Assigning songs by The Crane Wives!!

Posted 1 month, 12 days ago (Edited 1 month, 12 days ago) by dollyinspace

Hi guys, so a while back I did a thread for the Oh Hellos, but since then I'm super happy to see the current Oh Hellos thread is still doing well so I'm not gonna compete with that one! Instead I have a decent enough understanding now of The Crane Wives' discography to start assigning songs from this band instead!

A little bit of info if you're not familiar---The Crane Wives started out as more of an indie folk group with a lot of banjo etc. but at this point they have evolved into a rock band! Their music deals with themes such as toxic relationships, inner demons, feminism, etc, often using metaphors from nature. They currently have five albums with a sixth on the way! They're also on tour as we speak which is quite exciting, even if I'm not able to go


 - Your character is encouraged to have some kind of bio, even better if it fits the above themes. It's not required however!

 - Don't whine if I give you a song you don't like, obviously.

 - One character at a time please, but you are allowed to come back for more if you want!

Thank you for stopping in! <3

Rowan The_Queer_Domino

Him maybe? :0


The_Queer_Domino hm, maybe The Wolf!

Aryn Adair SpaceFlower

the Naive yet traumatized Gal Aryn!


SpaceFlower Empty Page - 'cut me a path and i will follow it'

..✦ Grimoire ✦.. hsin

I LOVE THE CRANE WIVES I’m curious what you’d give them :D

Alice howdyadoitsnatty


Athens Nonpie

This guy over here?

Aurora Starling Swarmofmoths

I may have just went and updated her profile to now include the beginning of her backstory for this! Crane Wives is so good!

Leila TheDarkOverlordOfAll

:0 I'd love one for this girly,,,

Twistedfate rileyisanerd


HEEEELLLLOOOOOOOOOO I'M EXTREMELY INCREDIBLY NORMAL ABOUT THE CRANE WIVES anywaysies how about twisty :3333 safe ship harbored is already on her playlist but if you could pick another song that'd be awesome

 Miracle Joe Gingasnap

ooo I love the Crane Wives!! If you find one that fits Miracle I'd love to hear it :)


Wow the replies are coming in! Hi everyone!

hsin I love her!! I've gotta assign something from Coyote about Hard Sell! I feel like it may fit your char's insecurity and fears in  forging their own path!

howdyadoitsnatty Oooh I'm gonna go with Show Your Fangs! 'I'm not your highness ... I am a lioness' reminds me of 'I'm not a delicate toy!'

fanitoon An animaniacs OC, that's a new one! You get Ribs, one of my favorites! It also features a mother and child relationship!

Nonpie based off vibes I give you Allies or Enemies!

Swarmofmoths woww i love her bio, nicely done! With the betrothal plot Steady, Steady immediately came to mind even though it's not a perfect match

TheDarkOverlordOfAll Tongues and Teeth is one of the post popular! It's just...idk...a 'mean' song for a mean character :D

rileyisanerd FELLOW FAN YIPPEE...Also poor baby, her twisted visions made me think of Hollow Moon!

Gingasnap My first thought was I Talk In My Sleep, because it's a song about hiding the dark parts of yourself from your loved ones, but also from yourself.

voluptas Well she has a nautical theme going on, so I'm giving you The Diving Bell! The themes might not match up perfectly, but "I am not afraid to give you everything" to me does connect to Cobweb's desire to help others!

Castoor Hm, perhaps Sowing Seeds? I'm mostly going from vibes by this one, but this song is a sort of call to action under oppression.