[IC] ^ < v Game

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 4 months ago) by Aarix

ʌ < v GAME (IC)

I'm sad the old version of this thread disappeared, because it was one of my fav forum games :0

Anyway, for those unfamiliar, for this game, you post IC, and it goes something like this:

ʌ - [response to the question/statement/action/whatever from the OC above]

< - [related factoid about your OC]

v - [question/statement/action/whatever directed to the character below]


  • Make sure to keep your posts here SFW! And if in doubt, block it out.
  • Try to leave a little time between your posts (unless the thread gets bogged for a while) — I'll leave the exact numbers to ur best judgement for now but as long as you're not, like, responding to every 2nd person we should be fine
  • Claiming a spot is allowed, however, if someone claims a spot but doesn't fill it in 3hrs, the person below is allowed to skip them and just respond to the post above. We don't want this thread getting stuck :o

That's it! Have fun :v

Grisangore WishingWell

^”Ah! I did! How silly of me. Thank you for returning it to me as well. I know plenty who would love seeing this grace their mantles... it’s quite an esteemed piece.” Gris fastens the shimmering broach to their collar with a pleasant grin. “Since you found it,” Gris leans in, whispering to the little creature, “what say I give you a finders fee? You are more than deserving of it!”

< Gris does little things like that often - “dropping” precious stones and gems around the kingdom for others to find. Either the finders keep their newfound treasure, or they return it for a reward that far outweighs the item’s price.

V “Now, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you are in love. Am I correct?”

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Leika Van der Khansen fizzelston

^ "thanks!" She said. Showing him a teeth-baring grin. "Grew them myself!" 

< she can eat raw meat and rotten flesh with those bad boys

V "highfive!" She yelled while holding up her hand. Please don't leave her hanging

Hayes Tack PicklePantry

^ Empty button eyes stared at Leika, a face just as empty as its eyes. Hayes had no clue what was happening, and thus unfortunately left her hanging.

< Hayes is fairly new to being alive so he knows the bare minimum about... anything. All he wants is a crop field to protect.

v "You. Have land? Crops? Crops need. Protection. I protect them. From crows. People. I protect crops. You have. Crops? I. Follow you to. Crops?"

Elian-Bray Appleby AlleycatIrony

^ "Uh. Yeah, we got crops. Plenty of 'em. I guess you could keep the birds and shit out. Not like I'd have to see you anyway."

< he deals w/ the horses and cattle, mostly (but will sometimes tend to sheep) - he rarely ever even goes to the side of the farm w/ the crops

v "Speaking of, I can't believe I'm saying it but I miss the farm. I haven't been back for a good year now. You ever traveled away from home and found yourself homesick after awhile?"

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Marcus Marclyn

^ Wraps his arms around Guo and pulls him very close and leans his weight on him. He staggers about, already very drunk, "Of course you can get. Get a drink! Get this boy a drink! He is clearly thirsty! Lets get bloody wasted and you can tell me the horrors of working in that palace of yours. HAHAHA." SMacks his chest hard then gentle pats, "Oh. And when you that tiny boy, Hua, slap him for me."

< Travels to different planets and is usually short on cash to stay at taverns/hotels because he uses it all on alcohol.

v "Anyone's got a place for me to crash in."

 Dolores kafkaesque

^ - Slightly startled, Dolores winced and took a step back. Initially, she was silent and still, but she eventually nodded and replied, "I'm more than happy to let you stay as a guest for a day or two. But please don't mess around with the kitchenware, or anything like that. Ceramic is a tedious material to clean up when broken..."

< - Dolores would be the type to have a collection of something, probably pottery. she also generally likes cleaning, but some materials are more tedious than others...

v - "It's chilly out here these days. You know what would be nice at this time? Hot chocolate... And maybe a sweater, or two..."

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Roswell van Breek fizzelston

^ "Aye Oi agree, de sunnier de better, " he said while rubbing his chin. "Oi'd love to go home, back to Mosch, even though Oi 'ate dat city."

< Ros is born and raised in Mosch. He met his first Gf there and went to school. Though he despises the city and thinks the city is out to get him, as he also lost his eye and family member there as well.

V "Yer loike canned pears?" He ask while handing you, not one, not two, but there can. "Oi.... Found them" 

Dijamant Kolo

^ "Why yes, thank you, those are my pears. I will totally proceed to... do with them as mortals do. They likely belong to one of my mortals. Maybe." Dijamant accepts all three cans, inspecting their labels intently. "Right. Wonderful decorations, these are. Very fine craftsmanship. Please, I'd love to hear who you bought them from, maybe order a personalized piece - these do seem mass-produced."

< Despite confusion, is going to put those cans in his house and regale his friends with stories of the trials and tribulations he went through to get them.

v "Say, mortal-" Dijamant holds up a metal sculpture of a bird, "I was given this... beautiful work of art by another mortal in one of my Timelines. And while I admire their craftsmanship and efforts, I must say I'm not very... I simply don't have the space for it. Would you like it?"

En Litari II PicklePantry

^ "Oh wow, you mean it?" Although the word "timeline" stuck out to him, En was more mesmerized by the sculpture to focus on it. It was beautiful! To take something so sturdy and tough like metal and mold it into something so delicate, it was true art. "Thank you so much!"

< His father's side of the family is very strict about being artistic, especially with music. And he doesn't have a single lick of artistic talent.

v "You wouldn't happen to have any tips on how to sing, would you?" he asked sheepishly. 

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