What do you think looks great in designs?

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by Skykristal

I wanted to do the opposite of the "what do you think looks bad in designs" thread. ^^

share what you personally love or prefer in character designs. You can also share specific characters from yourself or other people and describe what you like on it and why you like it so much. Through that would be fun and positive idea. :]

For myself I love a nice contrast. Not very light on very light color. A good contrast and balance between light and dark colors can make a design very recognizable for me personally and it stands out a lot more. I also love well made neon/bright designs. Not too many colors smashed together. And other, mainly darker tones who balances it out. For example my little Bird has a very bright glowing blue for some body parts but natural colors on the main part of his body. ( I generally have a weakness for blue together with natural tones haha) 

Another thing I find very appealing are decent rainbows. Now, rainbows are not for everyone but if done right they can really look very pretty and add a lot to a character. Instead of just greys with no variation for example. But this also depends mostly. 


I love contrast in colors (which is probably why im not a fan of pastel colors haha)... my favorite combination in particular is dark blue and yellow... i have used it a couple times for characters and I just really like it... mostly because dark blue is a favorite color of mine. I also really love the usage of shape language and its something i incorporate a lot into my designs because it can make it easier to make a more diverse or visually interesting cast (in terms of body shape/silhouette).


variety in body types and face shapes!  people look so different, and I love it when that care is put into character designs too!


Different shapes, contrasting colors, Design details based off of the characters personality/ story, unique features from different species meshed together, and Unique design aspects in general (especially cloths designs).


I agree with windru unique designs are great

I prefer warmer colors mainly analogous however contrasting colors are also pretty cool

I prefer more simple designs with simple outfit/fur patterns (mulberry is really the exception to this rule) 

I love body horror and monster OCS too like those eldritch creatures or any kind of cryptid

I also love feathered wings and they will draw me to pretty much any character that has them^^

It's also pretty cool the see OCS that don't fall into the late teens/early 20s age bracket too


I'm weak for dip-dyed / two toned hair. Its pretty, and can add a lot to an otherwise simplistic design.


I love many things when it comes to character designs but here are my main points

-Earth tones ~ I just love browns and greens and just earthy colors so much
-Simple but good color choices ~ I love when characters have a limited color pallet as it makes the oc easier to draw and it makes it 10000x better when the color chosen compliment eachother
-1 main color theme ~ I mean like the oc is based off 1 color or 1 color family like red, blue, black, etc. it just makes ocs much more distinguishable when they are all based off of a different color
-Simple designs ~ Complicated designs are nice to look at (sometimes) But I don't want to waste 4+ hours drawing an oc thats really complicated and then find out that I missed a detail and then cry (ik it's super specific but It never happened to me before I swear)
-Bois ~ I've come to the conclusion that I like male designs way more then females (kinda like real life kekw-emote.jpg) +

I have more things but these are my main points


Color duality looks pretty neat to me. Of course, not something like red and pink which are pretty close to each other, but with contrasting colors (eg. white and blue, red and yellow, etc). And have the entire design be in different shades of these 2 chosen colors.


I looove neon green as an accent color. It can be too much as a main color, but when used for eyes, highlights, or details on clothing/accessories it really pops.


teeth, high heels, muted earthy colors and turtlenecks are always 👀👌


-!!!BRIGHT COLORS!!!! really bright and saturated colors but the colors shouldnt clash/go badly together or it'll be eyestrain!! DAMN IM A HUGE SUCKER FOR GOOD COLOR COMBINATIONS/SCHEMES THAT ARE BRIGHT AND FUN!! -complex and stylish outfits!! lots of trinkets and accessories!! -bishounen (pretty boys) ;w; -i like anime styled designs QwQ -rainbow colors!!!!!!!!!!! -KEMONOMIMIS!!! AAAH -long haired bishounen >>>>>

  • Overall: nice contrast, no more than one "pure" color, nice texturing, a medium level of detail.
  • Mostly neutral colors with a single color pop, ie: cool greys with a warm accent, warm greys with a cool accent, browns with rainbow-esque accents.
  • I'm weak for white hair
  • Main color being a medium brightness, not too light or too dark. This unfortunately puts my human/oids into ambiguously brown skintones, rest in pieces me.
  • High detail clothing/markings with a really simple silhouette.
  • Capes, scarves, other flowy things
  • Simple features I like include feathery wings, long/floppy ears, long tails