Lemme see those monstrous characters!

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 6 months ago) by SOUNDBBABE

There ain't many monsters I've seen so why not let them have their own post?
I don't want to see your anime cat girls and guys, no I mean monsters! Snarly beasts, creepy critters, huge claws, anything not having to do with humans!

Such examples:

1431508? Zenon





Now show me what you got!

Shadow Boss Marclyn

ME MONSTER? WHY I HERE? I NO MONSTER, YOU MONSTER!!! **flips table, screams and wails his arms in the air towards whoever is the next poster**

Spotty Storm_Clouds

Rawr! I am a monster!

 Guts GutsNGorey

My #1 monster has to be my boy Guts here

The Siren Rondonu

I thought i didn't have any truly monsterous babes but then I

Remembered the girl from the zombie dream   

Ink CallmeKomodo

*smiles creepily*

Alkumez aaawhyme

AW YEEEAHH! Here's Alkumez! I love him

Torpheiz Prismakry

Torpheiz is definitely one of my most monstrous fellas. and he's terrible and nobody should like him. in fact, forget I showed you him. yep.