
The View


Basic information

Gentle Grove is open for visits for the duration of the event only. The interactions are text-based – please share your pieces of writing either in this channel, on the TH TEF forum or dm me directly. Feral forms only, Forest looks preferable. The grove is accessed through a portal located in the Forest on the border of the Nursery in the Scattered Stones Valley.


The aim of the booth is to provide players with an alternative, whether they are unable to access the Forest for the festivities, don't have time or their characters look for something else than what SR offers in the woods. The Gentle Grove is for sightseeing, socialising and chilling. Any attempts at disturbing the peace will result in Madison or Mischief kicking the delinquent out of the world, blacklisted.


The setting is outside the Forest in a world called Hofn. Visiting the place, individuals have access only to the grove which opens after winter but it's inaccessible during summer (grows too lush to traverse, completely covered with mud and branches going down the slops which don't have a permafrost layer). It's on the border between the mountains and swamp, on one side there is a steep slope which can't be climbed up. The area is cut through by a creek with clean water. Edible red berries called hoarberries grow on the trees, very similar to currants. A volcano circles the island around which is the world's light source. There are no stars or planets. Clouds form over the habitable parts of the ocean in the late afternoon on either side of the island and that causes the circulation of water as we know it (clouds move to the land, rain falls down for a bit, rinse and repeat.) As a rule of thumb, our known reality rules apply to anything that's not mentioned in this message.


Arumi serves refreshments. Mischief can perform water tricks. Madison keeps the order. Also Madi has provided waterproof blankets which hang on the thicker branches. They're there to provide shelter during the short episodes of rain aka blanket forts.

Further information

If you're interested in the whole world of Hofn, we can discuss some potential ideas after Spring Rally.