Ticketmaster of a Murder Circus Reacts to Your OC

Posted 2 months, 10 hours ago (Edited 1 month, 29 days ago) by Ticketmaster Creativelie

This is alder. Alder is fun because he doesn’t have any way to perceive about the aesthetics of anything around him. So everything he perceives is going to be as objective as possible. He is the human Ticketmaster to a sentient circus pocket dimension created and manned entirely by fae, and he has a spiritual connection to it. So long as he is inside of the circus, anything the circus wants/desires/fears is almost identical to Alder, though he has independent thoughts of his own. He’s a very different person when outside of his home (a lot more relaxed), but I’ll be doing these as if it is happening close to the circus unless specified otherwise.

This isn’t meant to be an rp, but you can reply to the reaction in-character if you want!

Ticketmaster Creativelie

Just wrapped finals and getting back to this!!! Thanks for waiting patiently :D

IdiotScout - "Out of love... For someone so rough around the edges, you've sure gone soft."

If Alder can turn the Circus against Nightmare and his guilt, he would do so in a heartbeat. It's always fun for him to watch people who were formerly on his "level" get dethroned. The circus itself would probably feel worse about Nightmare's current state than Alder himself... Wild when the eldritch being shows more sympathy for others than its puppet.

Freyanistic - "Honestly, I think the career path of dressing like an animal and committing crimes is admirable. That's essentially what I do every day if you count humans as an animal... and my flesh as a costume. Okay, I guess it's nothing like me, but I can dream!"

Alder can't perceive aesthetics but I think even he would conclude that Freya is cool as hell. He's missing a piece of his soul, but he isn't blind. I do think he would fall victim to underestimating her because she's short and human, but I think she can handle herself enough to correct that mistake real quick. Sadly, Alder's approval doesn't take people off the chopping block for him, so if Freya is unlucky enough to find herself on his playing field, she'll have to fight for her life like everyone else. Seeing as she's a thrill seeker, though, she might love it. Alder would point her toward the Magician if she wanted some chaos.

AsianTapWater - "A studious pyromaniac... Horrifying! You took Disco Inferno as a life goal, huh?"

Though he tends to be clueless about pain and can heal from most things, Alder does Not like being burned and would thusly keep a distance from Whydah. He would not be above cracking jokes about their name if they introduced themself to him (he may only be a human but he's too fae-affiliated for that to be a smart move), so if Whydah can put up with that they'll probably get along fine. From a distance.

Cookiesaber - "If you want to get out of that circus but don't mind the peanuts and tents, we've always got room for a new beast."

Honestly, Alder doesn't expect Graves to want to join his circus, he's just being cruel and taunting the poor guy with a whisper of possible freedom. In reality, he finds Graves situation to be downright laughable. He also doesn't fully understand what furrybait is but he's trying his best to take notes (they don't create the people in their acts and he doesn't know how he'd implement this lesson). Overall, I think Alder would barely notice Graves and Graves would HATE Alder

QueenFish - "You like scary stories? What type of scary??"

It's a 50-50 toss-up if Alder would look at Narp Narp and decide she's cool, or would instantly try to get her traumatized. He SUCKS I'm sorry. Either way, he'd listen to her stories.


Scared for which one it’d be but uhh YAY SHE CAN YAP ABOUT HER STORIES EITHER WAY :D

Ticketmaster Creativelie

Doggy_The_Espeon - "Oh, it's an animal..... Oh, it's a MAGIC animal!!!"

Pokemon are cool but Alder hasn't really interacted with them before, so Doggy is a fresh and new experience for him. I think he'd be curious about this animal with the powers of a god, just as a vibe check at minimum. If he can't get anything from Doggy, though, he'll just disregard them :( (I think doggy is cute though!)

nuggetmachines - "Sentient food... and it's made of rocks? My world has just expanded... I'm gonna go eat some pebbles."

As someone who doesn't really see the point in music, Alder wouldn't have much to say about Tanzanite's musical career. He'd be most interested in the ins and outs of cookie culture and the difference between mercookies and not-mercookies. It's not often you encounter an aquatic living pastry!!

OctoTape - "... Birth parents are the worst, huh? And the outside world... better to just be sheltered from the storm for the rest of your life!"

Thank you so much!! I'm glad you like him!!!

I think Alder would be surprised by how much he relates to Anti's story, and wouldn't really be certain if they counted as someone who should operate as a victim to his home. I think the most surprising thing would be the sentient lemon, but seeing as Alder is very attached to his own powerful... Pet? Sibling? He'd be super cool with the lemon is all I'm saying.

Oregon_or_the_Grave - "Surgeons are so weird to me, I've never understood it! You're cutting into someone and rearranging their body to make them feel better, it's so invasive yet so effective! Medicine is straight-up magic in my eyes... which makes you a witch, hope you're okay with that."

Living in a pocket dimension his whole life, Alder never really learned anything about American history, so all of the work, time, and effort that Theodore put into his life would go straight over his privileged head. However, he would be real excited to hear about New ALDRidgeville. He'd hear his own name in a piece of the town name and get an inflated ego fast. I think Alder would see Theodore as one of the better examples of what a human could be (After a long conversation where Theodore tries to explain why helping people is a worthy life goal and Alder just keeps repeating "Why?" over and over again), but sadly it wouldn't make him any more worthy of survival in Alder's eyes. That's fine, though. Other acts might pity him if he's unlucky enough to stumble into the Circus.

Cha0ticDrag0n - "That's a good human form! Very convincing... I like the bells."

Alder would love to experiment and see if he and his circus can be the thing to feel the Chaotic Dragon... But I think he would only do it if he got permission first. Myrrhius seems very powerful (and he respects power) and seems like they might be the type to laugh off a failed assassination attempt and understand it's all in a day's work. He'd like to be friends, but always at an arm's length.

Mai coloredsand748

So, how's It like being connected to some weird circus?

Harley the Ringmaster. ryujojuhaki

Ohh! I’m curious what he’ll think of this lad!
Here’s Harley, he’s part for a circus too! (Not literally) But he’s a ringmaster and the circus is more of a happy “come here to cheer yourself up/gen” type of a circus ^_^


Creativelie Graves hates a lot of people so probably, and the fact that alder doesn't also mutually hate him would drive him nuts

Also I made him originally as a furry bait joke and then he unironically became one of my favorite characters lol

Also do you want more characters sent here?