🫧 || Fav 4 Fav! [open]

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago (Edited 3 months, 22 days ago) by Oxyhocin

Hi hi! (੭ु ´͈꒳`͈)੭ु⁾⁾

I’d love to get more favorites on the characters below, and for every fave I receive for them, I’ll return the same amount to you!


Feel free to specify which character(s) you’d love for me to pay attention to, or you can leave the option up to me and I’ll favorite the OCs that I genuinely like! You’re also free to go through the rest of my toyhou.se, too: you’ll always receive the same number of faves back no matter what (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Just let me know after you’re done by dropping a comment in the thread below, and I’ll start returning them as soon as I am able. Thank y’all for your time and happy faving!

Although I won't be responding after the initial ping where I tell you that I've returned your favorite(s), I want you all to know that I read each and every comment afterward and that I appreciate all of your kind words! It always makes my day, and I can't even begin to describe the feeling of gratitude it evokes from me. 

Honestly, I can't thank you all enough! 💕🥹



No problem! I've just returned the fave~ 🥰


Aaaa thank you!! I've given them a fave: love how they close their left eye whenever they don't have the monocle on resdtfg

Also, as a side note, nice club wear Lilia pfp 👀


faved your beans! could you do this kid Maxwell



I’ve just returned the fave! And since you faved both of them, I also dropped a favorite on Twilight; the wings are sooo pretty and I love the butterfly motif! 💕🥺


Faved both listed! Can you fav these guys? https://toyhou.se/Kandicharms/characters/folder:4102017



Yeah, of course! I've just returned the faves; thank you so much! :D



AAAA Thank you for your kind words!! I'm so happy to hear that you liked their profiles <333

I've returned the favorites on your main goobers! Both of their profiles are amazing, but I especially like Xanael's: it's so aesthetically pleasing that the colors used match the character's own color palette! 😍


hello hello ! both Asar and Tannin are lovely and I adore how you did their profiles! :] 

If it isn't too much trouble could you please favourite heem? You can scroll through the rest of my profile to chose another one! 




Thank you!! I’m delighted to know that you enjoyed both of their profiles; all that effort was worth it in the end haha 💕

And of course, it’s no trouble at all! I’ve returned the faves, and I got to say I love how creepy Solitudine is and the blades that stick out on the sides of Sylvee’s head! Though, that probably means the latter could never really bop his head too hard without accidentally hurting someone next to him 😭



I faved 6, feel free to fav whoever you'd like in my TH. No one in UFS please! Ty :]



Done! Thank you so much for stopping by! 💕💕


Faved~ such gorgeous characters!!

I’d love if you could fav these two!




Of course! Man your characters are also so pretty aaaa, especially the second guy! What a handsome lad; I’m a sucker for long hair and glasses 😭😍

Anyways, thank you so much for stopping by! <33


faved both! please fav anyone here! thank you!