Story ideas & notes

Posted 3 months, 20 days ago by Oskyys

What are story specifics? What are some notes and ideas?


The scientist who created the most dangerous technology known to Osypso is James Whistle, a child prodigy and now a scientist working for Isolate. He and the former CEO were college buddies, and shared similar ideologies about technology and the universe. Mr. Whistle invented anti-grav technology, now used planetwide. He began to experiment with a whole new kind of anti-grav, one that was less controlled but with significantly more power, and a new type of fuel and energy to power his creations. Mr. Whistle invented an almost truly sentient new form of AI, anti-grav weaponry, highly powered guns that would blast explosive chemicals at their target, and a whole new type of war machine using this tech, quickly catching the eye of Isolate’s CFO. 

An unfortunate accident befell the CEO, causing the CFO of Isolate to step up, and one of the first things he did was release as much of this tech as he possibly could. Many things were haphazardly changed to be sold to the public as some sort of cash grab, and the rest was set up to auction for Osypso’s governments in case of a war. 

Accidents began occurring around Osypso soon after this release, as innocent citizens accidentally set off what were  weapons-turned-monetized creations and the general public began to recognize these things as what they were: weapons. Before any of the weaponry could be sold to Osypso’s governments, the now CEO quickly realized his mistake and set out to not only take this tech back, but to also make it illegal to use and handle, forcing all citizens to either turn in what they had of this tech or destroy it. 

The biggest pieces, the war machines and battle creations, were too large and dangerous to destroy, so they were placed into several caches around the planet, and the most dangerous pieces were thrown out as far into space as Isolate possibly could.