OCs & pride!

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago by Emmy zinnia

it's june and im ready to party

lets see some lgbt+ ocs and lets see how they'd celebrate pride month!! would they be in a parade? or would they be the type to just watch from the window because theyre more reserved or w/e?

feel free to post more than once but tru not to like, triple post in a row, if you dig

emmy and her family would all go together READY TO PARTY.. emmy goes and tells everyone how much she loves her wife and gets recognized by an 80 year old lady she probably knew in the past because thats Just How Being Immortal Is

Clem gelatto

I think Clem’s husband would force him to go to a pride parade, but he’s very socially distant.. bad at interacting with people, awkward at big events and such.

Most of my characters are gay or bisexual mainly because I like to project.. m(-_-m) but it doesn’t relate to their stories as much as it does to Clem, I think.