show me ur ocs that are Death (with questions)

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 1 year, 13 days ago) by Thanatos lophiusdragon

thread is still open

UPDATE AUGUST 20 2021: new questions have been added!

ive always found these to be interesting, like a mystical eldritch abomination

do u have any ocs that are Death? this includes characters that are death gods, psychopomps/valkyries (escort the dying to the afterlife), gods of the afterlife, etc

heres some fun qs for u if u want

1. where do they reside? do they like it?

2. are they an edgelord or a cinnamon roll?

3. do they escort souls to the afterlife?

3A. if yes, what do they think of this job?

3B. if no, what do they think of the idea of having to do this for every single mortal soul?

4. what do u think makes them different from other death gods/personifications of Death?

5. what is their temperament? what about personality types?

6. what are their hobbies?

7. what is their aesthetic that they would like?

8. what symbols do they have? ex. for thanatos it would be the black rose bc fancy and pretty and edgy except this rose would have a black stem, also black swans

9. what are their fave colors? do they like the color black?

10. what are their fave animals? are these animals symbollic for them? are these animals considered omens in the world of the living in their universe?

11. i think the death seasons are winter (more common i think) and summer (underused in my opinion, perfect for a fire elemental). is ur oc associated with either one of these seasons? what about fall (i think this could be a neutral element since it is the opposite of spring)?

12. what elements are they associated with, if any?


NEW Qs aug 20 2021

13.  What is their alignment?  Is this different from the alignment that mortals tend to assign to them?

14. Is there a personification of Life in their universe? What do they think about this personification of Life and what does Life think of Death?

15. If they are from a universe where deities are a thing, are they perceived similarly or differently from other kinds of deities?  Do they get along with other deities?  Do mortals treat them the same or differently from other kinds of deities?

16. If they are perceived as or act as any kind of antagonist, is this reputation deserved? Is their title of antagonist acquired from a means other than being a personification of death?  If they are an antagonist, are they closer to a traditional villain who enjoys destruction, or are they more like an antivillain who represents death as one of the forces of nature/a necessary part of the cycle of life and death?

17.  Do they have other duties besides being a personification of death?  If they are a deity of death, are they a deity associated with other things as well? (ex god of life and death, god of death and war)

18.  When mortals portray a personification of death in art/writing/etc how closely does this interpretation match your character? Are there any noticeable differences or similarities?  Do they look similar?

19.  What are some interesting powers/abilities/traits that they have?  Do they have magical powers?  What kind of magic do they know?

20.  If they reside in an area related to the afterlife/underworld, how did they get here?  Do they rule over this place?  Do they wish they could reside somewhere else?


Radvak Gloomy-Butt

1. Where do they reside? do they like it?

Radvak resides on my story world Karga Magna. They are transient and move constantly around the overworld to collect the souls of the dead.

2. Are they an edgelord or a cinnamon roll?

They are enigmatic but kind and soft-spoken. They have exceptional mortality and are always courteous to downright submissive in the presence of mortals.

3. Do they escort souls to the afterlife?

Yes. He takes the souls of the recently deceased, puts them in his satchel, carries them into the catacombs underneath Karga Magna, and feeds them to Serriant (his bottomless belly is the true afterlife of all souls).

3A. If yes, what do they think of this job?

It's just part of his duty, in his mind. He was created to do it and so that is what he must do.

3B. If no, what do they think of the idea of having to do this for every single mortal soul?


4. What do u think makes them different from other death gods/personifications of Death?

He has no powers, other than he can see the souls he is collecting (which mortals cannot). The long trek to make it to a dead body and then taking the soul to Serriant has to be done entirely by foot. This means that he often makes it to dead bodies long after the person died - it is considered good luck for Radvak to reach a corpse before it is buried. He will not collect "restless souls" or those who are not ready to pass on to the endless darkness of Serriant. He will only collect them once they are appeased, which means ghosts can occur when someone who died is not ready to pass on. He is also part of a unique race known as the Ordates which are tribal goat-like beings that are often enslaved to other races.

5. What is their temperament? What about personality types?

He is quiet, polite, and good natured. Since he is always transient with a purpose, he does not have a lot of time to talk to people or take in the scenery. 

His whole existence revolves around doing his job and doing it well so his personality does not extend far from being a token workaholic.

6. What are their hobbies?

He likes to smoke tobacco and occasionally take pilgrimage to his ancestral homeland of the Ordates.

7. What is their aesthetic that they would like?

Medieval tribal fantasy, I suppose? They like ponchos?

8. What symbols do they have?

The symbol of death looks like a six with a line running up from where the top would end. 

The unique symbol of Radvak himself looks like an uppercase J with another line at the top. 

You can see both symbols used in this Ordate's ancestral ritual clothing.

9. What are their fave colors? Do they like the color black?

He likes magenta and teal the most. He is neutral to black.

10. What are their fave animals? Are these animals symbollic for them? Are these animals considered omens in the world of the living in their universe?

He has no particular affinity for any one animal, all animals are considered important. There is no animal that represents him.

11. I think the death seasons are winter (more common i think) and summer (underused in my opinion, perfect for a fire elemental). is ur oc associated with either one of these seasons? what about fall (i think this could be a neutral element since it is the opposite of spring)?

More people pass away in winter, this is true, but people die all the time in medieval settings so no particular season is associated with him. Of course there are times when more people die suddenly and so times of war, famine, or pandemic would be his "prime seasons".

12. What elements are they associated with, if any?

Radvak is associated with "guardian magis" because he is a Guardian in the form of an Ordate. Guardians are stellar beings that can rival the gods in power and so in my stories they are considered their own element.

God of death loitering

oooo nice thread idea! 

I cut out a few of the questions, I hope you don't mind! 

1. where do they reside? do they like it?

they dont really reside anywhere! theyre a god, so they just exist, if that makes any sense at all? 

2. are they an edgelord or a cinnamon roll?

neither, really. they are just immune to everything. they've been killing humans since the beginning of time, though, so it makes sense.

3. do they escort souls to the afterlife?

not often. the god of life does this, if the soul is to be reborn. if the soul isn't, and is meant to join the gods, the god of creation usually deals with it. 

6. what are their hobbies?

theyre so busy bossing other gods around, they don't have any

8. what symbols do they have? ex. for thanatos it would be the black rose bc fancy and pretty and edgy except this rose would have a black stem, also black swans


this thing!

9. what are their fave colors? do they like the color black?

they dont really have a favorite color. they think its pointless 

10. what are their fave animals? are these animals symbollic for them? are these animals considered omens in the world of the living in their universe?

same as above. and nope, theyre just like human souls

12. what elements are they associated with, if any?

mostly fire, especially blue fire. 

 Kasën nyxx_

Ah didn’t really feel like answering the questions, but Kasën  is (kind of) related to death! They are a “reaper”, and send souls to their designated afterlife. They are collected from different souls that had lingering regrets, and are put into a mortal body that *can* be hurt but not permeantly. They can only really die if every soul that is apart of them somehow finds peace while they are on their reaping journey! 

 Morte ChanteRyuutai

Their name is death in brasilian portuguese because I'm brasilian

But yeah, they are basically the reaper, they come here, get the lost souls, use the scythe to kill someone who burlated their end time somehow and them go deliver the souls

Ps: they hate their job :')


I don't have a profile for him yet, but... he is literally just, the Grim Reaper; Death. I'll def give him a profile sometime once I have access to art programs again. I do, however, have some information about him on Edith's profile!

where do they reside? do they like it?
At the time of the story, he resides in the small town that Edith was born in. He resides there because he promised to raise her, as nobody else would. he promised her father that he would.

are they an edgelord or a cinnamon roll?
Hm.. he's a combo of both, but he leans more towards cinnamon roll for sure. He may look intimidating and aggressive, but he's really just a big softie with a [nonexistent] heart of gold.

do they escort souls to the afterlife?

if yes, what do they think of this job?
He dislikes every moment of it. Even after doing it for years, it still unsettles him, especially after the incident with Edith's father.

what do u think makes them different from other death gods/personifications of Death?
He's compassionate, generous.. nothing like the way media usually portrays/used to portray him. He also has the power of life. While he may escort souls, he can also revive those who weren't ready to go, and give them new life.

what is their temperament? what about personality types?
He isn't quick to anger, and he's pretty chill. 

what are their hobbies?
Oh boy.. he loves to explore in his free time. He enjoys birdwatching, walking trails in the woods, and he (is trying his best) plays the piano?

what is their aesthetic that they would like?
Hm.. something like this!
tumblr_pg3gjqAmi51tmn4m0_540.jpg 847edee62e202fca19c8c0e26f4cee4b.jpg

what symbols do they have? 
Nothing fancy, just some flowers and a skull.

what are their fave colors? do they like the color black?
He likes wearing the color black, but his favorite color is actually orange. He owns about five different orange-colored scarves.

what are their fave animals? are these animals symbolic for them? are these animals considered omens in the world of the living in their universe?
His favorite animal... would probably have to be a tiger. He really likes the way they look, especially with different colored coats. (The golden tiger is BEAUTIFUL)

I think the death seasons are winter (more common I think) and summer (underused in my opinion, perfect for a fire elemental). is ur oc associated with either one of these seasons? what about fall (I think this could be a neutral element since it is the opposite of spring)?
He's associated with Spring actually. Although he is Death, he's associated with this season due to him being able to create new life, which is basically the whole theme of that time.

what elements are they associated with, if any?
He's associated with Earth, due to being connected to nature.

Mister Dark Herobette

Just one of my ocs whose basically god of death c:

 Morana Nashatia

1. where do they reside? do they like it?

currently unknown. she tends to roam around colder regions

2. are they an edgelord or a cinnamon roll?

still working on that, leaning towards the overly tired quiet mom type that just wanders what she did to deserve deal with others.

3. do they escort souls to the afterlife?


3A. if yes, what do they think of this job?

they use to think of it as a dull task but after years of doing it, she finds it sorta endearing that she's the last thing they see.

4. what do u think makes them different from other death gods/personifications of Death? 

yea, I see her as a wandering soul that just wants friends or a family.

5. what is their temperament? what about personality types?

her temperament is that of reserved, she's very collective with her emotions. rarely ever showing anything other than her normal quiet reserved emotion.

6. what are their hobbies?

herb collecting, sleeping and walking with lost souls. 

7. what is their aesthetic that they would like?

 cold witchy type. potions, crystals, with cold winter colors. 

8. what symbols do they have? 

she has skulls on her knees

9. what are their fave colors? do they like the color black?

she actually likes the color is sky blue

10. what are their fave animals? are these animals symbolic for them? are these animals considered omens in the world of the living in their universe?

 ravens are probably her omens, as cliche as that sounds. she adores them, finds them very interesting and smart. very nice to have a conversation with.

11. I think the death seasons are winter (more common i think) and summer (underused in my opinion, perfect for a fire elemental). is ur oc associated with either one of these seasons? what about fall (i think this could be a neutral element since it is the opposite of spring)?

 she is def a winter type. she loves the changes in the season. loves seeing how much each tree changes or the weather. she just loves the smell of it all. to her it smells clean like a new start.

12. what elements are they associated with, if any?


Pieter Prince--OfNothing

I mean--

He came to me in a dream. Well, multiple dreams, because they're often reoccurring. 

He's mute, small, and has absolutely no fashion sense. No robes, he needs to try to fit into modern life even if he struggles. His weapon of choice depends on the person, how they die, and where they're going. There is nothing scarier than looking down at Death, wearing Crocs, and knowing that this fashion disaster is here to herald your end.

 PEEM vicvic

this guy’s a bulbkeeper aka he stores the dead in bean-like bulbs. the liquid in the bulbs are literallt the souls of the dead LOL

bulbkeeper is just a fancy word for mortician in my universe,

he lives 10,000 miles below the sea in a depressurized cave (with an air bubble). he lives alone

i wouldn’t call him an edgelord? he’s very apathetic and is a full on sadist. 

i don’t know how to answer the third question because being in a bulb is the afterlife. after the bulb is smashed, they come back

he likes his job. he has nothing to do otherwise anyways 

he’s one of the only death “gods” on parthi. his friend is like a backup worker, she works for him when he’s out / not feeling well

he’s a calm and collected man. he never gets too mad. as i said, he’s apathetic

he likes to paint unclaimed bones. he also collects anomaly skulls (skulls with deformities, odd jaws etc)

he doesn’t really have a symbol? he’s most well known for his crest of bone. it’s literally a part of his skull lol 

he LOVES sharks. this is because of his jaw; a helicoprion jaw. he used to have a salmon shark

he doesn’t really have a signature season. though he really likes summer

he’s not associated with any elements :)

 ✧˖°Yugana Yuureigana

More like undead 

Azrael Bamcchin

Hes not death incarnate, but hes the Celestial servant chosen to collect the souls and bring them to the mirror world :D I hope that counts too 

1. where do they reside? do they like it? He doesnt have a proper home though hes staying more time in the Mirror world where his childhood friend and nemesis Cain is :D 

2. are they an edgelord or a cinnamon roll? uhh hes the brooding intimidating type but he only has a short temper when it comes to Cain

3. do they escort souls to the afterlife? yes :D

3A. if yes, what do they think of this job? He likes it bc the souls find a place to rest and he loves to look at the souls ascending when its their time to be reincarnated

3B. if no, what do they think of the idea of having to do this for every single mortal soul?///

4. what do u think makes them different from other death gods/personifications of Death? Mhm Its a role he wasn't born with but chosen by ascending as a Celestial, theres no such thing as ultimate death in my world since the souls can decide whether they want to be put into a sleep state to reincarnate or live in the Mirror world forever, or they're summoned as familiars by mages. His bg story with Cain is more the focus of his story than his work as death. He also has a group of other Celestials that serve him and help him with the souls.

5. what is their temperament? what about personality types? His MBTI is ISTP, hes brooding and serious and very loyal though some doubts are nagging at the back of his mind and he gets emotional when its abt Cain.

6. what are their hobbies? He doesnt have much time for hobbies but he likes to kickbox and wandering through the realm by himself 

7. what is their aesthetic that they would like? Edgy, dark and tempting, though he underestimates his own appeal.

8. what symbols do they have? ex. for thanatos it would be the black rose bc fancy and pretty and edgy except this rose would have a black stem, also black swans, Red apple and skeletons, I like the symbol of temptation for him

9. what are their fave colors? do they like the color black? Yes absolutely black xD edge lord,,, but I like him with mint and red colors as well 

10. what are their fave animals? are these animals symbollic for them? are these animals considered omens in the world of the living in their universe? Dogs, he also can't take the Cerberus family serious since he just wants to pet them. Rabbits could be very interesting as well

11. i think the death seasons are winter (more common i think) and summer (underused in my opinion, perfect for a fire elemental). is ur oc associated with either one of these seasons? what about fall (i think this could be a neutral element since it is the opposite of spring)? I connect him to fall and winter spontaneously but Ive never thought abt that one :o 

12. what elements are they associated with, if any? No elements, he does have 2 blades in black and white though, maybe "the judgement"

Reaper TheDoodlesphere

it is hot as fuck in this hot ass room I'm in

*heavy breathing*