Hello! Welcome to Bethdain!

Bethdain is a fantasy world where "mythical creatures" are considered the majority of the population. 

There is magic involved too. 

Untitled635.pngBethdain is a world-building project made by Lord Demolic. 

This project has been going on for 6 years and has changed of those past years.

Bethdain earily concepts were inspired by Fairy tail, Pokemon and Avatar the last air bender. But now-a-days is inspired by My Buddy the Death (By Chosentragedy), other indie projects, mythology, DnD (fun Fact; I homebrewed a DnD champaign with this world), but especially my welsh culture and the world around me. 

Bethdain has gained a small collection of Stories in progress, currently having:

Other Dad

The London Dragons


Here is some navigation for lost Little souls such as yourselves:

Please look over Rules first if you are a newcomer, as it will teach you the rules of my world!


Greeting room

Help and Suggestions




Images from My Pinterest!

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