Show me ya EldritchTerror OCs!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 years, 2 months ago) by FidgeMimic

As much as I love the humanoids and cute animal OCs, I don't think I've seen much of anything based on the big bads of the horror genre. Do y'all have anyone or anything built to wreak horror and madness in your story? A creature with untold power waiting for the right time to be set free? Formless beasts outside this reality made of writhing flesh and gaping infinitely toothed maws? Or maybe they look absolutely average but have untold power to warp themselves and reality to their will?

I love me some sick-nasty monster designs and reality warping stories yall

EDIT: I finally got a mild profile started for my own hell-thing so I'm just gonna slaaaaaaaaap it right here


i have a LOT of monsters but i can't have the talent to draw them all. oTL

i'll sub to this thread and come back if i finally made proper info abt my wrecks 8)

Pavo Panoptes oneironym

FidgeMimic Ah, thxu! I'll try to remember to look for my Suhail mini tonight when I get home >> I still need to figure out what all I want to do with Xulthuk. The artist who made them does a lot of really cool spoopy designs like that, usually monochrome or limited palette - if you like the eldrich horror, you'd probably get a kick out of CannibalHarpy's stuff!

Here's another new sort of unfathomable being I got recently? They are an angel o u o

Also I totes misread your username as "FridgeMimic" and thought that'd be a neat character concept, lmao. Like a refrigerator with teeth that w a n t s t o e a t y o u


Johnathan, Amos and Fredrick (or Anzaxox, Myeasheayaxl and Briukixlux respectively) might fit that description and were definitely inspired by eldritch beings. They are basically all-powerful deity-like beings who travel between universes. There are many other beings like them but they are some of the few that are pretty benevolent, I mean Fredrick is worshipped as a god in the universe he lives in but he's still pretty okay. Despite being what they are Johnathan and Amos probably have the most normal storyline and relationship out of all my characters, with Amos being a struggling single parent and Johnanthan having to learn to take responsibility for himself.   


ok I haven't drawn him in a good monstrous form but I guess Xhaalkkhikthezuggharnath could count...?
He's part joke character, part multiverse-breaking horror. He wants to infect literally every universe ever, so he can know everything. From every point of view. In every way. In ways beyond comprehension. Also he neatly explains why half my OC's look the same, because they're canonically little aspects of him. And totally not because I am uncreative and never like to think of new designs :')

He's not quite all powerful but his ability to propagate himself into everythin he makes contact with is actually kinda incomprehendably terrifying. He's existed much in so many places and in so many places beyond places. And he hungers for everything. It's.... A lot.

...but his main gimmick is that he can break the fourth wall compl͏̬̬̦̬ͅe͏̺̹͔̥̼̹ͅt̷̬̬e̥̠̜͉̱͍l͙̼̹̝̠̥y͝

Ahh, so you bring me to light in another corner of this little website... wonderful. Though I can't help noting you've grown lax, lately, Aarix.... paying more attention to your worthless toys than my agents... I'm not pleased. Putting me under a spoiler, too? That's very rude.

~Oooh edgy~ Edgy as hell. Obnoxious as hell, also. Shut up Xhaal, you're still fictional and I call the shots around here, son.

...or so you'd have yourself believe.

(obnoxious author-character interaction, check)


O U G H it's been a while since I came here and looked at all these!! Guys!!!!!!!! I love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

clockwork || I'm not 100% sure that Inerri counts, actually? But I'mma be super real right now - she's beautiful and I love her so much. I should make a thread for Deity characters bc hand to god (lmao) I love mythology and monster-gods so much? There's a vast place in my heart for this type of OC and it makes a venn diagram with my love for mythology in general (spoilers: the diagram is just a circle). also,,,, /makes a phone symbol w my hand and winks at Inerri call me

@Memetry || WOOOOOO OH BOY - the designs for these put me off for a hot second but like in a very So Good I'm Grossed Out kind of way? Like they're good they're SO GOOD. I don't even know where to start bc there's all this info I just want to ingest and im like kajhdkjahdkgjh. I'm SO interested in the physiology of spider-man over here? FUCK i wanna doodle things for this?? I haven't picked up my tablet in ages im so mad. THE ONE THING I WILL SAY,,, is that Metus's link is broken pls fix it and save my soul with your monster men I'm going to die,,, feed me seymour,,,,

CHINCHINLOVER || /squints at u dude this is,,,, so fucking SICK?? I looked at the character page and first of all I'm loving the pseudo deity feel to this, like I need to know?? Your inspo????? Because holy shit I love it?????????? Not only the character background in general but THE DESIGN?? THE D E S I G N I S T I G H T. I don't even know what to say - the super massive and highly detailed traditional pic that you have for this is honestly so goddamn good?? I saw this thing like 4 days ago and I've been dying ever since,,,,

Cross || dude hmu when you get somethin!!! I'd be super hype to look at some more stuff!!

oneironym || !!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank u!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never seen this artist before but their designs are so good?? Ty for linking me to this!!!!!!!!!!!! When you find that lil mini tho h i t m e u p dude bc >:3c but but BUT so like have I mentioned that i love deity/mythology/religion based OCs?? Like esp the ones that look fuuuuuuuucked up?? and also object heads - like I'm w e a k. Inhuman angel types are such nice designs quite honestly and i LOVE this beautiful sHAPE BABE. (but everyone thinks mimics eat ppl but that's how I get u,,, no one thinks that ur fridge is a mimic - I just wait for yall to put food in me and then I eat it all. ever wonder why your fridge is always weirdly empty except for condiments and pickles? its cuz i dont like pickles)

@FellowPidgeon HI-5 HI-5 - ELDRITCH WORLD HOPPING TWINSIES!!! I'm not going to lie in the slightest rn tho - slice of life shit for really abnormal characters is a really cute twist to what you would expect. I've always been a fan of more,,, average?? plotlines for OCs? 90% of my OCs are from SOL plots purely so I can stick them into AUs easily and otherwise it's a very vERY nice way to flesh out characters. I approve 110% and I love these cool eldritch pseudo object heads with all my heart

Aarix || touches ur shoulder listen to me. listen very carefully. i love him??? i love him. 4th wall breaking characters are Good - esp if they're eldritch or godly or otherwise Powerful AF bc life would be so boring w/out these characters???? They're sO GOOD. Listen - character design is hard af and if I had a plot that would let me get away with having characters look eerily similar you bET YOUR ASS I WOULD TAKE IT AND RUN. But I digress - Characters like this, who aren't evil to be evil but instead are a sort of morally apathetic type are??? Good. I love them. And if you ever end up getting that True Eldritch Horror Form sketch down you GATTA hmu.



FidgeMimic Thanks so much! The inspiration is from this one time I decided I should create a sphinx-like monster. I then added little details that came to me, like chains, weapons, flames, eyes, and mouths until the Ījuacol was born. (Also, if you're wondering, the pronunciation is ee-WAH-kohl.)