♪♫♬[Favorite exchange]♬♫♪

Posted 6 years, 16 days ago (Edited 2 years, 7 months ago) by RinRin

The old thread The ★ Favorites ★ Exchange [ Featured Thread ]recently closed, and it appeared as a buch of people liked it. So i wanted to revive said thread if that's alright🌟 Please PM me if any problems occur, or if said thread shall be taken down.

  • Post IC with the character you'd like to get featured. Please state how many favorites you'd like to have, and stay reasonalbe in ammount! [10>20etc.]
  • Once you posted, browse trough the thread and give some characters of your liking faves. It'll help everyone archieve thier requested goals.
  • Edit your original request, so that other people see your progress!
  • Once your goal has been reached, let people know or strike trough your previous comment.
    When your goal was overspammed by other users, and has not been reached yet, you are free to repost it.

    [BONUS ADDITION] : Going through the different requests i saw that a few users had put down alot of different characters to favorite all at once. 
    I don't have anything against it, and i'm not going to do anything to the people that have already done it, but i'm politely asking to at least keep it to maximum 3 or 4 characters, and not a long stretching list.
    It'll make the favorite exchange more fair for everybody!

Do not use this thread to chat to other users.
Please stay serious about your faves, don't unfave the character right afterwards.
Do not repost your goal. Post only once and edit your previous comment.
Do not post a new goal until the previous has been archieved. Or it has been overspammed.

Do not spam bump the thread. 
No harassment of any kind. You Will be banned from the thread.

🌴 Vice Saint

Would love to get my GTA cyberpunk cat dad an extra 10 faves! 

PROGRESS: 🌇🌇🌇🌇🌇🌇🌇🌇🌇🌇39M3uYZ.gif

Thank you so much everyone! ❤

 Hal and Ranger Parasolhyena

Please help get my sweet, tech loving lesbians to 25 faves!!!!

     27 / 25    

Thank you all so much!!! Your amazing!!!!

Tvbd Bidoofs

I'd love for my little nurse to reach 20 favs please!


Thanks so much everyone! <3

 Firs hashaki

I’d like to start small, so maybe 10 for my new daughter? :’D


Thank you all so much <3333

 Father + Valentine Yulettia

I revamped Wicke's profile recently (and still adding more stuff as I go!). Feel free to fave him if you like him! I would really appreciate it if people like the profile/writing I made for him aaa. Thank you in advanced <3


✎𓂀 “Q” Wormwood 𓂀 Doeliight

Hey there!

So I recently gave Q some more info on her as well as redesign her and it would mean the world to me if I could get her at least 20 favourites? She’s at 9 now so just 11 more to go!!


Goal reached thank you so much!!!

 「DDADDS」Isaac Price Mudzi

I'd love for this dork to get an extra 10 favs C: 


Armin RadiantRaindragon

Armin is only three favourites away from thirty, so I'd really like to get him there!

30/30 - Thank you!

Endymion Hanokapi

I'd love for Endy to reach 50!


 A placeholder name sleepy

e: all done!! thank you everyone!