Give the Character Above You a Trope!

Posted 7 years, 19 days ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Lemonburgers

Just a forum game idea where you'd give the OC, FC, etc. above you (1-2) character tropes through the website, TV Tropes

Rules (Might add more if necessary):

1. Be kind and respectful towards the other users (and block words if considered offensive)

2. Post IC (I don't mind if you post the same character over and over again as long as you have enough information for more than one trope)

3. Make sure to claim and finish your post (as well as make the character of choice be accessible)! (Since most of the articles are pretty long to read through)

The tropes can vary from a character's abilities to their personalities (and can be utilized in different ways whether it's downplayed, inverted, played for drama, etc.), so it probably wouldn't be hard to find one that fits your character. If you feel kinda lost, here's an index for characterization.  There's also more indexes from Fantasy to Slice of Life, so feel free to search those as well!

Here's an example:

User 1: Starts off with Ember

User 2 (with another character): She both portays the tropes Playing with Fire and Firey Readhead!

And so on and so forth.

(Extra credit if you'd add in how the trope is played and explain it for a bit.)

 Vera Blackwood Whiona

Adorkable and maybe Competition Freak? Since he loves to prove himself in conflicts with others

Alex Raneri Lonestarcelt

The Blacksmith



 Stellaluna "Étoile" chiliechii_inactive

Motor Mouth and possibly Fun Personified?

I can see why you would choose that solely from her appearance. Although her personality wouldn't fit it ^^; Ty for trying tho! :>

 ✞ Alois Trolluminati

I came up with nothing better than the Kawaiiko sorry >_<

Carrtier Jacobson Lonestarcelt

Distinguishing Mark

Freya Atabis Lemonburgers

Jerkass and Narcissist



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Archer Zhu Huang Lonestarcelt

Angelic Beauty and Mystical White Hair


Stern Teacher!

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Sigrun Lonestarcelt

You Gotta Have Blue Hair



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 Digi chiliechii_inactive

Almighty Mom maybe?

Preeeetty much lmao