What do you think the above user looks like?

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 2 months ago) by HistoryAddict

As far as I know I haven’t seen this thread anywhere, I checked the master list and on google (which is weird cause I really expected to see this somewhere) , so here I go!

I played this with a few of my online friends back in the day and it kinda just goes how it sounds

(I guess you could say this thread is kind of similar to What impression does the above user give you and guess the gender of the above member )

Basically, you just describe what you think the person above you looks like!


User1: I think you have medium teal-dyed hair, hazel eyes and glasses! You give me that vibe 
oh close! I do have short hair!

User2: ohhh, strong short hair vibes, not sure of what color though, maybe a natural color?


-Wait 3 people before posting again
-Try not to be rude with your answer or response! Not everyone is a perfect guesser
- be aware that someone may describe you completely different from how you actually appear, and that’s okay! None of us truely know eachother

( If you have a suggestion for another rule or a way to make this better my DMs are always open! )
Lmao I made this thread on my phone

You can start with me or first poster can go first, doesn’t matter to me!

not me being a beanpole-🧍

but also kinda close! i have a sidecut!



Literally like your pfp, short hair and glasses, maybe brown eyes? probably you only wear hoodies (at least at home)

I would say only the clothes are right, my hair is straight and really short, most of it is shaved, i have glasses but theyre more rectangle like and nope no freckles

surprisingly I don't look like my character, my character looks like young me tho


i'd guess curly black/dark brown hair, about bob length. probably projecting a bit of your PFP on that one though. fairly round facial features, maybe freckles? if you wear glasses, i'd expect round frames. and i'd guess warm colors for clothes + lots of sweaters, maybe some overalls/pinafores depending what you're into


oh that’s scary- that’s exactly what i look like! i am a bit on the taller side but not where i tower in a crowd, i’m very pale and lanky, i’ve got some freckles, and pretty short hair. only thing is that my hair is a mess!


My guess is kind of tall (not super tall!), pretty pale and lanky. Maybe light freckles? Probably shorter well maintained hair.

Pretty off hahah! I have a bit longer than shoulder length hair, natural mid brown with dots of dark blonde or copper in it. Definitely not a goth! I either dress like the biggest nerd (graphic tees and unique hoodies) or a lumberjack haha. I am short. I am tiny- I am 5'2 :( I used to play guitar but I quit a while ago out of disinterest!

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i feel like you either have long curly hair or medium length curly hair, most likely brown? you’re a bit short, pale skin, and you wear more femme presenting clothes but not over the top ones? (ei, you dont wear dresses very often).

ALSO you have freckles

VERY off! hoodies annoy me to absolutely no end. for like, no reason. i have long blonde hair and i’d say my eyesight is decent? i’m also 6’6”!


Based on your icon alone, I'm getting some alternative vibes when it comes to clothing an accessorizing, but you definitely have and wear hoodies a good bit. Maybe on the shorter side--the 5'2"-5'5" range--and I feel like you've got brown hair naturally, at least--might be dyed a bright color like red currently. You probably have bad vision--likely you wear glasses, maybe contacts.

Very off, I'm 5'2" and blonde with blue eyes. I do have pierced ears, though!


I would say your average height maybe, im getting fluffy hair but like a raven color not fully black but has a slight shimmer. or a dark brown hair color maybe green eyes? A blue tint though if that makes sense. You usually wear jeans and a hoodie? maybe some type of piercing also! And im guessing you wear glasses and maybe have like a scar on your neck? random guess it just fits though pfft

Damn im bad at guessing apparently 

OH GOD I WISH I actually have shoulder hair length thats brown, I dont own glasses actually! my favorite color is a light but dark green its weird and the pink in my profile picture! I do wear hoodies and flannels so hehe >:]


ohhh let's seee- i think you're on the taller side, with medium length kinda fluffy dark hair, maybe with shaved parts? you dress kinda casually masculine, i think you're a hoodie 'n flannel type person but like with lighter colors rather than dark. i'm gonna guess you're a glasses haver as well. you seem like your favorite color is green or somethin'

my hair's curly 'n brown actually! you got it right with it bein short though. i do love comfy clothes but i prefer to wear more muted colors or black usually :) oh 'n you think i'm taller than i am lol


i think you have black, close-cropped hair. comfortable pants, like sweatpants or something with a wide leg, but not afraid of wearing statement pieces like a unique piece of jewelery or a shirt with a bright, interesting design. glasses-wearer. 5'6"
not too far off; im definitely short and soft figure-wise. my hair is about shoulder-length, i'm growing it out long, and it's brown and curly :) my eyesight is abysmal so i wear glasses, but vintage/cottagecore probably best describes my fashion lol. the quilts thing is eerily accurate

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Curly brown hair, brown or green eyes, no glasses, slightly shorter than average, wears flannel too often. You probably have your ears pierced and go for comfort instead of style. You probably had/have braces or something similar, and you smile a lot.

Partially correct; I do have golden hair that goes to my shoulder, ear piercings, and bird shirts. (no inspirational quotes shirts, though xD)

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Just pulling this one out of nowhere, but I'm going to randomly guess that you've got some auburn, red, or brown hair, short but long enough to run your fingers through? This is just because both of your fursonas have reddish color schemes. Medium height, not too tall, not too short. I'd imagine that you have a bunch of clothing with (sometimes) corny jokes on them that can revolve around any of your interests (theatre and art especially!) 

Sort of! My hair goes to my shoulders, but it's a sort of wheat blond, in-between dirty and just normal blonde. I'm 5'2 lol. I am laid-back and extroverted, though I have anxiety so that sucks for me. Brown eyes, I do love foresty/natural color schemes and cats :)



Hmmm... I'm kind of going based off your sona... I'm guessing light brown hair, no longer than shoulder length possibly. Average height, pretty sure you like cats or felines lol. I feel like you may be a laid back person, easy to get a long with at most times. Green or hazel eyes maybe? I'm also getting forest aesthetic although that may be because of the color schemes on your profile and sona :)


(basing this off ur profile aesthetic)

i immediately thought of the "plant mam/mom friend" trope so i'm also basing this off that lmao LMAO,, I wanna say u have dirty blonde hair that goes down to ur ear, usually messy ! i think u may either have hazel eyes (with a lil yellow flecks, mayhaps) or just good ol' brown eyes. i believe u like to wear looser clothing, probs like earthy tones for shirt color choices n wear bell bottom jeans :] i also can't tell for height, ur either average or taller like 6'0’

not super far off actually !!

i do have pretty darkish brown hair dyed at tips (mermaid green or smth lol) it’s a lil longer, barely goes below the chest area

i actually do wear glasses and have been thinking abt getting contacts :o

i think i’m slightly above average? at least where i live lmao, 5’8’ to be exact