April 2023: Dreams

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago (Edited 6 months, 30 days ago) by Celest

Illustration.pngArt - makkiatokun 

Dreams Spread Like Kudzu

All across Enchiron, in early morning murmurs and midnight whispers shared across bed, people are finding they've been sharing the same unsettling dream. 

It always begins the same way. 

(CW: Unreality. Safe version here.)

I am (You are) walking through a home I (you) once had. (You still have it.) I (You) are alone. Golden twilight filters through the window as dust motes twirl in the air, and I (you) decide to step outside. I am in a forest. (Have you ever seen a forest?) The light's turned dark, yawning blues and restless purples, as mist creeps across the ground and caresses your (our) ankles. Your (my) home is gone. But in the mist you (I) see something dear to you (us) that was ▮▮▮▮. Lost. Destroyed. Dead. Gone. Gone. I (we) never thought we (I) would see it again. I (You) give chase but no one (no one) can wrap their (who?) fingers around it.

A voice echoes through the darkness.

Come, just a little further! You're almost there.

Then you (you) wake up.

This month, tell us about the dreams your character has been having. What (or who) have they been chasing? Is the home they've been revisiting one they miss? Have they told anyone about the dream? How do they feel about it?

Share your entries here.

Build an NPC

For a quick refresher: you've been invited to help us craft a new NPC. The basic concept, traits, and appearance will be crowdsourced from you all,  and at the end, we'll have a shiny new character to be a part of the  world.

Our winning concept was this: a pair of twins, a prince and a pauper. One child was born perfect, a marvel among caelians, while the other hadn't even feathers. The imperfect child is cast aside, and the perfect one used to pull the family out of poverty. They grow up ignorant of each other, until grown they meet again.

Normally, this would be the part where we'd vote for traits, but the concept implies which ones the new characters will have pretty clearly! Stay tuned to meet them!

Our other ideas are here:

An eccentric, older caelian who cares for the strays that have come to reside in Dolsian cities: escaped pets, injured wildlife, and any local fauna that happens to cross their path. No one knows how they have the resources to take care of all these creatures by themself, but it turns out they have an estranged child supporting them.

Lore Updates

Over the past month, the lore has been steadily growing. You can now read about food in Dolsia.

If there's any lore topic you want to see more on sooner, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Free Raffle

Finally, we have our last F2E raffle, by Shiki! This raffle is open until 5/1!


New Auctions

We have three auctions coming for you, one by each of our GAs! Look forward to seeing them in the coming days.

Our first is by Shikisei. The SB is $20, and it will be open for 2 days after the first bid is placed.

Bid here!


Open Adopts

These adopts remain available for adoption! Comment on the profiles to arrange a claim! 



$20 | $20 

                                   Syunthia_Base_-_GA_Chibi_1.png Syunthia_Base_-_GA_Chibi_2.png

$30 | $30
