Date, Befriend, and Avoid!(GAME)

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Ahyst

**This is in character game! Please be in character to play! ;w;**

It's like Marry, F, and Kill but that seems a bit extreme and I feel that last two words might can upset someone! So my verison for it is;


Date, Befriend, and Avoid!!!

Basically you can be in character and choose which characters your character would like to date, befriend and avoid!

Date; basically what it means, your character would date a character of their choosing.

Befriend; be friends with a character of their choosing.

Avoid; A character they would prefer to avoid.


Let me start this off; , , and !


For extra fun, you could inculde a tidbit or something! ;w; I hope this takes off~

Akrysta Prismakry

Date: I suppose since he's the only one that's actually at an age that wouldn't get me arrested...I'd have to say Rickey ^.^
Befriend: Remy, I'm a gamer somewhat myself so it seems like we could maybe have some fun :) Shame she dislikes board games, though, they've come out with some really fun ones in recent years!
Avoid: I really have no reason to avoid her, but since I have to pick someone by process of elimation I'll have to say Mocha. Sorry :(

Krystal | Kyoni Mitski


Date: "I'd have to go with Krystal. She reminds me of Topaz, but in a good way (I can't belive I'm saying this)"

Befriend: "Kyoni. She seems like someone I could get along with."

Avoid: "Mitski. She's just...annoying."

FalineMira, and Ryo~

Mei Kazuya Meimorie

Date: "I would definitely date Ryo. We're both yanderes & both born into yakuza families. Would be pretty interesting to see how that goes.."
Befriend: "Faline would be my best friend! I love to lavish my friends with gifts & I think she'd like that."
Avoid: "Um, I think it would be best if I avoid Mira.. I don't like the looks Ryo gives people who go near her.."

Amaris | Mikko | Zakira

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 Ginevive chiliechii_inactive

Date: Ryder is very handsome, I'd love to go on a date with him~!
Befriend: I think Shin and I would get along-- he seems like a friendly fellow!
Avoid: Ah, oops, I guess that means I have to avoid Ermes. A shame, really.

Meimu | Lilith | Lola

Amaris de Rivera Meimorie

Date: "I'd love to date Lola. Any hot girl who loves sex and blood is just my type."
Befriend: "Lilith can be my friend. Maybe with benefits.."
Avoid: "Sorry, but Meimu is a bit too cheery for my taste.. I can't handle people who are too happy.."

Enzo | Valerian | Wolfram

Elijah Prismakry

Date: Wolfram has nice taste in fashion in my opinion, I'd love to get to know him more ~
Befriend: Valerian looks like he could use a friend, I'm happy to offer!
Avoid: Enzo, while attractive and cool fashion sense, gives me off some unsettling vibes, so I think it better to keep my distance?

Mitja | Solis Beckett

((what's funny is i rolled randomly to see who to offer for my 3 and I ended up with 3 of my most pretty boy chars xD))

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 Ceetus fangmeat

Date: C.S. seems like an absolutely charming man, I'd love to get to know him more. 
Befriend: Uva. There's something inside me that says we might get along.
Avoid: Sorry man, but do I really need to say who this little slot belongs to?

Lunaesta | Darien | Marcell

Astaroth Ciaran Meimorie

Date: "Wow, Marcell is so handsome.. And who doesn't love a pretty sub vampire?"
Befriend: "Luna could be my friend with benefits any day."
Avoid: "I suppose that just leaves Darien.. Nothing personal."

Astaroth | Lysander | Silens

 ❤ R i f f t ❤ Kipkei

Date: Lysander ; "...he's really not bad looking.....i wonder how old he is..."
Befriend: Astaroth ; "...he has a green eyepatch too...maybe he would be a good replacement...that sounded bad."
Avoid: Silens ; "......I hope thats not a girl..ugh...but even if its a boy they might be way younger than me..i dont want to go to jail.."

bitchto | kaname | toshskii


Date: "Toshskii! I like being flirted with, nya!~"

Befriend: "Bitchto! He's a little too annoying to date, but just tolerable enough to be my friend, nya!"

Avoid: "Kaname. I'm not a fan of demons..."

Ryo, MiraAlex

Ella Avery Helminthia

Date: "Mira is really cute! She seems like she'd be really nice to date, too- really thoughtful and kind."

Befriend: "Alex looks like a total sweetheart. I'd love to get to know him better."

Avoid: "Ryo chose this situation for himself. If I date Mira, there's really no helping it, is there?"

Abe | Caroline | Noah


Date; "This Caroline is someone really worth going after, wouldn't you agree? An ability like her's is incredibly unique; she's a sight I wouldn't soon get bored of.~"

Befriend; "Noah. I could use a quicker form of transportation, walking is...tiresome."

Avoid; "Abe...He's. Boring. Hard to say otherwise." 

Volts | Short Circuit | Midley