Help me decide what chars to finish profiles for!

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 years, 3 months ago) by Prismakry

What chars should be filled out next?

So, anyone who looks at my profile will know I have a ton of chars. (I don't have a problem, shhh) and they are all mostly incomplete profile-wise in various degrees, some closer to completion while others pretty much haven't even been started, really. 

I'm having trouble deciding which chars to focus on to complete the profiles for next, so that's where you all come in.

Please take a look at my chars, tell me a few you'd love to read more about, and I'll tag you once I've completed them! :) 

The list of chars to work on and who requested them

❤ Mellana - @niidles
❤ Nolan - @niidles
❤ Yanmei - @niidles

For quick reference, here are all the chars that have incomplete profiles at this time

thanks in advance ^.^

And if your'e curious, here's all the chars with complete bios!




Paiaya. ^^


Anolee @RavenTheKitteh

Thank you both for the suggestions, I'll add them to the list and ping ya when I finish them :)

Island Nymph - Lora Prismakry


Pai's bio is complete :) 




chiliechii sure thing I'll add her to the list, thanks! :)




I often have the same problem. Currently trying to finish off the last 36 incomplete profiles I have at the moment before I add more characters, but it's tricky to pick sometimes. ^^; I usually go with random number generators if I'm feeling particularly indecisive, but even that doesn't always work.

Hm... how about Theltra and/or Gaelifreya, because Draenei. :3



haha yeah I do random draws too whenever I don't have a set char to work on, I just figured a thread like this might be nice if there are any chars in particular people like the look of and wouldn't mind knowing more about. 

But sure, I'll add Gael to the list, I'm still a little up in the air on Theltra so it'd be hard to fill her out much but I know plenty about Gael as I used to RP her pretty hardcore when I was active on the game xD



Sure thing, thanks for the suggestion :) 


bump ~ will try and get a few of these done today, but am always open to more <3 I have so many chars, lol. 

Akrysta Prismakry


Akrysta's bio is finally done :) Took so long because honestly I was trying to think of ways to beef it up more, but in the end she's just a very simple char with fairly simple aspirations and nothing too exciting having happened in her life so there wasn't much beefing I could do, lol. but at least she's done now, thanks for the suggest feel free to suggest another one in the future should you like <3