[IC] ^ < v Game

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 4 months ago) by Aarix

ʌ < v GAME (IC)

I'm sad the old version of this thread disappeared, because it was one of my fav forum games :0

Anyway, for those unfamiliar, for this game, you post IC, and it goes something like this:

ʌ - [response to the question/statement/action/whatever from the OC above]

< - [related factoid about your OC]

v - [question/statement/action/whatever directed to the character below]


  • Make sure to keep your posts here SFW! And if in doubt, block it out.
  • Try to leave a little time between your posts (unless the thread gets bogged for a while) — I'll leave the exact numbers to ur best judgement for now but as long as you're not, like, responding to every 2nd person we should be fine
  • Claiming a spot is allowed, however, if someone claims a spot but doesn't fill it in 3hrs, the person below is allowed to skip them and just respond to the post above. We don't want this thread getting stuck :o

That's it! Have fun :v


"Thanks, but I don't know how to spray paint. I just like to wander around for fun, but if you insist I'll spray paint something." He spray paints a smiley face and hands the bottle back, "Look. A smiley face. Well, gotta go. I'm going to grab a midnight snack."


< he always has a lollipop in his pocket


v "Look. This funny Turantula dude climbed on my arm. Wanna pet it," he holds the fuzzy arachnid closer to y/c's face. "Cute right. I dunno where he came from, but he chillin'."

Maribelle Burnett Vapor

^ - "..He is quite precious." She reached out carefully towards the spider's abdomen, but she stopped short of touching it. "Thank you, I -- you know. I like. Him. I guess."

< - Her favorite spider is the ogre-faced spider! Cobalt blue tarantulas might be a close second. [And also that "I guess" is so pathetic. She adores this little guy. Thank you Damien for your service.]

v - "..I'm really bored. Give me a... writing prompt, or something. I don't care if it's fiction or non-fiction or-- whatever."

Jax Onoko littlered

^ "Oh! How about... a pair of siblings having fun in their own world?"


< Jax has a little sister who they adore and used to spend a lot of time with- but can't see anymore due to them leaving her when they died; they miss her dearly.


v "I often hear tales of supernatural beings, they seem very interesting! Do you believe in them? What's your favorite?"

Beck HardyLark

^ "Well, I've had the opportunity to see many rare creatures and beings that people consider supernatural or at least the source of such tales. I think there's always some truth to legends like those, though sometimes reality is often odder than reality. I doubt I could pick a favorite... but I've always been fond of a certain legend about owls who walk like human beings.... heard of it?"

< Yes, I'm loosely referencing Faust here, but for the most part Beck actually has literally seen these kinds of things with all the traveling across the worlds they do! It's arguably their favorite part of traveling, meeting the creatures that inhabit each setting they find themselves in.

v "Ah, I apologize. I tend to get a little carried away with my music. Say, do you have a favorite legend or story from childhood? You see I am a story teller myself, and tend to enjoy hearing what people favor. All for the sake of telling the story someone might enjoy the most."

Archaeus Chartreuse PicklePantry

^ "Then you MUST have heard of me! Surely, you have an entire library-- and entire genre-- dedicated to all my accomplishments, such as the time I--"

< He's a bad character that was accidentally brought into the real world, that's why he'll always claim he's all-powerful and all-knowing. He's not, though.

v "That's dangerous! You shouldn't handle something like that, let me take care of it for you--"

Ran Devereux (Young [before the deal]) denishdraws

^No, help me remove helmet not take my sword!"

< a child in armor, help her take her helmet off voice is soo small due to the helmet 

v "Help take helmet off!!"

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Puriel C3H

^ "Ah! Young man, what has happened here?" Puriel's voice expressed huge concern for Henry. "Did you get hurt? Tell me, how did this happen? I might not be at ease if you do not speak."

< despite his slightly menacing appearance and deadly innermost feelings suppressed within him, puriel's feelings can be very genuine.. like sure, part of it is an act to make the situation lighter, but sometimes he does fully express his emotions

v "I'm not so sure if my looks can scare people - my fellow friends do not think of it that way however. Despite my humanoid appearance, would anyone find it strange for me to have a polygonal head and only a single red eye in the center?"


^ "Yeah. You look like a crazy demon spirit thing. Totally not normal in my opinion."


< Damien is smarter than he lets on. Some may call it a bit frightening


v "There's a massive scorpion on your foot. I can get it for you if you want. I wanna see if his poison is gonna hurt me. I haven't felt pain in years so I wanna see if this will do the trick."

Ithil TrippySnakeBalls

^ "Im not letting you put yourself in harms way. I've got the dern thing taken care of." He grabs the scorpion by the tail, insuring it couldn't sting him, and quickly tosses it to the side before giving Damien a brief look of disappointment.

< He has literally no fear of any sort of bug or animal. Dude's been alive too long to care.

v He scribbles away, looking to be mindlessly writing a letter. "Who was this for again..?"

Francis BewareOfTheMenace

^ Francis look at the letter before saying anything. "Ooooh, a letter? Must be for someone close, or maybe...your girlfriend?" Francis chuckled a little. "Okay okay, I was just joking...unless if you really had a girlfriend. I assume again, someone's close to you? I don't know, I don't write this letter, how should I know?"

< Francis is really good at writing, mostly on a typewriter machine.

v You're in the arcade, looking at some arcades until you saw a old man playing Street Fighter with another person, only to win again for the 118th times. Now, he's looking at you and saying "So, you wanna beat me on Street Fighter? I'll go easy on ya, buddy"

Agatha Lyrica honeyshuckle

^This game isn't exactly my forte, but damn I can accept a challenge!

< Agatha is a speedrunner, but that skillset doesn't carry over to PVP games.

v "Hey, Valkyrie seems to like you, want to pet her?" She asks, holding up her pet snake.

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^ Damien looks at the person who asked him about his favorite type of drink as he was on his twelfth pack of sugar, pouring it into the tea hot. He thought it was obvious. "Sweet. I asked for sweet tea, but this taste like 99% water so I'm adding my own flavor to it. If all else fails I have candy in my pocket!"


< Damien has a huge sweet tooth. Always has some on his person


v "Hey you want my little sister's old collar? She sort of worn it out overtime and we just got her a new one. Make use of it in anyway you can!"

Cor Pratt PicklePantry

^ "A... collar? Er, thank you, but no, thank you."

< Even though his suits are wacky, they're still clean and pristine. He don't buy secondhand.

v "Say, what are your favorite types of rides in amusement parks? Do you like going to the roller coasters first? Spinning cups? Ferris wheels?"