I'll go first: The fuckin breakcore yamask I made. I hate him. I want to kill him. When I made his personality I almost threw up. I watered It down a bit for my sanity but still, terrible person. I seriously can't believe I made this character, I swear he's such a bad person.

For context, he's an active p3d0 and incel. I haven't written about It yet (luckily), but he has a crush on my half-legendary lampent character, who's uh... underage. She doesn't know It yet...

Ok time to cut my hands off now.

Alright I think that's enough let's just get onto It. Show me your disgraces. I want to cry.

Clyde Raymond Maxwell koen

oh my god this fucking freak

he’s just a really bad guy (forcing people to do what he wants, making them do egregious things for him)

Eirlys Svensson Servyl

This fucking god-awful woman. She's a multifaceted criminal - honestly I couldn't list all the things she's done here. It's too much & I'm too lazy LOL.

πŸƒ Arkadiy 🚬 mmmeatbat

this fucker

gaslights, gatekeeps, bi erasure but exclusively towards himself, "it's not cheating if you're 10/10" (he is not). potential war criminal bc has unlimited access to guns

Taemis Woolwine angeliic_gestalt

they may be a minor but i don't even care they deserve it. what are they ON. literally the definition of "GASLIGHT gatekeep girlboss"


This one in all honesty. There's a lot to unpack here when it comes to Kongphobia (which isn't real)

Gunther Jedi_Bob

Insane robot stalker who speaks in a low tone and obliterates everything around him if anyone even gets close to his target.

Malakai "Kai" Et-Abadi Keileon

Kai. Oh my god, Kai.

Samirah el-Numai -- "Mirah" NebulonRanger

Probably has one tbh