Giving your OCs Vocaloid Songs! <3

Posted 4 months, 8 days ago (Edited 23 days, 13 hours ago) by DndManatee

Show me your characters, and I'll give you a Vocaloid (or other vocal synth) song I think might fit them! Note that I'll mostly be picking based on sound rather than lyrics. 

(btw if I've passed over you, it's probably cuz I'm having trouble finding something! If you want to include some extra detail/thoughts you have as to what kind of song might fit, feel free to add them)

Louis Davenport scarrcore

him,,,,… :3

Trixie NovasTears

sounds interesting i like vocaloid songs! 

Vidár calimaricutlery

ive got vocaloid songs for basically all my other ocs but never really thought of one for them, so id love to see what you think ^^


scarrcore I thought maybe this one. Emotional piano seemed fitting, and I thought the chiptune could evoke that "memory" theme he has.


Snowshi Maybe one of these two. The first is a little more modern/introverted, and the second is more dramatic/witchy.


calimaricutlery Maybe a little out there but I thought maybe this one? Kinda uptempo, but threatening, and the business makes me think "collector." For something a little safer, maybe this. It sounds pretty dark and high-minded to me haha


LucifersHellhound Something by LonePi, I think! Maybe one of these two

Poe calimaricutlery

aaaaa thank you so much!! id not heard either of those before! i’ll have to translate the lyrics of the first one to bend to my will for character purposes understand it better, but just melody wise it seems like a fitting vibe ^^ and the second one i am shaking from the Implications im Absolutely bending That to my will for symbolism >:) if you don’t mind doing another one of these i’d love to see what you assign the vibe of this guy to as well?


calimaricutlery One of these three maybe! Especially the second, that one screams "unemotive but chaotic".


aaa nice! these are all so fitting vibes wise thank you so much ^^


Nocturnal_Critter Maybe something wholesome-sounding like this or this? I don't listen to a ton of "angelic" sounding songs lol. I can't find the link, but there's a good song ft. Rin and Len called "Housecat Journey" I'd also recommend, if you want something playful that fits a cat theme!

ruby ♡ astilbe

she doesnt have too much info apart from a basic paragraph bio, but i hope thats okay!!

Adrienne Passer JennaBlackmore

I would love to know, if you do not mind! :D