Monthly Prompts

Posted 3 months, 23 days ago (Edited 3 months, 23 days ago) by CookieCloudss

Follow this thread to get notified about all of our monthly prompts! We will (hopefully) post these at the beginning of every month! All you'll have to do is draw or write something that fits the prompt, which has to be at least a fullbody or 500 words, and submit it to our #turning-in-art-for-cc channel in our Discord Server, or comment on this bulletin and let us know it's for the prompt to get a bonus 200 Cocoa Coins for that art or writing piece!


March 2024

Since it's almost spring time again, this month's prompt is to draw your Marshies/Creamies/Buzzies enjoying being out in that warm sunlight again! How are they planning to enjoy the spring season?

Prompts get an extra 200 Cocoa Coins when submitting them for Cocoa Coins! The only requirement is that you draw at least a fullbody or write 500 words for the prompt! You have until March 31st at 11:59 PM CST to submit your work for this month's prompt, and then you'll get a new one for April on April 1st!


April 2024

For this month your prompt is to draw or write your Marshies/Creamies/Buzzies doing something that they enjoy! Think along the lines of their hobbies, comfort items, ect.!

Prompts get an extra 200 Cocoa Coins when submitting them for Cocoa Coins! The only requirement is that you draw at least a fullbody or write 500 words for the prompt! You have until April 30th at 11:59 PM CST to submit your work for this month's prompt, and then you'll get a new one for May on May 1st!


May 2024

Sorry this is late! It's been a busy beginning of the month for me since I've come home from college and I'm settling back into living back at home.

For this month your prompt is to draw or write your Marshies/Creamies/Buzzies in their favorite OR least favorite weather!

Prompts get an extra 200 Cocoa Coins when submitting them for Cocoa Coins! The only requirement is that you draw at least a fullbody or write 500 words for the prompt! You have until May 31st at 11:59 PM CDT to submit your work for this month's prompt, and then you'll get a new one for June on June 1st!


June 2024

Happy Pride Month everyone! It looks like I've got two prompts for you this month instead of just one!

For this month your prompt is to draw or write your Marshies/Creamies/Buzzies with their respected Pride Flags and/or draw or write about your Marshies with their friends or significant other(s)! Consider these prompts separate, meaning you can get the bonus Cocoa Coins from both prompts the first time you submit a piece for the prompt!

Prompts get an extra 200 Cocoa Coins when submitting them for Cocoa Coins! The only requirement is that you draw at least a fullbody or write 500 words for the prompt! You have until May 31st at 11:59 PM CDT to submit your work for this month's prompt, and then you'll get a new one for June on June 1st!