
Posted 9 years, 1 month ago (Edited 9 years, 1 month ago) by Talross

Looking for a certain guide or resource? Post here. Someone else may either type one up for you, or like you to one! 

There is no reason why we can't have multiple guides if they are similar yet different. Magic, for example, can work many different ways. 

Remember, these resources aren't here to tell people HOW to roleplay, but to simply offer an optional resource for those who are interested. 


Currently looking at adding:

  • Royal / Noble ranks and descriptions, pulling mostly from European nations

Talross Oh hey! So wiki has a surprisingly good list of ranks with descriptions. There's a guide here that's pretty good except I hate the background color.


I actually have a good bit typed up already. It just needs cleaning up. Thanks, though! It's always nice to have another source to reference.


Oh, for some reason i read "looking at adding"as "looking for". Whoops


Not a problem! Can't fault someone for being helpful. :3