What does your character think of the character a-

Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by  Muika Hayashi/Kita meltylandnightmare

-bove them? (title got cut off)

 NOTICE: I've been hearing that some people have been giving extremely low effort responses to people in the thread. I want to say that this is not okay, and if you're going to make a post, at least put some effort into it.
From now on, you'll have to have at two sentences in your response. I do not tolerate having low-effort responses in an attempt to just get a reply. Would you like it if somebody gave you a low-effort, two word response? No. 
If you repeatedly break this rule, punishment will be put in place. This is NOT acceptable.

UPDATE: A little thing to know! If 24 hours without a response have passed, then you may respond to your own character with another character of yours. Just a heads up.

UPDATE 2: I saw somebody do it and that inspired me! You can reply to the character above you by editing your post, if you want! 


Pretty self explanatory. You post IC, and your OC says what they think about the character above them. Then the character below them says what they think of the other character. For example...

P1 starts off with, for example, Yume. And then it basically goes like this.

P2 (Posting IC as Isamu): A bit too energetic for my tastes...

P3 (Posting IC as Marina): Just another self-righteous, smart alec prick!

You get the idea, right?

I hope this hasn't been done before. This is my first time making a forum game...

Anyway, let's begin, shall we?

Edit probably nobody would see: Wow... When I made this a year ago, I never expected it to blow up like it did. This is just insane... I made one of the most popular forum games (I think), and I didn't even realize how big it would grow when I made it. It was my first one, too! Thanks, all!

 Bessarion Doran Bostonia

Bessarion backed up in nervous and anxiety, the height of the creature was enough for him to puff up for a fight, but the unknown origin of the other had the winged man flustered with anxiety and making himself smaller.
"So-" he said with a hesitative tone "same birthday, iye?"

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Wenidith Fortune Xavier tobitaka

"Oh my, I must say you do have quite wonderful wings." Wendy swipes her bang out of her face in order to get a better view, amazed. "Even if they are small, they are still quite wonderful. They compliment you well, dear." She holds her hands together, trying to keep herself positive. "Perhaps I can show you some places around here, little miss traveler. There's an absolute wonderful fruit market in the next town over that I'm sure you'd enjoy. Perhaps they might have some dragonfruit this time around for you."

Abel Fursecution

"Hey, someone else from a rich family! It's always nice to meet someone else who grew up like I did, though I think you should just, like, chin up! It's all a state of mind, y'know, you just have to choose to be happy. I am sorry about your job though, and I'd love to party with you some time. Maybe I could help you beam up." Despite the ignorance, he did sound genuine in wanting to cheer Wenidith up. Abel didn't like seeing people sad and would work to see them happy, and if he couldn't then he'd most likely get frustrated that they couldn't just 'get happy'. 

Sierra Mochi

"I hate confrontation too! It's always so scary...by the way what kind of alien are you? I've never seen someone so unique as you!" Sierra's tail starts to wag up and down in an excited manner. Their eyes sparkle as they look Abel up and down, admiring his form.

This post has been removed.
Colton Oujiton

Cols eyes widen. "An alien slime dog? I never knew such a thing existed until now! I'd pet you but... uh, heh.. yeah um, sorry. Maybe another day." Col swallows nervously, he smiles at Sierra anyways.

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♥ Emilie ♥ minmo

"You're pretty creepy. Bit of a perv, too... But hmm. You know what? You're kind of just my type, if I weren't married... it's a little sick though, isn't it? Fufu. You seem like you'd be fun to be around. Nothing could be boring. You seem powerful... strong. Definitely interesting. But in reality, I'd probably be super scared of you! Don't hurt me~."

Julian kirakiraprince

"Aw, you look so cute! I love your wardrobe! It's nice to see someone so loyal as well! You seem pretty nice :3"

(Julian is a big dork and I absolutely love Aubrey's design)

Ximen Kane vectorindustries

He smiles gently, but a brow raises in curiosity. "Your... Clothing... Is interesting... But you seem to be trustworthy." He nods a bit. "In fact, you almost remind me of my children."

Neris tori34

"Oh my.  Another edgy boy.  Cold and heartless, hmm?  A few pretty girls would fix that, hehe."


"A dryad? Never really met anything like you before. While I do absolutely love your attire and style, your personality is.. a bit on the negative side. I'd love to get fashion tips from you, but I'd leave it at that."

"Yes I do save people occasionally, though mainly the training is the hard part. Once you're on the job, it's mostly just sitting around and watching people swim. I like your positive attitude toward things though~ Keep it up as well."

🍭| Tomilrissone Metaxas Oujiton

"A lifeguard? Have you saved people before? If so how many? ...Is being a lifeguard tough?" Tomil looks at Mila with curious eyes. "You seem to have had a pretty rough childhood, but you look like you pulled through! Keep it up!!" Tomil gives Mila a thumbs up and a smile.


"aw you're so cute! you wouldn't like to join me in the water for a bit? there are a lot of fun things we could do in here and you could tell me everything about these nonexisting things! maybe I even know something about them.. and maybe they aren't so nonexisting after all~"