Lemme see those monstrous characters!

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 6 months ago) by SOUNDBBABE

There ain't many monsters I've seen so why not let them have their own post?
I don't want to see your anime cat girls and guys, no I mean monsters! Snarly beasts, creepy critters, huge claws, anything not having to do with humans!

Such examples:

1431508? Zenon





Now show me what you got!

Dragon ([Monster Form]) PicklePantry

This sweet bean's Wendigo form is finally ready   

Syphious DeepseaDreameater

not sure if this guy counts cause he's humanoid-looking, but, he is a shapeshifter... 


not really a monster but my angels are eldritch horror based, they act like super predator and behave in uncanny ways ✌️

🧵 | Muzzle Oujiton


Thaloc, the Forest Keeper Siyvee

Thaloc is definitely on the monstery side of my characters! He's a gentle giant tho.


I made another monster- oops

Inky Doc M0DERND0C

does he count?? im not sure, but imma say he counts cause- he looks like hes gonna peck your face off... no? okay. maybe he can haunt your nightmares, idk.

GRIEF PlanetaryNebula

This thing is probably the most monstery character I have uploaded

Nyx, God of Knowledge Impy

My sweet Spikey

Basil CaptainHaru

Felice is my only monster character :>

Klcim DeceiveLain

Here is kal mah boy!!
I love monsters oh boy ;;