Which of Your OCs is the Meme Above?

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago (Edited 3 years, 2 months ago) by PicklePantry

I saw a funny meme and it made me think,
what if I were to post a meme, and you were to say which of your OCs matched it best?

Poster 1: [The Office screencap]
Poster 2: Haha that's got this OC of mine's energy!

[Posts a vine]
Poster 3: Oh yup, that's exactly how this OC of mine would act.

[Posts a Pokemon reaction image]

- You post IC to answer which OC matches the meme, but it's an OOC game, you're not replying as them
- You can post pictures, gifs, videos, anything as long as it's a meme
- But nothing lewd or gory
- You can post every 2 people, or unless 5 days pass
- If 14 hours pass you may post a new meme


The robot is definitely Ikaros and the two guys on the outside are his friends, Leofstan and Ingram



Spine LittleRobot

this is literally Spine you can't tell me it's not


Liam Basedo __Bee__

Literally him 😔

Desmond Elsiikun

His favorite pranking targets are extremely talkative people


Jigsaw Sikorski sorbetesu

this is them boogeying to that 2010s EDM this is the energy

Baphomet (Steam Powered Giraffe) LittleRobot

this feels like him


Юншен moh

perfectly fits for him


 it is necessary to know
 I know that90227137.webp

🩸 Renat 🩹 mmmeatbat

listen he does happen to be a lil bit uneducated nothing wrong w that doe. man's street smart not book smart </3


Starling lezbtron

starling is a stupid baby and its only in their nature, even when mechanical, to want to eat the most rancid toxic stuff imaginable <3 dumb little baby robot 



Silly spitmoth

This is def some crazy ass situation silly would get himself into 😭😭



Captain "Cyclops" Arges Shadowzim777

In his more quiet moments, a Captain likes to be in peace.



Logan Oldfield Hotdogwater_Pasta

Logan when she thinks back on how weak-minded she was as a kid.

I have a video to offer

Cole Dalton __Bee__

He's dramatic like that5b2ea28b403db.jpeg

Soup zidanetribal

soup is working so hard.... and this is what you would do to them?


Kite Souzou

That's definitely how Kite would respond to his son- 

i need to know which one of your oc is the girl beating up elmo vine