
Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Demomack_Adopts

This Thread is about the Lore of all the Humanoids in Bethdain.

Please keep in mind that this is very simplified mythology and may be edited to fit the world. 

If you have any suggestions for creatures of any type, please send me a message or send to Creature Suggestions



Nymphs are seen as beautiful young women closely related to the gods, especially the god of rivers, who made them and the god of Nature. 

Because of their close relations to these gods, most nymphs are born with water and plant based powers. 

They are known live in the forest high in the mountains, near rivers or springs. Helping the forests grow and thrive, along with making polluted springs fresh again.

Because of this, water from a nymph spring is highly priced and is said to be better for brewing potions than normal water. 

But don’t let that pretty face fool you. Nymphs are no were near humans, they live much longer lives than humans do and being hermaphrodites; they have been associated with fertility.

Humans unsuccessful with having children will seek guidance from a nymph and hope for a blessing from them. 

They have also been known to give blessings to farmers who have struggled with their harvests.