Babies & Crossbreeds Info

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago (Edited 1 year, 5 months ago) by Rime Syrcaid

Once Your Snug is Approved
It's okay to make extra art or port the design onto another base, so long as the design traits/colors remain the same!
It's  okay to make alt/AU characters of your Snug for other worlds, just make  sure you have permission to and that it's clearly labeled as an alt!
Approved Seasnugs are allowed for other world's Crossbreed events/tickets!  You may Crossbreed your Snug with other Humanoids!

Rime Syrcaid


Seasnug Reproduction

Seasnugs can change their gender/sex/inner reproductive workings whenever they want!

They have no visible reproductive organs in their official designs, but they can have any type of humanoid "layout" you want in story!

Seasnugs have their babies in "ribbons" like a nudibranch.  Their egg masses contain about 1-20 eggs each, but only about 75% survive to hatching!

Parents will usually raise 1-4 babies and release the others to fend for themselves.

Seasnug Life

Babies are born ready to face the world all on their own!  A baby Snug needs 3 years to complete growing adulthood!

Baby Snugs are omnivorous, but can choose to eat only plants or only meat or a mix!

Baby Snugs can transport themselves between worlds like adults do, via puddles or streams of brackish or ocean water.

The easiest way to catch a wild baby Snug is to see if any get trapped in tide pools.

There are currently no known freshwater Snugs!

Once an adult, a Snug can transform back into their baby form to travel large distances or to hide.

Rime Syrcaid

Crossbreed Reproduction

Crossbreeding Snugs will typically lay ribbons, too.  Their partner(s) they are reproducing with may alter how babies are made, based on the other parent's needs.

A Seasnug can choose any kind of relationship they want.  They can marry, be part of a group, or just do things casually as they swim along.  There are no societal rules for finding love, other than only Humanoids with consent/permission!