Your OC Cursed by Poisandra! (Very Soon~)

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago (Edited 1 month, 22 days ago) by Sandra "Poisandra" Shadowzim777


Artwork done by Strawberry-Cthulhu

So, I thought of this fun idea. Poisandra my lovely, wicked witch loves to cast curses on her individuals. Whether it be cruel, ironic or other.

The goal here is the post IC, give me a little detail about them if they have nothing on their profile and Poisandra will comment a curse upon your character on what she sees fit.

They could lead to being transformed into an animal, object, mythical creature or have another issue altogether. Her curses are unpredictable.

Maybe if they like being small and cute, Poisandra might curse them to be a big hairy spider for example.

If you want, you can also write down a character reply to see how your characters would react to the change. Sometimes the curse may be bad, sometimes it may not. It all depends.

I may not get to everyone but I will do my best, just please note I do have work on the weekdays and may not be able to respond quickly. 

Also be aware that Poisandra's curses can be rather cruel. I will try to keep them tamed but she does tend to have a horror theme with some of the curses. She is an evil witch.

EDIT 1: Please do not present Poisandra with characters who cannot be cursed. The idea is to see what can happen to your characters if under Poisandra's curse. It's kinda pointless when your character is just immune to being cursed. I might say to characters who are cursed are still fine for now. But characters who can be cursed will provide better results. 

EDIT 2: To any users who wish to play again with a different character, I am totally cool with that. My only request that you do not use the same character twice. One curse per character.

EDIT 3: Please make sure when posting your character that it is not locked/hidden.

Curses Hall of Shame!

Below in the spoiler page are art pieces of characters effected by my horrible curses. All you need to do is post your character effected by my curses on the page with your permission and I will have them featured in the spoiler page with credit given to the artist. 

None yet~

Status: She will make her grand return very soon~

Carmine TheSaturnianWildcat

oooo might be fun to see what she can cook up for them

Melvin Mulberry Arachnerd


"Rat-faced wiza- what, d'you mean Theodore?? I don't work for h- I don't work for anybody!!" he angrily protested right before the curse was cast. 

He felt no different until it was described to him. 

"Wait, that's your curse?" Even from under his hat you can tell he's furrowed his brows in confusion before looking to both sides of him, then looking back with a somewhat nervous chuckle, "Uh, joke's on you cuz I don't even use it LOL"

All things considered, Melvin was glad he got off relatively lightly. 

Queen Bee Grinalbi

Curse this bee >:)

Crying Childu 1897

sad white coyote wandered off again

wonder where ze- uh oh

Gold ShiftingFoxx

Yes it's not a good doodle but I had to, the image is in my head.


Honeydew TypicalUkraine

Curse Honeydew. Let's see how she gets cursed.


uh oh

Sandra "Poisandra" Shadowzim777

~Pretty women
Sipping coffee
Or Cursing!~

TheSaturnianWildcat - A werewolf. Science always meddling in the affairs of magic I assume. But I might have quite the switchup of a curse for them. Whenever Carmine shall changed back to their human form, they will act more feral and wolf like. Snarling beast of a scientist. But when changed into a werewolf, they will regain their speech and intelligence. A Coherent and quite normal werewolf. Perhaps with your science you can fix this, just be careful not to get attacked by hunters carrying silver bullets~

Grinalbi - I better BEEware of you. BEEcause you seemed to BEE quite the BEEusy BEE. God, that was dreadful, Seem to be quite the destructive bee, I figured the worker bees would do that, not the Queen. But maybe there's a curse involved with that. I put upon you the "BEETRACTION" curse. Meaning more and more worker bees will start swarming around their Queen. They will be thinking of you as the actual Queen. Every bee will. Who knows what that might entail? A beehive for you to live in? Alienating your friends? Causing the honey to drop by beeing around you? Better hope you like Jazz causes these Bees will be swarming all over you.

CCAJ_SnowFi - Aww, the poor little coyote with the teary eyes. Perhaps with my curse, it might thinks much worse. I will use the "Enlargeing" curse to make this Coyote the size of a mountain. With the amount of crying, you'll flood forests and areas all around you. Even cause more havoc where you step. Being big is not easy, even worse when you step on stuff. All I can say is, the world's water is going to be a lot higher with a giant crying coyote.

Till next time my Sweets~

Mixo Kazoto PalmtreePigeon

I wonder what a cursed Mixo would be like.

Celeste Groxx

Do your worst!

Fisk Fontana Yamroll

Pretty curious what kind of curse she would get :00

 Tim Emily LordMiquella

He's a thin wimpy man who has nightmares and hallucinations every so often. Especially if he's stressed. He wants to quit his job but he's too afraid, especially since his employers seem to make people "disappear".

Robi Tribal CaptainRobi

Blight His sorry lil life.