Make an assumption about the character above you!

Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Kidd Callaghan primskorv

I thought this might be a fun game; basically, look at the character of whoever is above you, and come up with a headcanon based on whatever impression that character gives you! Examples could be "i feel like they really like sour candies" or "they probably got bullied in school" etc etc, anything counts and nothing is invalid! Post IC, please! (Just so the person below you has a character to write about, but you don't have to actually write your post AS your character if u get me)

I'll get this started with one of my own. Another fun idea could be to edit your post to confirm whether or not the person below you was accurate!

Serin Databuffer-Storage

 Definitely one of those people who is way too cheery and chipper especially in the morning. It's horrible. Why can't the rest of the guards have his energy..?

Issabel "Issa" Desanm LunaBell

Seems way too into his job.  Probably employee of the month a couple of times now

 Stormy is_an_astronaut

Probably sick to death of ice puns.

Kent Dawson MathewMii

Is prone to static shocking people.

Jas MaplesHaiku

Very serious and a bodybuilder

 Elena Wittman Stateofdismay

She's afraid of the dark

Boston Jutta

She has a wide taste in movies

Elthras borkd

 probably works in like customer service and hates it.

Şalıb apollos

Her favorite food is meat.

Laz Jutta

Ce collects human objects 

yeah that's pretty accurate!


Luna goldenDiscord

Probably likes to play pranks on poor unsuspecting victims

Kiba Stareater

Luna looks like they'd be cranky without coffee in the mornings! 

Sleet Jutta

Kazuo seems pretty calm and quiet

[Trade] Bansai Yaboku VAALRAVN

He seems really innocent.

Mabel lotad

"they look like the leader of a very scary wolf pack...don't kill me hehe"