Show me your pet owners!

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 1 month ago) by Jules

animals are great, and OCs that own animals/pets are even better! So: show them off! And yes, farmers and farming animals count too! And also more alien species of course.

What animals do they own? How many? Do they have names? How od are they? Go crazy! Just tell me about them and their pets!

E: Toyhouse Barbie doesn't own a pet but thanx.

Axel Romero lycanvvolf

ferals are considered different than anthros in my oc universe since ksjdnfkj i mostly have anthro ocs but

Axel has a Doberman pinscher named Kovu! his dad brought him home one day as a little gift ^^

would say that Lucas has a horse, but he mostly only sees it when about to go to war/has to feed since the caretakers/servants in his kingdom mostly look after the army's horses and other very important things. but he likes riding it nonetheless

Felix has a grey parrot named Maizey!


I mean it's a monstrous living demon sword that she never even wanted in the first place, but technically it's her pet now. Gotta keep that boi fed.