Your oc has done something illegal or wrong at some point. admit it. we all mess up. but what if another, random character, would judge if they were to be arrested for it? now this, in theory could be interesting. 


that  being said! although there are a range of potential legal outcomes for  situations, not any are going to be all that concrete, unless the answer  is pretty darn obvious about what would be done in such a legal case.  example being judges can decide between a number of punishments  including fines, jail time, house arrest, ect. 


Person A: my oc tommy stole from a store one time, but he only did it so he could eat food that night. 

Person B: (in character or out of character) I deem tommy innocent, since he was only acting in his best interest! one time, however, i stepped on a bug. 

Person C: (in character or out of characer) thats horrible! i cant believe you would kill another living creature... i sentance you to 25 years in prison! one time, i ate the last cookie in the jar. 

You get the idea. 

First person to go gets a freebie!

 Esbee wubbersoul

My character robs the graves/mausoleums and abandoned houses of wealthy people when she's desperate for money!

Captain Jas Faulkes WhiskeyWorks

"Err, pretty sure that's a crime, mate... an' a pretty bad one, a' that. In my day an' age, ye'd be lucky not ta be put to death."

"On the other 'and, what's the penalty for stealin' a woman's heart? Well, a few women's hearts. ...Askin' fer a mate o' mine, a' course..."

Laffie Taffie KrystalKat

"Wait.. Literally or figuratively? Nevermind, both is bad! I'd have your mate locked up for life!"

"Anyways, I can eat whatever type of candy I want! Even if it's from the homes of my loyal servants! They can't deny me, or else I'll have their voice boxes removed!"

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Mary Ambers MiraclesMilady

"If the law gets involved then it is obvious a crime. I say though if the races were on empty streets and even off-roading, I do not see the harm in it beside yourself if your car decides tips over." 

"I know there is another me, but I never remember any of the acts that she cause when she takes over. I have heard news of a body drain of its blood and I have that ability to manipulate blood, but again I do not remember the act. I go through therapy and take my pills every day and night in hopes to stop this madness."   

Paris Lombardo costashoe

"hmm well if you were the one committing the act, it does make it a crime! ..well, nonetheless, its a crime whoever committed it."


"im not that much of a troublemaker.. but ive definitely stolen a few flowers from my job! all in the name of aesthetics, my friend." 

Megumi zinnia

"That's whatever - there are free flowers outside, the fact that the ones you took had a price tag doesn't matter to me. I just hope you put them to good use..."


"Let's see... well, I'm sure it's not morally the right thing to do, but I take donations from one of my friend's shrines. We're both divines, but it's her shrine - but I'm the one who does all the work at her place! If I take care of and manage the shrine as it's god while she runs around, I deserve to take my own share, right? Don't sue me, c'mon!"

 Johnson kafkaesque

Johnson raised his brow, oddly intrigued by this particular statement. This remained that way for a while, until a small smile started to appear on his face. "Well, I do not see the problem with that," he replied, "Hell, I cannot help but respect that too. Capital is power, after all, and you should always try getting more of it. How you get more does not matter, as long as you are successful." He shuffled his feet and straightened his position, puffing out his chest slightly in the process. "I see no reason for myself to sue you over this, unless I get desperate and need more cash." A snicker briefly escaped his mouth for a second before quickly stifling it. "No, no. Really, I will not try punishing you for this. I wish nothing but the best of luck in your endeavors."


With an ominous yet casual air, Johnson twirled his hand while thinking of something to say. When the opportunity finally came around, he stated flatly, "Do not tell anyone about this, but I commissioned my wife to a... Surgery because I heard that she was trying to court some other suitors behind my back, and I wanted to keep her and her pesky little emotions under control. The surgery was supposed to calm her down but ended up rendering her virtually usele- Catatonic, so I had to send her off to some quiet old town so that she could live out the rest of her life in peace. I had no idea such a surgery could end up this way; the doctor told me that it was an effective procedure for cases like her, and..." He frowned as his expression darkened. "I suppose that did not work out for me in the end."

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Valentina Roroko

"Killed someone?" Valentina gasps in mock surprise, placing a hand on her breast. "What more is there to say? The law is the law, and you should be rotting in a cell right now, or worse! ...Just kidding!" She leans forward conspiratorially, voice dropping. "I'm sure that's the answer you'll get from most, but killing's not so bad, especially when they deserve it. It's good stress relief you know. Especially when you get to watch the color drain from their face..."

"The real question is what crime haven't I committed...? Oh! How about this? I was drunk at a party one night, and poor little Mishka- he brings in a stray cat! Who brings a stray cat in during a house party? I think he was drunk, too." The werewolf titters at the memory. "Anyways, the big lug is fawning over this little koshka, but he leaves it for a moment to, I don't know, get a beer? Anyways, I turn a lot when I'm drunk, and something about that little cat...I don't know, it was driving me crazy. The more I looked at it, the more frustrated I got, and it was taking my Mishka so long to get I ended up turning. The stray wasn't so cute then; she was a hissing mess, scrambling to get away from me. And you know us werewolves!" Valentina claps her hands together with a grin, her tail wagging quickly behind her. "If our prey starts to run, we chase. And...yeah, what else do I say? I caught the cat. I ate the cat. I don't think I've told Mishka yet."

Adhari Foley SkywardtheDragon

Adhari could barely hold back her rage long enough for this header to finish her story, and when she gave a grin of joy, pure joy, she let it loose. Baring her teeth like a dog, she shoved Valentina to the ground, stomping firmly on her chest with all of her weight. If her prisoner made a move to throw her off she‘d likely be unable to defend, but inflicting pain on this beast was worth any injury. “I’ll be the local banner for today,” she snarled. “Clinker’s too good for you. You deserve all hell and worse.”

”I’ll be upfront here, this is a hames of a story. If you can’t tell, I’m bollocks with other people. I ran away from home at fifteen or such. Never liked my parents. Or school, while we’re talking. I wasn’t going to get a job or anything. Not interested in the city. Could’ve probably found a farm or something, but didn’t want to. So I figured I could find a place with lots of wild animals. Like the Amazon. I went to an airport, couldn‘t find a flight to the Amazon, so I went and squeezed my way into some luggage left around and hoped for the best. I was a tiddler, just about. Wasn’t too much of a squeeze. But someone handled the bag roughly, and I cursed, and I was arrested. So... Yeah...” 

Jun Kim bulgariansumo

"Eh, if anything I'd say they probably should've," Jun shrugged. "I dunno, like, get enough info out of you so they could contact your parents, or find someone else to look after you if your parents weren't... good. But I wouldn't say you committed a crime."

"Soooooo, like. There's this kid on our ship who I suspect is a kid. Like, an actual minor, which is against the rules, and way more importantly, probably not safe for him to be here. Buuuut..." they tilted their head. "The more I talk to him, the more it's looking like his home life isn't great either. Also his older brother is here, and he hasn't said anything yet. He doesn't seem like a particularly sketchy dude. In fact, they're both terrible liars, which is how I figured out the younger one is a minor in the first place. But, anyway, to my question. I've decided to keep my mouth shut about this. Is that bad...?"

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 Xaanik Aarix

Xaanik's expression darkens as Quin's recount unfolds. By the time she's done, Xaanik's absolutely scowling.

"There is no doubt in my mind. Assault is a criminal act, but more, you have done worse than simply violate the law. Vengeance is a worthless indulgence. Harming an innocent is abhorrent, even if it was by mistake. Were it up to me, you'd be made to atone for your misdeeds."


"I'm told I've done wrong things. Terrible things. But is it terrible to love humankind? Is it terrible to care for them so deeply? Their suffering wounds my heart so dreadfully, please understand... I did what I could to help.

"When I was divine, I patrolled the earth to lend comfort to the dying, and usher their souls to the beyond as was my purpose. But I did more than what I was supposed to. Where I saw suffering, I wouldn't wait for nature to run its course. I could bring an easier death. A quick one, without pain or fear. Sometimes this end was years before their destined times, yes, but... isn't death inevitable in the end, anyway? What meaning is there in just a few more years? So much needless suffering could be avoided like this.

"I don't remember how many people I killed. It may have been dozens. It may have been hundreds. I don't think the numbers are important. I didn't do it because it pleased me. I killed them for mercy and for love.

"I suppose I have already been punished for my crimes. But would your verdict be the same?"