Reply With a Character and Number Question Game V2

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 11 months ago) by RadiantRaindragon

Update 21/04/2022: Just wanted to let people know that I don't actively monitor this game, so please PM me if any problems arise!

A while ago, I got permission from the creator of this forum game to create my own version! Most of the questions here are brand-new, though I also took a few from the original game because I liked them. The rules for this thread will basically be the same as that version. I recommend checking out the original, especially if you want to see examples of how people played it.

--How to play--

- Written below are two sets of numbered questions - the A set and the B set.
- Look at the characters of the user above you, and choose one that you're curious about. Make a post pinging the user (by writing @ followed by their username) and tell them the character you chose plus a few of the prewritten questions. (Example: 'I'd like to see questions A2, A5 and B7 with your character Frederick!')
- Once the next poster asks you some questions, edit your post to write your answers.


- This shouldn't need many rules, but keep the obvious things in mind - no excessively sexual, gory or disturbing answers, don't be rude, don't purposely skip people, and if you have a problem with anyone in the thread, PM me. Don't start drama here.
- Avoid asking more 'mature' questions (i.e. A7, B4) to very young characters, as this will likely make people uncomfortable.
- There's no specific number of questions you should ask, but in the interests of fairness and space, try to keep it between 3 and 6.
- After posting, wait until at least 3 other people have posted before going again. If over 24 hours have passed since the last person posted, then you can go again regardless of how many posts there have been.

Question Set A:

1. Something they might have nightmares about
2. Insecurities
3. What it takes to make them cry
4. Fears/phobias
5. Physical scars
6. Things they don't like talking about
7. How do they behave when drunk
8. Their worst failures/screw-ups
9. Best way to push their buttons/make them angry
10. What gets them flustered/embarrassed
11. What makes them stressed
12. Worst injuries
13. How they behave when angry

Question Set B:

1. What relaxes them
2. Things they're proud of
3. Personality traits they like in others
4. Physical traits they find attractive
5. How they show affection
6. Things they're grateful for
7. Habits
8. Pets they've owned
9. People they look up to
10. Comfort foods
11. Pet peeves
12. Inspirations or general thoughts behind their creation
13. Your favourite thing(s) about them as a character

That should be everything! The first person who posts can just claim that spot and wait for someone to ask them questions.



How 'bout for Trickster, A10, A13, B7, and B10?

Thank you for the questions! Always love to do stuff with Julian c:

A4 - Fears/phobias 

As stated in Julian's bio, they're extremely afraid of aliens! It's mostly because of their exposure to the internet as a young kid, and the result of seeing some unsavory things that scared them to death. Along with this - they're also afraid of being stuck! If it's a smaller area (like, getting your head stuck in the stairway rails, or getting your fingers stuck in one of those tables with the holes in them.) Julian's afraid of accidentally getting stuck and having to cut off their limb, though it's a bit of an unrealistic assumption. 

A13 - How they behave when angry

Julian get's pretty loud when they're angry. They can't bottle up their emotions, their reaction would be way worse if they did. Julian's pretty confrontational, and will get in arguments with people.

B1 - What relaxes them

They like learning new things! Reading about the smallest or dumbest fact can help them calm down. 

Also ice cream. Mint chocolate ice cream..

B7 - Habits

Julian likes to click their tongue and make other mouth-related noises, they like to make little tunes with this. They also tend to keep themselves locked up while doing experiments or similar, and continuously forgets to take care of themselves. 

Crowley RadiantRaindragon


Julian looks interesting - A4, A13, B1 and B7 for them?

2. Insecurities

He's not typically insecure, but very deep down, he worries that people don't think he's 'cool' enough. He thinks that his delinquent behaviour is admirable and wants people to think he's awesome because he doesn't listen to society's rules. Deep down, he wonders if that's really the case. He also worries that his brother has more friends than him.

7. How do they behave when drunk

Crowley can't handle alcohol in anything more than small amounts. He'll start to fumble over his words and sway unsteadily after one glass of beer. Two glasses - or one glass of something stronger - and he'll start to slur his speech, snicker uncontrollably, lose coordination, and eventually feel nauseated. At that point, it's random chance whether he throws up or passes out first. That being said, he's rarely a violent drunk. He tends to just act like an idiot.

6. Things they're grateful for

His friends, his 'good looks', his 'awesome powers', and the fact that he's survived so many fights (which he thinks is due to his own abilities and not luck or stubbornness).

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A2, B7 and B12 for Cassian ?


anyone in here is alright !

uhuvi tysm ;;

A13- How they behave when angry: She tends to hide the fact that she's angry, but if you pay close attention it's pretty noticeable that she is. She'll break sticks while giving mean stares, and her fur will be also more puffed up, but this is more of a reflex. She'll also insults the one that made her angry but not in an obvious way, like, she'll do some mean spirited jokes and things like that. It's extremely rare that she gets so angry at the point of actually showing her anger, but when it happen she'll talk in a really harsh and loud way, and she'll mostly just say insults.

B5- How they show affection: With the ones she likes she'll hang out, cuddle up and take naps with them. She also try to give them advices and she listen to their problems if they need a ear. She also likes to do alot of jokes with them. She sometimes can seem pretty distant but she'll always be there for her friends if they need help.

B7- Habits: She likes to collect any random objects that peak her interest, no matter if they are actually valuable or not. She also tend to pick up a stick or something similar to have something in her hands when she's doing nothing. She also usually slowly wag her tail, but she avoid doing that when there's many people around or when she's inside a small place for obvious reasons.

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 Adair confusedthing


How about A4, A9, A13, B2 and B12 for Prince Allesandro?

A2. Insecurities

That probably depends on the situation. He is rather confident in his abilities as far as his job goes. If he's attracted to someone he does get insecure about his looks because he looks rather young and has a lot of moles and freckles. Other than that Adair doesn't have a lot of insecurities.

A11. What makes them stressed

Anything that doesn't go according to plan, working with new people and "chaos" in his workspace. Adair likes his systems and order and hates when someone messes with it. He tries to plan in enough room for small errors and individual weaknesses but still gets agitated if that room is actually needed. Why working with new people stresses him out is probably self explanatory after this... he just hates when he can't calculate people's actions.

B9. People they look up to

Probably Allister, Aden and Ying. Allister was his mentor so he does admire him for his skills as well as his way of dealing with stressful situations, he does like Aden's patience (and generally thinks he's actually a great guy beneath some not so great layers) and is grateful he taught him close combat and with Ying he admires her social skills.

B13. Your favourite thing(s) about them as a character

I honestly just like his personality. He's kind of a grumpy old man in a young man's body and is chronically tired, yet he manages to hold everything together. Also he is just fun to write in forum games tbh.

Esme RadiantRaindragon


Hmm... maybe A2, A11, B9 and B13 for Adair?

5. How they show affection

She likes to rub her head against people, like a cat would. She also makes little chirping and squeaking noises to show that she likes you and isn't hostile. She tends to be very in-tune with peoples' emotions, so if she cares about someone and notices that they're sad, she'll follow them around, trying to find out what's wrong.

9. People they look up to

Anyone she considers parental figures - in early life, this would've been her biological parents and the rest of her tribe; in later life, this would be her adoptive parents (one being Armin, the other being my friend's character in the RP we're doing). She's very young, so this behaviour is natural. As she gets older, she'll likely find other people to look up to, but for now, she's quite happy with her little world revolving around her mother and father.

12. Inspirations or general thoughts behind their creation

Esme's creation was more or less a spur-of-the-moment decision. I wanted to bring a baby dragon into my and my friend's RP, originally planned for it to be male, instead ended up with Esme. I can't go into much detail about why I wanted to make her, since it concerns story/RP stuff that would take too long to explain.
 As a fun fact, Esme's personality and behaviour is based on my cat in real life. Her name is Nala and she's an idiot.



How about B5, B9, and B12 for!


A2- insecurities

Sam is super insecure about just being himself. His people have this idea that you have to be mean and tough, but Sam hates confrontation and has a serious lack of confidence. He has no idea he's my toughest character XD

B1- At the beginning of his story, Sam might try redirecting his attention to his camera to calm down. Later he makes freinds with Sonii, he pretty much gets adopted by Maria, and he finds out Jabatus is just as much if an art dork as he is- so he gets to relax and be himself around his friends!

B9- Sam doesn't feel brave or tough, and yet he has an anyoing habit of throwing himself in the way when something tries to attack a friend. I mean, it makes sense since he's got the bullet proof wings and all. I guess he assumes he can tank more damage then his friends and so he might as well give them a chance to escape?- But it makes writing theses scenes hard because everyone just ends up worrying about hecking Sam when I was aiming for development from another character! Darnit Sam! You're to friggin caring!

Wanna know why he got stranded on Sonii's island? It's this. Poor guy though he could out fly a roc XD

Daedalus Hunter swirltraveler

Polymorphus (I keep forgetting to tag people in this game, oops)

How about A2, B1, B7 for Samule?

The boy! Love him.

A1: Something they might have nightmares about

TW for murder

Oh, you know, picturing how his mom was murdered. While he's lucky to have been spared the sight directly, having been at work at the time, he found her body barely warm. Sometimes he wonders how long she was bleeding, or if her death was swift -- but merciful.

A9: Best way to push their buttons/make them angry

It's not hard to push his buttons, so besides this item, taunting him will make him get pissy. Continuing to do so despite seeing the signs? Well. You asked for it.

B3: Personality traits they like in others

He generally likes people who are curious in a sincere way -- like, those who ask questions and look forward to the answers.
He also likes the company of quieter people, since it kinda gives him a sense of nostalgia?

B10: Comfort foods

Let's just say that chocolate still tastes good when you're dead.



Ooo what about A1 A9 B3 and B10 for Daedalus Hunter

For the next person, you may choose anyone but the ones in the From Others or Species folder as they are less developed



Hmm, this thread sounds fun, how about A10, B1, B7, B10 and B13 for Wednesday?

(For anyone else, you may choose any of my characters except the following: Any characters in the Jigoku Sendai, Roppo, Nanatsuu, Tenki, and The Flaming Egg)

A9: The best/easiest way to make Nix mad is ruining his surroundings (i.g ruining an inanimate snowman he made, someone/thing peeing in his snow) or refusing to giving him something (refusing to give him Ice Cream), any situation that causes this will make him throw a tantrum.

B2: The things he's the most proud of is his attire and his abilities (which he uses to play with).

B7: He doesn't really have much habits other than playfully hiding in boxes or pouncing on people

B13: I love everything about him (the fact that he's a snow bunny, his chubby body, his abilities, his clothing, etc).

William RadiantRaindragon


For Nix - A9, B2, B7 and B13?

2. Insecurities

He worries a lot about what people think of him due to him being a ghost. The fact that most of the humans he'd encountered (who were actually able to see him) were frightened of him doesn't help. There's an underlying insecurity that something about his appearance or behaviour must be terrifying to others. In reality, it's just the shock of seeing a ghost that tends to scare people, no matter what it looks like.

7. How do they behave when drunk

He's not able to drink since becoming a ghost, and never drunk much as a human. But in a hypothetical scenario where he does get drunk, he'd probably be quite melodramatic and jump back and forth between sorrowful and lighthearted.

9. Best way to push their buttons/make them angry

Harming his friends would be an obvious one. Taking advantage of his kind nature would be another - while William enjoys being useful, he doesn't like the feeling of people walking over him just for the sake of asserting their believed superiority. There are also certain personality traits that he really hates. He has a hard time staying polite around arrogant people, misogynists, cheaters, violent people, or obstinately narrow-minded people.

10. What gets them flustered/embarrassed

Treating him with sincere kindness and consideration, because he's kind of... not used to that. He was a lowly servant before death and has spent several centuries as a ghost. He's not really accustomed to being treated like a person.

 Annabelle confusedthing


A9, A10, A2 and A7 for William?

A1. Something they might have nightmares about

When she was young there was a big fire near the place she lived and a lot of people were lost in that, she still has nightmares about that.

A13. How they behave when angry

She rarely ever gets angry and will usually just pout, if you manage to get her actually mad I guess she would ignore your existence. 

B9. People they look up to

Tayra! She seems to have her life under control (she hasn't :"D) and Annabelle admires that.

B11. Pet peeves

She doesn't like people who chew loudly. Also those who say "no but" or "but you have to admit xyz" when you say you don't like something. It just annoys the heck out of her.



A1, A13, B9, B11 For Annabelle

Anyone except ones from Adopted/Gift folder is fine!

Heck Logan Semety


Everette Seems cute. How about A2, A6, A10, B2 for him? 


A9 - There is no best way to push his buttons. He is a fae. He will make your life miserable and/or have you killed in nasty ways depending on how angry you get him. If you are a masochist, the easiest way is to thank him. That means you owe him, and just thanking your way out of a debt with words is just rude. Don't be rude to him, don't lie to him, and don't try to scam him. Basically he gets angry if humans dare to act towards him the same way he does toward them. He is a prince - also don't accuse him of lying because he literally can't, and don't be a heckler.

A13 - How they behave when angry? Smile in your face and stab you in the back. If he's just mildly angry he might pull a prank, steal from you, make you a target. He might do some of those anyway. If he's more angry he will plan, set spiders on an arachnophobe, harass someone as a crow. If he's really angry you're dead. But he will be super polite to your face while he plots.

B3 - Traits they like in others? He respects intelligence. Another plotter, who could follow through - that's a challenge. He would love having a rival, even if he personally hated them. He's unfortunately attracted to chaotic people and plan wreckers, people who just go for it. He does not particularly like these traits, but those kinds of people definitely get under his skin. 

B12 - He's a revamp of an older character I had. Scheming list god who was in a low brow criminal gang and pretending to be a secretary and a normal human. Heck's scheming ability and honey weakness come from him, as well as the thieving. This god was also a friendly neutral evil, and it wasn't much of a stretch to go from Irish god to fae. Some of his traits like crow form and being Scottish are because he's loosely based on a boggart. And his design and bits of personality were based on a moodboard I made.