Seasnug Lore

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago (Edited 1 year, 10 months ago) by Lindshyr Syrcaid

Lore Page Contents

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Lindshyr Syrcaid

Lore that needs sorting:

  • Seasnugs are amphibious, humanoid creatures that live in their own pocket universe. 
  • On the Seasnug's home world, the shores of oceans, tide pools, and even edges of saltwater puddles serve as a portal into other  realms. If it's a patch of salt or brackish water big enough for a  Seasnug to swim out of, they will probably appear!
  • Adult Seasnugs can change back to their smaller Snuggy form to travel  greater distances with less energy required. This is how they visit  other realms and sometimes stay in newly discovered places as long as there's plenty of ocean water.

  • Lore: Due to their magical nature, Seasnugs can regenerate or repair external damage with the help of Star Jelly.
  • Lore: Seasnugs can shift back into their baby/starting Snuggy form when they  are frightened, need to hide, or need to travel long distances.
    Because of this ability, they learned how to repair themselves but it takes a LOT of time and energy, so they learned to use Star Jelly to accelerate the process.
  • Lore:   This is a utopian-like world, as such there is very little sickness or  deformities.  Limbs that are missing or broken are typically a result of  an accident either during infancy, as juveniles, or adults.
    Damage recieved during infancy or childhood is healed by the time they are adults.
Rime Syrcaid

Star Jelly Lore
Star Jellies are little star shaped jellies that spirits with somewhat chaotic energy live inside of for protection.
When a spirit enters its host plant, it reshapes the "fruit" into a star shaped jelly and inadvertently infuses it with magical energy AND makes it irresistible to Seasnugs!
A Snug will go out of their way to eat the jelly, spirit and all! Thankfully, the little spirit can escape with little effort. 
What they end up digesting is the magically powered jelly "fruit", giving the ability to change their appearance beyond normal Snug traits.


Lindshyr Syrcaid

Love Interest Lore
Seasnugs can change their gender/sex/inner reproductive organs whenever they want!
They have their babies in "ribbons" like a nudibranch and the egg masses contain anywhere from 1 to 20 eggs!
Only about 70% of the eggs survive to hatching, so they tend to have a lot at one time.
Parent Snugs will usually raise about 1 to 4 babies and release the others to fend for themselves.
Baby Snugs are tiny eating machines, feeding on anything from marine snow to algae.
Seasnugs don't have to pair for life, they can have brief relationships or court more than one Snug at any time. It's based on their personal preference!
