Trans rights

246 Votes trans rights
171 Votes trans rights again B^)

Lets see some trans guys, masc enbies, and anyone else trans masc!

(idk if this thread has been done before so apologizes if it has!)

Daniel Weathers Jayp1x

I haven't started his profile yet i'm sorry but- Himb!

Caleb Ridgewell sweetspecterz

Caleb's trans!! I have others as well but he's first that comes to mind and has been around for the longest. 

Vander Von Villia WillBeRedeemed

Vander's probably my first trans man OC. Not my only one, but my first. And he's also unfortunately kind of an ass, so to make up for him, you can also have Mako here! :D

Russell D. Almonds PantherWaltz

This guy is trans :3

Crux honeygecko


Palmer lilac-obsidian


Jasper Cosmicloanshark

This dude.

Also Cadillac if you want to see one that's not a bad guy.


90% of my OCs are trans but Dustie is my favourite trans male OC at the moment.

Oliver Nowheresville

Oliver is a trans lad

🍄 | Hazel vriska

hazel is a transmasc genderqueer enby!

 Ragaj🐉 Doresuaan


 Dapplestorm Bakerinator_Old

Angry trans boi

 Delta RedclayRockstar

i keep forgetting to put delta on this thread but!!! i remembered this time!!!! he's such a good character n i need to draw him more he's so much fun kcsanfldksjnjmlaxjfsehwiu