Show Me Your Dogs!!!

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by  Cinead Mariette

I love dogs way too much and I want to see all of them. Please show me your dogs.

Feral dogs, anthro dogs, fantasy and sci-fi dogs, any kind of dogs are good. But keep in mind I'm looking for dogs. Not wolves, not foxes, not non-dog canines. Just good old-fashioned doggos.

Heck, you can even include pictures of your real life dogs when you're posting links to your fictional dogs if you want. I will send them all of my love and ask you to give them smooches and snuggles for me.

I will probably favorite and comment on every dog that's posted here, so be warned.

I'll just show off my only dog character to kick things off. I really do need to get more dogs though.


Vanta ElithianFox

Here comes a good girl

Ashlynn Willians CollieCalamari

I would show my newest dog character but I just LOVE ASHIE TOO MUCH ;3;

I've had her since 2014 and literally the only things apoearence wise that changed were her bangs and her shoes.

She technically started as a calm book loving doggie but nowadays she has a curse that forces her into hell and a portal under her dress skirt...she still likes books tho :v hahaha XD

Twix PartyPunk

Ooh I have lots of dogs (too many probably) Along with my fursona Mars who's a pit bull I have Lace, who's an American bulldog, Stuffy, a sentient stuffed dog plush and Magic, an akita!!


so I have too many dog ocs but these are my favourite gay bois  


I'm still uploading pictures of her, but this is Meeka, the shiba inu <3

She is grumpy, and does not like to be touched, but is friendly none the less :3

Cerberus Junee

How about my version of the best doggo of all time: Cerberus! :D :D :D

 Quizzled necrodisia

my main doggo ;0;

Tobin KaminooniSeika

I have sweet tobin here~ A blind and clumsy, non-binary baby~ They were given to me and I gave them some nice warm clothes. QwQ


Gosh I have a ton, but here is one to narrow it down XD

Jasper SharkSnacks

I love Eclipse <3

Here's my Fursona, a lovely Doberman.

citypotions My sON-