🎃Halloween Event Questions🍬

Posted 6 months, 8 days ago (Edited 1 month, 24 days ago) by PrinceBirb08


A hub for any questions you may have about the ongoing Halloween Event (parts 1 and 2).
While we're happy to answer questions asked anywhere, checking the qna forums can often provide you with answers if someone else has had similar questions before you. The most frequently asked questions, or things that people were most confused about, will be gathered together in a comprehensive FAQ which will evolve over the course of the event.

Feel free to subscribe to this thread to be notified when questions are answered!



When does the event end?
Part One of the Halloween Event originally ran until 11/6.
Part Two is planned to end on 4/1 (April 1st)
You can still submit pieces for the Part One event prompts until 4/1

Where do I submit art/writing?
Pieces must be submitted in a comment on the Event Post.
We prefer artwork/writing to be submitted to your character's gallery and linked in the comment.

Can I submit to both prompts?
Yes!! Each person can participate in each prompt once, in any order.
You could create a piece for Hallow-Ware Party, and then make another for Tricks and Treats, or vice versa!
Both could be artwork, both could be writing, or one of each! You decide!

Can I submit art AND writing for each prompt to get double rewards?
Short answer: No. One submission per prompt!!
You're welcome to create both artwork and a written story for your event submission, but it will be counted as one entry.
However, additional rewards are available in the form of the Bonus Objectives, small tasks that go with each prompt and will provide extra rewards upon completion.

Will the subspecies cost money?
No! The WARE.OS and its world are designed to be as accessible as possible, and the same goes for any closed subspecies associated with them.
The subspecies, which we plan to debut at the end of Halloween Part One, will be obtainable via a new currency earned by completing event prompts.
Suspicious Blueprints (the currency) are designed to be very easy to obtain! We've designed Part One of the event to allow for the purchase of at least one shop item right off the bat with the completion of both prompts, without even taking into account rewards from Part Two. Completing the Bonus Objectives will allow for multiple items!!
For the duration of the event, all shop purchases will also be free to celebrate the new subspecies release!

Will any preexisting traits be locked/closed?
No! The subspecies is intended to expand upon the WARE.OS in ways previously unseen in the species.
In some ways, they're the very antithesis of the WARE.OS we've all come to know and love!! Most of their traits are downright impossible on a normal WARE.OS!!
Thus, we intend for as few as possible of the new shop traits to overlap with preexisting untraited WARE.OS.
You can rest assured, variants such as Symbiotic, Neural, False Vegetarian, etc. will not suddenly become locked behind a rarity, nor will any additional rules be added to restrict them.

What if my Ware has shop traits? Do I have to pay Suspicious Blueprints/get a Defiant Mod to keep those traits, or redesign them?
No!! If by any chance any preexisting WARE.OS have design traits which fall under the new shop traits, they will be allowed to remain.
No need to redesign! 

Are TAMPER.UX considered a completely separate species? What is the distinction between a Ware and a Tamper?
TAMPER.UX is a new closed subspecies of WARE.OS, not a variant.
Variants like False Vegetarian, Neural, or Symbiotic will remain free/untraitedand are still considered part of the main Ware-OS species.

 The functional difference is that Tampers possess special shop traits which allow them to bend some of the established design/anatomy rules of the WARE.OS species.
Lore-wise, Tampers go by a different name to represent their rebellion against the polished and "corporate" nature of the Warehouse/Dr. Callosum.
All Tampers are technically Wares, just given closed traits. 

Can I use a Defiant Mod on a pre-existing Ware, or is it exclusive to brand new MYOs?
Defiant Mods can be added to a pre-existing Ware! Just follow the same protocol as if you were adding a Devious Trait.

Do I have to use all of the traits included in a Defiant Mod package?
No. You can "turn on/turn off" purchased traits whenever you want.
Ex: depicting a Tamper with the Sugarrush Mod as only displaying the Exposed Matter trait when its Foodstuff "melts" in the sun.
However, please note that "turning off" a trait does not free up a slot.
If you want to permanently remove a trait to make room for another, you must buy a System Restore item from the shop.


Question if you buy a defiant mod + a system restore at the same time can you remove one of the traits in the mod or can you only use system restore after designing a Tamper ware.

Example, if I wanted to make a tamper ware with the traits Sugarcrashed/Redundant code/Party Tray would I be able to buy both the sugarrush mod + repetitive mod and a system restore and use the system restore to remove exposed matter form the sugarrush mod or would I have to design the tamper ware with just the sugarrush mod first and then add the repetitive mod later.



That would be allowed, yes!

You are allowed to buy a System Restore simultaneously to free up a slot from a Defiant Mod!