show me ur ocs that are Death (with questions)

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 9 months, 11 days ago) by Thanatos lophiusdragon

thread is still open

UPDATE AUGUST 20 2021: new questions have been added!

ive always found these to be interesting, like a mystical eldritch abomination

do u have any ocs that are Death? this includes characters that are death gods, psychopomps/valkyries (escort the dying to the afterlife), gods of the afterlife, etc

heres some fun qs for u if u want

1. where do they reside? do they like it?

2. are they an edgelord or a cinnamon roll?

3. do they escort souls to the afterlife?

3A. if yes, what do they think of this job?

3B. if no, what do they think of the idea of having to do this for every single mortal soul?

4. what do u think makes them different from other death gods/personifications of Death?

5. what is their temperament? what about personality types?

6. what are their hobbies?

7. what is their aesthetic that they would like?

8. what symbols do they have? ex. for thanatos it would be the black rose bc fancy and pretty and edgy except this rose would have a black stem, also black swans

9. what are their fave colors? do they like the color black?

10. what are their fave animals? are these animals symbollic for them? are these animals considered omens in the world of the living in their universe?

11. i think the death seasons are winter (more common i think) and summer (underused in my opinion, perfect for a fire elemental). is ur oc associated with either one of these seasons? what about fall (i think this could be a neutral element since it is the opposite of spring)?

12. what elements are they associated with, if any?


NEW Qs aug 20 2021

13.  What is their alignment?  Is this different from the alignment that mortals tend to assign to them?

14. Is there a personification of Life in their universe? What do they think about this personification of Life and what does Life think of Death?

15. If they are from a universe where deities are a thing, are they perceived similarly or differently from other kinds of deities?  Do they get along with other deities?  Do mortals treat them the same or differently from other kinds of deities?

16. If they are perceived as or act as any kind of antagonist, is this reputation deserved? Is their title of antagonist acquired from a means other than being a personification of death?  If they are an antagonist, are they closer to a traditional villain who enjoys destruction, or are they more like an antivillain who represents death as one of the forces of nature/a necessary part of the cycle of life and death?

17.  Do they have other duties besides being a personification of death?  If they are a deity of death, are they a deity associated with other things as well? (ex god of life and death, god of death and war)

18.  When mortals portray a personification of death in art/writing/etc how closely does this interpretation match your character? Are there any noticeable differences or similarities?  Do they look similar?

19.  What are some interesting powers/abilities/traits that they have?  Do they have magical powers?  What kind of magic do they know?

20.  If they reside in an area related to the afterlife/underworld, how did they get here?  Do they rule over this place?  Do they wish they could reside somewhere else?


The Executioner | Carnifex OverlyOptimistic

1. Where do they reside? do they like it?

Anywhere and everywhere within the universe, but he has his preferences. His true home is Earth.

2. Are they an edgelord or a cinnamon roll? 

Edgelord but he tries to be nice

3. Do they escort souls to the afterlife? 

No. He isn't the God of Death, more a fragment of what was the original death god. He is capable of entering people's minds during their last moments and communicating with them before they pass, but what happens after that is not something that concerns him.

3A. If yes, what do they think of this job? 

3B. If no, what do they think of the idea of having to do this for every single mortal soul?

He'd be on the fence. Splitting his consciousness and doing multiple things at once is no issue, and he would enjoy helping people toward the afterlife they deserve. On the other hand, it would stop him from performing his duties as a justice god and he would hate that

4. What do u think makes them different from other death gods/personifications of Death? 

He's an alien in a sci-fi setting. I don't see the concept of Gods being used much in Sci-Fi, and blending mythology with technology has been really fun to imagine!

5. What is their temperament? what about personality types?

Cold and distant. Is very calculating and focused only on his goals. Deep down he cares very deeply for living things but he rarely shows it. I think he might be an ISTJ.

 6. What are their hobbies?

He doesn't have time for hobbies, and he doesn't feel like he has a purpose outside of his godhood so he wouldn't pursue any. I think he would enjoy puzzles like sudoku or crosswords if he did have a hobby

 7. What is their aesthetic that they would like? 

He finds the night sky to be beautiful. 

8. What symbols do they have? ex. for thanatos it would be the black rose bc fancy and pretty and edgy except this rose would have a black stem, also black swans 

His usual symbol is an axe, but he can also be represented by scarabs, triangular patterns, and the alchemical symbol for planet earth

9. What are their fave colors? do they like the color black?

Black and white are his fave colors.

 10. What are their fave animals? are these animals symbolic for them? are these animals considered omens in the world of the living in their universe? 

Beetles. He once had wings very similar to them and they originate from Earth, where he was born. He thinks they're the perfect example of the beauty and diversity of life. He uses them as a symbol for himself but others don't associate him with them. (His design is also inspired by the Hercules and Goliath beetles!)

11. I think the death seasons are winter (more common i think) and summer (underused in my opinion, perfect for a fire elemental). is ur oc associated with either one of these seasons? what about fall (i think this could be a neutral element since it is the opposite of spring)?

He isn't really associated with these. 

 12. What elements are they associated with, if any?

The freezing cold of space, so I guess ice?

13.  What is their alignment?  Is this different from the alignment that mortals tend to assign to them?

Lawful good. Most see him as either neutral or evil.

14. Is there a personification of Life in their universe? What do they think about this personification of Life and what does Life think of Death?

The personification of life in his universe is what his species consider the perfect being; it created the pantheon he is a member of, but also killed his mother, the original Death. He despises it for how it wants to have total control over the universe and make everything in its image and wants to destroy it. Life hates anything to do with Death so the feeling is mutual.

15. If they are from a universe where deities are a thing, are they perceived similarly or differently from other kinds of deities?  Do they get along with other deities?  Do mortals treat them the same or differently from other kinds of deities? 

As far as he knows, there are no other deities other than his species. 

16. If they are perceived as or act as any kind of antagonist, is this reputation deserved? Is their title of antagonist acquired from a means other than being a personification of death?  If they are an antagonist, are they closer to a traditional villain who enjoys destruction, or are they more like an antivillain who represents death as one of the forces of nature/a necessary part of the cycle of life and death?

Carnifex himself considers himself a force for good and is obsessed with doing the morally right thing. Sometimes this clashes with others' opinions and can be cruel, but he believes his way is the best. He does not want to be an antagonist but he will become one if he finds it necessary. What he has done while under the control of forces greater than himself, however, are very evil and antagonistic. He hates what he has been made to do under the influence of mind control and will do anything to fix it. He does deserve his antagonistic reputation, though. 

17.  Do they have other duties besides being a personification of death?  If they are a deity of death, are they a deity associated with other things as well? (ex god of life and death, god of death and war)

Being a death god is actually quite low on the list. He is God of Justice first and foremost. He also has a specific domain of death, executions, if that wasn't obvious from his title lol.

18.  When mortals portray a personification of death in art/writing/etc how closely does this interpretation match your character? Are there any noticeable differences or similarities?  Do they look similar?

No. Very few have seen him directly and all mortals portray death as it is seen in their culture. 

19.  What are some interesting powers/abilities/traits that they have?  Do they have magical powers?  What kind of magic do they know?

'Magic' In the sense that he is an extradimensional being part of a greater whole. He can manipulate the Universe in many different ways that are incomprehensible to most species. He is supernaturally strong and durable and has the wisdom and intelligence of a being that has lived for millions of years. He can cut through planets with a swing of his axe, catch lightning and throw it as a spear, and travel faster than light. The possibilities are endless. He also has a cool shapeshifting tail. 

20.  If they reside in an area related to the afterlife/underworld, how did they get here?  Do they rule over this place?  Do they wish they could reside somewhere else?

He doesn't know if there is an afterlife or not and does not reside in it if it does exist. He does have a small planet on the very edge of the universe all to himself, though. It is entirely desert and time and space don't work right there. You can blink and ten years can fly by, or you could be there for ten years and only miss a single second in the rest of the universe.

(This was a very fun questionnaire, made me think a lot about his character! :D)

Father Cervus flatworld

continuing this with the new questions bc this is so fun yayyyy

13.  What is their alignment?  Is this different from the alignment that mortals tend to assign to them?

Father Cervus is, according to himself, pretty neutral. he only does what John Doe requires him to do and he doesnt really care for any collateral damage. this would make him more of a chaotic neutral than true neutral but hes not a dungeons & dragons guy, so he wouldnt know. outside of his cult, Cervus presents himself as a wise, but intense and eccentric priest. pretty much all he can talk about is the apocalypse. most humans think of him as a nutcase, but the christian fanatics that actually attend his sermons see him as a noble, brave and righteous man. neither of these perceptions are really true....

14.  Is there a personification of Life in their universe? What do they  think about this personification of Life and what does Life think of  Death?

the closest to "personification of life" i can think of in his story is the drive to prevail in the gene pool thats evolutionarily present in every human. you could think of it as an individual desire to keep living as oneself. John Doe is the direct antagonist to that, as its purpose is to incorporate every last human into itself, mixing and matching intelligences until all that's left is itself. theres no reason John Doe wants this so badly, but there's also no reason humanity wants to prevail so bad. Cervus doesn't really understand why humans want to live so bad, if there are so many more of themselves. he sees them as we see ants.

15. If they are from a universe where deities are a thing,  are they perceived similarly or differently from other kinds of deities?   Do they get along with other deities?  Do mortals treat them the same  or differently from other kinds of deities?

no deities in this universe!

16. If they are  perceived as or act as any kind of antagonist, is this reputation  deserved? Is their title of antagonist acquired from a means other than  being a personification of death?  If they are an antagonist, are they  closer to a traditional villain who enjoys destruction, or are they more  like an antivillain who represents death as one of the forces of  nature/a necessary part of the cycle of life and death?

Cervus is absolutely an antagonist. he THINKS himself an agent of fate/karma/cycles/whatever you choose to call it, but really hes projecting his desires onto a mass of half-sentient metal and stolen flesh (John Doe) to pretend its telling him to do stuff so only THEN will he actually do what he wants. and naturally, he doesnt think he actually wants this. hes a villain, but not the kind that enjoys destruction. hes just. killing people for his creator.

17.  Do  they have other duties besides being a personification of death?  If  they are a deity of death, are they a deity associated with other things  as well? (ex god of life and death, god of death and war)

hes posing as a priest, so he has to do Priest Stuff like sermons and. Other Priest Stuff. also taking care of John Doe.

18.   When mortals portray a personification of death in art/writing/etc how  closely does this interpretation match your character? Are there any  noticeable differences or similarities?  Do they look similar?

humanity's idea of death is very very different from what Cervus embodies, mostly because Cervus is an analogy for a personification death rather than a personification in itself. as in, he could be interpreted as such metatextually, but in the actual story, hes not actually seen as a personification of death. were too far in for me to be saying this NOW, i know.  

19.   What are some interesting powers/abilities/traits that they have?  Do  they have magical powers?  What kind of magic do they know?

Cervus has ultra-thin blood vessels running through his hair, which makes it behave more like a weird mass of muscle than hair. he can move his strands,  stretch them and fuse them to one another. he can also use the iron in his blood to make blades !! he mostly does this with his hair, but other appendages such as fingers and toes work too. he doesnt have magic powers :(

20.   If they reside in an area related to the afterlife/underworld, how did  they get here?  Do they rule over this place?  Do they wish they could  reside somewhere else?

he lives under a cathedral. no afterlife or underworld for this guy!

Corona Vxxlo

Their original job was merely to ensure that time and the universe are always balanced, but because of the disappearance of one of their. . . coworkers?, Corona has been (forcefully) given the "Lord of the Dead" title. Because obviously maintaining equilibrium in the entirety of everything ever definitely was not enough of a workload for one god, surely they can handle finding, guiding, and weighing the souls of each and every one of our dearly departed. Totally.

1. where do they reside? do they like it?

  • Thankfully for them, Cor has been allowed to remain in their home in the realm of the gods with their family, and they are very much so happy there. They'd probably do some disappearing themself if they were relocated to the Underworld tbh.

2. are they an edgelord or a cinnamon roll?

  • A bit of both? An edgelord professionally, a cinnamon roll in every other scenario. They're strict and highly judgmental when it comes to their duties (and those who interrupted them), but they're kind of a dork, are clueless about most things that don't deal with their role in the universe, and are just kind of awkwardly and innocently stumbling their way through their social life with the aid of their exasperated (albeit thoroughly amused) children.

3. do they escort souls to the afterlife?

  • More or less. They technically have subordinates who handle the actual escorting, but are occasionally tasked with finding lost souls and do have to judge their souls to figure out where they're meant to end up.

3A. if yes, what do they think of this job?

  • It's ass.

4. what do u think makes them different from other death gods/personifications of Death?

  • The fact that they weren't born for this but pushed into it because some asshole stopped showing up for work, they hate their job (but love and mourn the people because it's not their fault they died. . . most of the time), and they are very family-oriented and super close with all of their descendants.

5. what is their temperament? what about personality types?

  • Melancholic ISTJ. Serious, calculating, curious but not willing to explore because the outside world is scary asf. Obsessed with facts and logic because feelings are unpredictable without neglecting emotions as a whole. They care about everyone and everything, it's just that y'all are so mf weird & annoying all the time that they forget to show it.

6. what are their hobbies?

  • Doesn't really have time for any. 

7. what is their aesthetic that they would like?

  • Minimalist, but classy. They like to keep things simple.

8. what symbols do they have?

  • Scales, eyes, scorpions, & magpies.

9. what are their fave colors? do they like the color black?

  • They like all of them, really. Don't have any specific favorites. They love how colors and light work and are more fascinated with that than the look of the colors themselves.

10. what are their fave animals? are these animals symbolic for them? are these animals considered omens in the world of the living in their universe?

  • They love animals in general, it's hard for them to pick a favorite because they believe they're all beautiful and of equal value. 

11. i think the death seasons are winter (more common i think) and summer (underused in my opinion, perfect for a fire elemental). is ur oc associated with either one of these seasons? what about fall (i think this could be a neutral element since it is the opposite of spring)?

  • Nope.

12. what elements are they associated with, if any?

  • Technically they're associated with all of them, more specifically the world and its makeup as a whole.

13.  What is their alignment?  Is this different from the alignment that mortals tend to assign to them?

  • Lawful Neutral, which makes sense given their original job. I imagine mortals most often think of them as Lawful Good, though- they are a loving god who is very active with their worshippers, they don't really often see the part of them that is more concerned with what is fair than what is morally "right."

14. Is there a personification of Life in their universe? What do they think about this personification of Life and what does Life think of Death?

  • Nope.

15. If they are from a universe where deities are a thing, are they perceived similarly or differently from other kinds of deities?  Do they get along with other deities?  Do mortals treat them the same or differently from other kinds of deities?

  • They tend to avoid their brethren like the plague. Those guys are weird, bro. Mortals view them as an "ultimate divine" (given that they basically represent both life and death), and while they are not worshipped in day to day life, they're basically the center of attention when both life and death are celebrated/mourned and have the most important festivals/holidays/etc.

16. If they are perceived as or act as any kind of antagonist, is this reputation deserved? Is their title of antagonist acquired from a means other than being a personification of death?  If they are an antagonist, are they closer to a traditional villain who enjoys destruction, or are they more like an antivillain who represents death as one of the forces of nature/a necessary part of the cycle of life and death?

  • Cor is anything but an antagonist and I can't see why anyone would view them as such. They are just a baby

17.  Do they have other duties besides being a personification of death?  If they are a deity of death, are they a deity associated with other things as well? (ex god of life and death, god of death and war)

  • Besides their original job? Not really. And thank goodness for that, if they had anything else on their plate (besides being a parent/grandparent) they'd go straight into early retirement.

18.  When mortals portray a personification of death in art/writing/etc how closely does this interpretation match your character? Are there any noticeable differences or similarities?  Do they look similar?

  • They're most often depicted via their symbols than them specifically. The only time they ever appear to mortals is in the form that the mortals most want to see them in, whether that be a loved one, an animal, an omen, another god, etc. There have been a few times, however, that they found themself appearing as. . . well, themself, and they noped out of those situations very quickly because why on earth would a mortal want to see them specifically?

19.  What are some interesting powers/abilities/traits that they have?  Do they have magical powers?  What kind of magic do they know?

  • Well, one thing they can do is "dissociate" and see time as a whole happening all at once rather than one linear line. They usually do this to send time travelers back to where they belong to prevent them from fucking something up. Time travelers are their worst enemy, bro.

Morrigna Kitsuggan

Just an baby, who happens to be the human form of the Morrigan… it happens sometimes

Also I only answered some of the questions because I’m tired :/

1. where do they reside? do they like it?  
As a remnant, shi technically has a home in The Neighbourhood (an infinite dimension that appears as a suburban neighbourhood), but shi spends most of hir time dropping in on Jemima’s coffee shop.

2. are they an edgelord or a cinnamon roll?
Shi likes to think shi’s an edge lord, but cinnamon roll. Maybe more like sinnamon tbf 

7. what is their aesthetic that they would like?
Shi is still obsessed with the style of the 30’s from when shi was alive, so any aesthetic relating to that

8. what symbols do they have?
Crows / Ravens!

Bone Fairy exoskeleeton

here is my little grim reaper : )

some quick facts to answer some of the questions: she only works with birds. she doesn’t really care about humans, not in a dismissive way, more like it wouldn’t even cross her mind to think about it. most humans aren’t aware of her existence as they would need to venture far too deep into the woods to figure it out. she mainly appears deep in the forest, though she can appear wherever the birds are. she does help carry them over to the afterlife. she’s pretty calm and caring, and the birds feel pretty positively and respectful of her in turn. not a power but a lil fun fact about her is that’s she’s tiny, only about the size of a songbird.  

Death Appleonatree

i mean, if you have a bunch of dead charas, have to make a death right?

dont ask why he's based on the devil lol

1. where do they reside? do they like it?

Higher sectors of the Afterlived, with the other deities. He likes it as much as he can, considering he's been there his whole life. He's one of the weaker carnations of Death, meaning he can't travel across the multiverse like other deities and is trapped in the Afterlived.

2. are they an edgelord or a cinnamon roll?

I'm not really sure how to classify him, but I would say cinnamon roll? idk

3. do they escort souls to the afterlife?

No. In fact, he doesn't (or can't_ really do any of the typical  "Death" jobs. He has hired Angels to escort them, and Grim Readers to decide their deaths. He really just does the paperwork lol.

3B. if no, what do they think of the idea of having to do this for every single mortal soul?

easier than paperwork

4. what do u think makes them different from other death gods/personifications of Death?

Like I said earlier, I think he's different because he doesn't really do anything 'deathy'. Just paperwork.

5. what is their temperament? what about personality types?

No-Nonsense. Very prideful and gets annoyed when people make fun of him, which is why Love and Nine are in ~*paperwork jail*~ so often. They love humbling him.

6. what are their hobbies?

He loves writing. Espiecally poems, mostly about just mortal lives. and goblins

7. what is their aesthetic that they would like?

dark acedmia >:)

8. what symbols do they have? ex. for thanatos it would be the black rose bc fancy and pretty and edgy except this rose would have a black stem, also black swans

Doesn't really have one, but ig a black crown? 

9. what are their fave colors? do they like the color black?

not really. he likes purple :)

10. what are their fave animals? are these animals symbollic for them? are these animals considered omens in the world of the living in their universe?

He is fascinated with goblins. He even has a little goblin statue in his office drawer. It doesn't really have any symbolism, but sometimes the Angels will dress up as goblins, which has caused some disperse in the living world.

11. i think the death seasons are winter (more common i think) and summer (underused in my opinion, perfect for a fire elemental). is ur oc associated with either one of these seasons? what about fall (i think this could be a neutral element since it is the opposite of spring)?

not asscoiated with any seasons, but I would probably say Fall, as Fall lasts unusually long in the Afterlived.

12. what elements are they associated with, if any?

none :=)

Kevin Dragongirl222

I have absolutely no idea what Kevin is, but death and chaos follow it. 

Azrael Bamcchin

well, not death personified but hes the reaper that collects all the flowers (souls) and brings them to Cains Mirrorworld 

Mortombre | ??? CryptidCanid

Mortombre, being one of the Four Horsemen of the pokemon world, is the embodiment of death itself. He's considered a lesser god, following the rule of Lucirago, the mythical king of the underworld

1) Mortombre resides in Mystidawn's darkest forest, which he finds comforting. Nothing disturbs him and he doesn't disturb anyone back.

2) He's considered misunderstood in the way that he's not as bad as people paint him out to be. Yes, he can be terrifying when angered, but he only ever takes a life if it's deserved.

3) While Mortombre's responsible for enforcing when someone dies or not, he's not the one to escort those souls to the afterlife. After death, it's up to the higher gods to decide what to do with them.

3b) The job is tiring, but he views it as a way of life rather than the former. That way it doesn't get to him that he'll never be able to do anything else with his eternal life.

4) I think what sets Mortombre apart from the other "gods" of death in fiction is the fact that he deals with all life, not just humans. Pokemon deserve judgment as well.

5) Mortombre is mostly docile in nature but stays hidden from society. If he were to one day be captured and have a trainer of his own, he'd only allow it if the trainer was a worthy candidate with good intentions. If he encountered one with an evil heart, he'd take their soul in an instant in order to protect others.

6) He doesn't really have time for hobbies, but if it counted, he'd consider counting the souls he'd captured that day a pastime of his.

7) I think he'd enjoy a dark, gloomy, and foggy sort of aesthetic.

8) His and the other Horsemen's masks are plastered all over Mystidawn's historical texts.

9) Green all the way. Black is also a close second.

10) Since it's still up in the air about if normal animals exist alongside pokemon, I wouldn't claim a favorite animal for him just yet. If he had a favorite pokemon, however, I think he'd be great friends with Darkrai :]

11) Mortombre isn't associated with a particular season, but if it were time of day, it'd be twilight.

12) Mortombre is a dark/ghost-type.

Lord Tenebris DCLXVI CaptainRobi

A child prodigy of a project destined to find the next God of Darkness, Tenebris killed his way to the top to attain the rank.

1. where do they reside? do they like it?

Tenebris spends much of his time on his converted planet, Crystalia; Home to the ravenous, all spreading Parasite. Coated in its cold-winding glass, it's every inch of his beloved home and resting place for much of his fleet.

2. are they an edgelord or a cinnamon roll?

90% Edgelord, 10% Cinnamon Roll

3. do they escort souls to the afterlife?

Tenebris doesn't do much in the underworld, he just murders stuff.

3A. if yes, what do they think of this job?

3B. if no, what do they think of the idea of having to do this for every single mortal soul?

He sees it as a tedious task and if he were, he'd have someone else do it for him. Man's too fabulous for manual labour.

4. what do u think makes them different from other death gods/personifications of Death?

You'd think of much Gods of Death as covered in black robes, glyphs, spooky skeletons, anime villains etc etc. But why be grim and dark when you can be beautiful? I've read much of this 07 Ghost manga series that Death doesn't have to be all darkness and gloom but beautiful in its own way and that is the design behind Tenebris. I want him to represent death in ways that's pleasing to one's eyes.

5. what is their temperament? what about personality types?

He has a bit of an arrogant abeit temperamental personality. He hates it when things go the opposite ways and even more so when it involves human beings (His sole spite). Expect blood and organs flying when he loses it.

6. what are their hobbies?

Spending time reading a book, plans to execute the human race or just sailing about in his personal flagship. He has no time for petty games... only books... oh and sampling the finest wine to offer.

7. what is their aesthetic that they would like?

To make every dead and brittle, like glass.

8.  what symbols do they have? ex. for thanatos it would be the black rose  bc fancy and pretty and edgy except this rose would have a black stem,  also black swans

47482185_HIdbWWf7svVOlqe.pngReally old symbol like but the diamond in the center is meant to represent  Tenebris' substance and the lines illustrating 'longitivity' and  'protection'

9. what are their fave colors? do they like the color black?

Man loves purple, black is too old-school.

10.  what are their fave animals? are these animals symbollic for them? are  these animals considered omens in the world of the living in their  universe?

Every animal is considered sacred to Crystalion's views. Only humanity is considered foul. He wishes to protect them from the tyranny of humanity.

11. i think the death seasons are winter (more common i  think) and summer (underused in my opinion, perfect for a fire  elemental). is ur oc associated with either one of these seasons? what  about fall (i think this could be a neutral element since it is the  opposite of spring)?

Well he is a kind of winter person cos he had a long romantic lifestyle with another God, a Goddess of Ice. Man used to love her so much until the humans took her away then its "Alright time to kill".

12. what elements are they associated with, if any?

Darkness, Tenebris stands for everything the light don't shine and since he's all about that, naturally, being Death falls into it in the universe.

 Morte ChanteRyuutai

Since there are questions now, and they are slight more defined as a character, I'ma post 'em again! :)

1. where do they reside? do they like it? They live in the underworld, but spend most of the time on the surface since they're forced to overwork a lot. They don't like it much, it's too loud there, aways someone partying, drunkheads all around, people pranking each other even without properly knowing the other person and when the poor fella gets home tired from work he just wants a little bit of peace, he definitely sees why humans use "hell" as a curse word, but Morte would for sure feel lonely somewere else.

2. are they an edgelord or a cinnamon roll? Does not fully qualify for either, but more edgelord leaning. Morte is a chill person, but does not take s*** and will definitely ignore everyone if they're tired, but is not an asshole, Morte cares a lot about the souls he guides, his friends, and as much as he hates the noise, he also cares about the people a lot.

3. do they escort souls to the afterlife? Yes.

3A. if yes, what do they think of this job? Tiring as f***, they could definitelly use a break. It's just so much to do.

3B. if no, what do they think of the idea of having to do this for every single mortal soul? That it's a lot, Morte legit wishes they could just go *snap* and gatter it all at once just having to deliver the souls.

4. what do u think makes them different from other death gods/personifications of Death? That's a very interesting question. I feel like their atitude, Morte is not a being moved by pure bloodlust nor is he someone who loves what they do, he's not "godly", Morte feels like just an underpaid overworked employee like any other.

5. what is their temperament? what about personality types? Usually chill, but there's a limit to it, can be pretty scary when angry. Being overworked makes his temperament a bit worst a times.

6. what are their hobbies? Doesn't have much time for it, but used to like to knit, also likes to read, that he still manages to do.

7. what is their aesthetic that they would like? Edgelord vampire from the 90s aesthetic.

8. what symbols do they have? ex. for thanatos it would be the black rose bc fancy and pretty and edgy except this rose would have a black stem, also black swans Spider webb, goats, horns, bones and lamps are some ideas.

9. what are their fave colors? do they like the color black?Yes they like black, but favorite colours are red and grey.

10. what are their fave animals? are these animals symbollic for them? are these animals considered omens in the world of the living in their universe? They like all animals, specieally if they're fluffy, goofy or cute

11. i think the death seasons are winter (more common i think) and summer (underused in my opinion, perfect for a fire elemental). is ur oc associated with either one of these seasons? what about fall (i think this could be a neutral element since it is the opposite of spring)? Not really, but they do love fall and spring the most.

12. what elements are they associated with, if any?None really, but if it was up for me to choose, probably fire or wind. Tho in a pokemon context it could be fire still, but also steel or faery.

Very nice questions btw! Good job on this thread!