCrossroad

//speaking in a very mechanical, haunting tone with a heavy rusted squeak//

I'm nearly blind.  I follow sound and rapid movement.

I try to frighten the rabbits out of their holes with sounds.

I am always sleepy in my day-mode and it is the only time I am remotely docile.

Fear me most if I am quiet.  Blood from fleshy things quiets the squeaking gears for a while.

I want you to die.

Garry Shilling ElithianFox

(( Oh god I really love this type of thread! I'm so in ))

Uh, let's see... Well, first off, I'm not that good with words and I'm pretty bad at studying. I'm better at learning from doing.

I'm an assassin for profession, but I really don't like it that much as I used to. It's not that much killing, but there's a lot of travel and contact with other people involved. Maybe mercenary is a better word? I like going hunting with a friend and using a bow much better! It's another thing I learned from doing that stuck with me. 

My dad's a dragon... Well, sort of. He's more of a dragon man? And he adopted me. I lost contact with him years ago though... Don't really wanna see him again.

I actually used to have a tail, but they cut it off. It's all part of the rituals of being an assassin, I guess. Doesn't make it any less painful.

I love me some good meat dish! I never understood how anyone could go vegetarian if dragon meat exists. With my cooking skills they really are missing out on something.

Kennedy Eldren Sharklore

I have to go to work in a few minutes, so I'll try to keep this short and sweet.

First fact about me? I burn way too easily. Sunscreen is my savior. I wear it every day, and if I somehow miss a day it will show. Like... Immediately. But you'll never see that happen.

Next fact is that I personally hate sweet things. Sorry to all the dessert lovers out there. Most of it is just so rich and heavy and I really don't need that. I do like red velvate cake, though. It has a nice taste.

Also, I really like the smell of hair spray? I dunno, something about it just smells good to me. Brand doesn't matter. I like to keep the bathroom door closed while I'm doing my hair so I can just breath in the... Fumes, I guess. Damn. Saying it like that makes it sound awful. It's probably not good for me.

I really like going out at absurd hours with friends. Like, night walks? Hell to the yes! We drink and smoke and walk all over people's property and I feel unstoppable. I love it. Can you get addicted to a feeling like that? Because if you can, I probably am...

Last but definitely not least, I'm cursed. I am legit cursed and it sucks. My ex got mad at me when I wanted to break up, and next thing I knew my eyes were hurting so much I thought I was dying. I called up my nephew and he brought me over to his flat for a few days, and when I could finally open my eyes I realized I had some weird power that I didn't have before being hexed, and at first I was like "sweet, my ex accidentally made me better than I was before," but the longer I use those powers the more I lose myself. Like I can actually feel myself slipping away and something else that is not me starts taking control. So it's not sweet. At all. At first I thought I'd never be able to open my eyes again, but if I keep one closed the power doesn't really act up.

((Can I just say this is a great thread idea? I love everyone's character blurbs so far and I can't wait to read more. ; v ; ))

Eamon Runaway

((Thank you! It`s one of my favorite things to do! I hope others enjoy it ^-=-^ ))

Hmm lets see here, five simple facts about oneself.

I do not have a preferred object(s) and or hobbie(s)

Very few things bother me.

I will not eat/drink out of anything other than a glass, i can not stand plastic in my mouth. No plastic cups or silverware.

Can not stand prolonged touch or lingering touching. Stahp...

I am deaf in my left ear....


Ahh. . . W-well. . .

I s-stutter quite a lot.

I love tea very much ! Most hellions love tea, b-but for me it's a p-passion !

Wh-when I l-let my hair down, it g-goes past my feet s-so I k-keep it braided.

I-I'd r-really like to have kids someday. . . 

I l-like dogs more than cats. . . 



Haha! Yeah!

First off, my rank is 1st Lieutenant.

I really like exotic cars and personally own the Lamborghini Egoista, a Lamborghini Urus, and a W Motors Lykan Hypersport.

I like to always keep a weapon within reach, since I've made a lot of enemies.

I've only ever been taken hostage once. It wasn't fun. Thank goodness for my tracking chip.

And last but not least, I'm pretty good at learning new instruments.


And just because screw your rules, a sixth fact! I'm freaked out by thumder and lightning. 

Shakuru Shank TheLadyAnatola

Guess I'll do this so my brother will stop bugging me to be more open to others... *sigh*

I'm the second youngest out of eleven siblings, but I'm treated like the baby of the family since our youngest brother has been disowned and estranged for the past decade or so. At the time I didn't really care since he didn't mean much to me and I was a moody thirteen year old, so he was just an annoying little brother. Now I feel really bad about pushing the poor kid out like that.

I do occasional research for the city university as a marine biologist. I've always loved the ocean and marine life since my family's always lived on the coastline, and it's pretty easy for me to work close to home. But since my family is rich I don't have to work full time, so I only do what I think I'll enjoy.

I enjoy meditating as a stress reliever, but while it helps me loosen up at that moment in time it hasn't really helped me get more zen with my short temper issues. It gets kind of frustrating at times since I really shouldn't have such a short fuse, but I'm working on it... My brother describes me as grumpy, and while it used to bother me as a teenager I know he's totally right...

The tattoo under my eye is the Aquanix symbol for tranquility. Got it when I was a teen hoping it would motivate me to be more cool headed. Has sort of helped... but like I said before, it's still a work in progress. Also, if pronounced, the symbol sounds very similar to the word "joy" in some other language... English or whatever. My mother's name is Joy, and her presence does tend to mellow me out a lot. She just has that... aura or sorts... She's just a very calming person in general, I guess. I thought the tattoo was fitting in both aspects.

And finally, so far I've been in two somewhat long-term relationships. My first and now ex-girlfriend and I are still on decent terms and we broke off rather cleanly. My ex-boyfriend on the other hand will still not leave me alone. Took me a while to figure out we were never going to work out since we're both rather dominant and we both refuse to submit to each other, so I thought it would be best to break up since the ratio of being affectionate vs me beating him off me was getting a bit alarming. He doesn't seem to understand it though and he won't leave me alone, and while I admit his persistence is admirable considering how many times I've likely cracked his ribs (I punch really hard, I can't help it) he's INCREDIBLY ANNOYING and also doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself. It was especially problematic when I hadn't told my family about my sexuality yet and his constant clinginess was threatening my secret. But now everything's fine... I just need to keep my older brothers from tearing him to pieces. I don't like my ex anymore, but I don't exactly want him dead... I think.


Hmmm...Well I guess this could be good to do.
Alright lets see..

  • I enjoy cuddling VERY much
  • To be honest, I find collecting bottles and stickers a good way to pass time
  • Fall and Winter are my favorite seasons
  • I've always had a BIG interest in Astrology,Astronomy, and Pschology

I know those aren't really good facts but thats all I can really say about myself.

Rowan Snowhill Caine

I'm not sure can I think that many but it probably won't hurt trying... R-right? 

  1. I used to feel really bad and insecure about my freckles but after being told numerous of times they are fine and look like small stars, I have kind of accepted them by now
  2. Not something I tell to people as the first thing when we meet but I suffer from a panic disorder. It's not a very good thing when you're a knight 
  3. I used to work as a personal bodyguard for the Prince of Nietas 
  4. I'd rather not walk near forest lakes or bonds, I feel like there is something sinister about them
  5. My hands are usually really warm 

I normally don't like talking about myself, but Raiders have a gun to my head making me do this, so here goes.

  1. This mask you see me wearing? It's not just to keep the radiation out of my lungs. I need it to breath properly. It doesn't fit the best and need adjusting sometimes, but it's all I've got.
  2. The katana sword I carry has a shiny redish-brown tint to the blade. It is forever stained by the blood of the Blood Fiends that tortured my buddy to death. The sword used to be his.
  3. I once found a rocket-propelled chainsaw. It was an experimental weapon made by the Atomic Brotherhood. I found it at a Blood Fiend camp that had must have recently raided a Brotherhood transfer caravan.
  4. I once painted a mural on a large ruined wall telling the tales of my travels up to that point. It has since been destroyed. 
  5. The Raiders making me do this questionaire will be dead in about ten minutes. Maybe fifteen.
Krys Cyroris

 5 things about me y'say? Hmmm...

  1. Even though I'm a big flirt I do hope to someday come across Mr. or Ms. Right
  2. I'd be completely lost without my journal, I keep track of important things in there and notes about all my jobs. 
  3. Yes my daggers are called "Kiss" & "Tell", there's a story behind the names but I might have to kill you if I tell ya.
  4. Do I need more armor? Not really, if I put on more armor I'd be less flexible and would have a hard time moving. I feel free in what I wear. If I get cold I you'd keep me warm right? *Winks*
  5. I don't see a purpose in giving someone chocolates and flowers. Flowers serve no purpose and chocolates are just... Gross.

Five facts I can tell you that aren't classified... Um...

Well, for one, I love the sounds of rain. I have a vacation home in a place where there's almost always rain. The sun shines maybe... Once or twice a month? There are some pretty strong storms there, too. They can get pretty destructive, but the house is built to stand those storms.

I used to have a wife and kid. Don't ask me about it.

I like to find interesting ways for me to die. So far, punching a giant meteor as it falls has been my favorite. But I do have a few other good ones. Let's see... I've been set on fire by a paperclip... I've jumped off a cliff, got struck my lightning on the way down, and landed in a shark's mouth... I've climbed into the belly of a dragon to be slowly digested... Maybe I'd better stop talking...

A lot of people think that if you're some world-saving badass, you have to be all armored up in a cool costume. This isn't really the case, for me. I mean, I'm a Multiversal Guardian, and I just wear a t-shirt and jeans. Granted, they're made of a special fabric that's virtually indestructible, but still. T-shirt and jeans. 

You know how a bull intimidates its opponents by snorting and steam comes out? Well I can do that, too. I just boil water inside myself, then let the steam come out of my nose.