(If this already exists let me know lol)

When you search your character’s name into Google, what’s the first image that pops up? Mine’s a German guy called Hans Geiger, for this character!

Please don’t share anything NSFW or rude images, keep it all clean please! 

• Love Pie invalid__user

An image that says "I   PIE", all written in red


Tiger Beat  —— a teen celebrity gossip magazine (lol figures since her name was inspired by it)

Makio Himura  —— The Kimetsu no Yaiba character that she was named after (one of Tengen’s three wives) 

 Sniall Xen


Old crusty picture of an older version of his fursuit lmao


spoon - literally the first image i saw was of a spoon with a body flipping the bird

spish - the music artist 

statue - moai

niole - a... city from the grayhawk series?

narrator - some dude from fight club

...what the fuck





Did this for my five fursonas, and this is the result:

Chaos: string of light graphic from a chaos theory article

ThornShadow: His current ref! :D (if I image search on DuckDuckGo art of Sketcher actually shows up first!)

Sketcher: The shoes

Marty: The zebra from Madagascar

Railwreck: a board game (tho some of her art was in the top results!)

 Richard Nixon Garfield shrieky4

My art, because I'm a baddie


Ray Turtle_Ray


 Scag BrittDub

Scag.. i got a mower... (this was duckduckgo)


Wait testing with multiple search engines for fun

Heeers joogle


What is this... it said grass something

Yandex and others just mowers.. i had no clue there was a mower brand called scag


Koko robot-star


 Demitri FallenSaint

