🌌 Kraven Galaxy

Posted 10 months, 18 days ago (Edited 10 months, 18 days ago) by AlleyBalley

This document will attempt to record the kraven Galaxy's creation and growth from start to present.


The Kraven Galaxy was created by Hiarahu, Minor God of the Stars. Instead of putting their planet into a pocket dimension like other deities, they thought that if it was far away it would be sufficient. And so they slowly created a galaxy far away from the Milky Way and all other galaxies known to man. Though a minor to Akis, they recreated themselves as the one and only god of Kraven, giving themselves more power in their own domain. This allowed them to create not one planet, but multiple if they wished. Similarly to Kavi, the Deity of Life, they began with one planet that they slowly added on to. Their very first planet was a spitting image of earth, Haidus they called it,. And so they filled it with humans slowly beginning to make a life for themselves on the surface. The humans progressed promisingly, advancing technology and creating new things. When Hiarahu saw that they were going down the path of pollution they would appear to the planet and broadcast their message to everyone. "Keep thy lands clean of pollution for it is the unmaker of life." The people of Haidus listened with keen ears, and spent much longer on inventing many technologies because they had to create an eco-friendly version now that they'd gotten it to work. Though progress had slowed, Hiarahu was pleased that their project would not progress the way of Earth. The people of Haidus had learned how to advance technology so that they could augment themselves. Becoming a race of cyborgs, the true oddity for them was to find someone who wasn't enhanced. And so Hiarahu became bored watching over their single planet, and they wished to watch more. They wished to observe a whole system, so busy that it would keep them entertained for millennia. And so their little project tucked away from all prying eyes, grew.



Hiarahu created a new planet, Rail`ahn. The environment was extreme with large colorful jungles and hot wide deserts. Upon this planet he created a new race. They grew horns from the crowns of their head and changed in color to suit their environment. These peoples would be known as raians. The raians prospered similarly to the cyborgs upon Haidus. Hiarahu learned from the humans' and created a great monolith inscribed within it "Keep thy lands clean of pollution for it is the unmaker of life." The raians build temples surrounding the monument and honored it's writing, as they felt an immense power eradiate from it. The raians would take upon themselves a journey, at least once in their lifetime, to visit the monolith and pay respects to it. Only when their technology began to develop did the cyborgs and the raians first have contact. Garbled through radio waves, long stretched through space they knew that it wasn't their own signals. A whole different language presented itself from beyond the stars. And so they began to study and look beyond their own planets.

Raians (rye-ans)   

Gabagun.png (Full image)

Raians grow horns along the "crown" of their head, typically sporting one large horn in the back, and two large horns in the front. These horns help with breathing and also hearing. The horns are also a powerful organ that stores energy when the body needs it. This makes it excessively helpful as part of the immune system. It stops all horn growth and redirects all energy to the body. The energy typically presents in horn coloration, and when ill the horns will become desaturated in color.

A condition where the coloration enzyme never ceases producing leading to the chloratum producing color for the entire life period of the raian. This causes their skin to constantly shift in color depending on their environment.

A condition where the coloration enzyme is never produced in the body, leading to the chloratum being absorbed shortly after birth. Raians with this condition never gain colorized skin, remaining grey for their whole life.



After seeing their creations interact with one another, even if only through distant radio waves, Hiarahu became enthralled with creation. They created a new planet, and this time they thought they would be daring and see how two sentient species co-operated on the same planet. Ta`akke was created and upon its surface he placed Vampriaad and Truuline. The truuline and the vampriadd sought to work together to overcome the cold environment in which they had been placed. They respected each other and thus created a positive relationship. They grew together and their societies interwove. Their technologies began to develope, and Hiarahu watched on. Waiting to see if they would choose production over their planet. They were pleased to see that they, for now, were taking deep care for the planet. And so Hiarahu moved on.

The cyborgs of Haidus, at this point, began to experiment with the idea of exploring space. They knew that there was life beyond, as they had developed partial translations of the space signals from Rail`ahn. Starting with simulations they pondered sending supplies up into the atmosphere to create a space ship. They feared that if they were to build it on land that it would never make it through the atmosphere. They began construction of grand tubes, powered by air pressure, that would launch a supply rocket named "The bullet" into space. Many more of these bullet rockets were constructed and teams were sent up to construct the first space ship.

unknown.pngThe planet surface is comparable to this image. The sky is opaline and rainbows scatter across the ground. Ta`akke is a cold planet, covered in mystical ice formations.

Truuline (true-lean)   

Lining_Als_doodle.png(full image)

Truuline are a race of typically blue, green, or red skinned humanoids. They sport thick, muscley tentacles on the back of their head that are capable of twitching and slight movements. They are capable of growing hair along the back of their head, the inside of their ears, and their jawline. Body hair is possible, but it isn't considered beautiful to most. They have scent receptors at the base of their neck that they can open and close. These are helpful to gain a strong intake of smells when tracking a subject. Their bellybutton, and thus umbilical scar, is located on their chest. This is done so that the baby is pre-positioned more favorably before birth. Their fingers grow three sets of keratin nails that separate at the joints. It is not uncommon to see these fingernails painted or decorated in other ways. They have thick prehensile tails tipped with whiskers. The whiskers are the thickest at the tip of the tail and lessen in thickness and density the further up the tail you proceed. These whiskers help to give them a sense of their surroundings without necessarily having to look at it. They have wide feet in order to grip onto as much surface as possible while also not sinking into the snow.

Truuline have several important factors to their culture that the vampriadd have not reciprocated (but support.) For one, Truuline find beadwork incredibly important, often telling stories through beaded clothing and headbands. This includes self-made beads, the most common being baby teeth. The act of wearing one's baby teeth or a family member's baby teeth is an act of wishing wisdom and good tidings upon oneself. A good luck charm, if you will. Something else that is common is rings worn upon the tail, fingers, arms, and tentacles. These don't necessarily have meaning, but it varies truuline to truuline.

Vampriadd (Vam-pre-ahd)   

67846989_g66n1l6hXJ9nnZ5.pngThe vampriadd are a race of pale skinned elves that match the beauty of their dear planet. When they were first placed on Ta`akke they were exposed to nano-organisms. These organisms became symbiotic, feeding off of exess sugars in the vampriadd bloodstream and producing large amounts of energy for the host. These organisms hide away in the blood, aiding the body in functioning beyond it's normal capacity. Once a vampriadd is implanted with technology the life cycle of these nano-organisms is interrupted. The nano-organisms begin to become obsolete, and the physical form of the vampriadd atrophies, becoming desaturated and sickly looking.