Trans rights

241 Votes trans rights
163 Votes trans rights again B^)

Lets see some trans guys, masc enbies, and anyone else trans masc!

(idk if this thread has been done before so apologizes if it has!)

baldwin aminta

he is a TRANS GENDER and lives in a FANTASY WORLD and wants to take ALL OF US ON THE RIDE WITH HIM

Émile Lefèvre seajr

Émile is transmasc non binary! 💙He's bit of a dick but I love him

Jay JayBird375

Jay is trans FTM just like me


Eric and Milo are TRANS and they are IN LOVE and they are my favorites. Lovely boys. I love them.

I've also got Jackie, a relatively masc-leaning enby.


i'm a transmasculine nonbinary person myself so i wound up having a lot of transmasc ocs of various sorts <3

quil (and, by extension, these two AUs i have of him) is a trans man! esiver is also!

whisper is a transmasc nonbinary man, and so is syrien.

and sorrel & confettino (my fursona!) are transmasc & nonbinary (genderless, specifically)!

Tadi boaaekin

He's transmasc!

Eli Rodriguez pinedogs

my beloved >:DD

Alasdair Valentine inkboopus

he’s transmasc!!

 Brahms Sylvadox

My ghost hunter(helper?) kid right here >:)

Xylar EmptyProxy

Trans shroom trans shroom trans shroom-