Your OC has to fight the above person's OC.

Posted 4 months, 2 days ago (Edited 1 month, 16 days ago) by CubicPulsar

How screwed is your OC? How screwed is their OC? If you're like me and have more than one character than you may only pick one. 1v1's only. Any familiars or whatever may count.

also you can go again with another character if you want

woah activity



I’d say she has pretty good chances of winning.

Jade in general has the ability, but not necessarily the courage to just go up and fight like that. Not unless there’s a reason to do so. She’ll definitely hold back a lot if the opponent isn’t immediately hostile.

If they are, uh…hammer time. Get smushed.

⚠︎︎ Lovecraft Kytsune

“Huh…what a fascinating creature.”

‘High General’ of Hell vs a hero. Would definitely be an interesting fight 👀✨.

Lovecraft never underestimates an opponent regardless of their species so I imagine in the beginning he would spend much time observing Jade before eventually fighting. If he won, he definitely would take her blood. It would be a waste to leave such a worthy opponent simply dead. If he lost then uh smoosh.

BESTLY love your character sm btw!! Such a unique concept. <333